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Jun 19th 2023
🚀 In the Age of AI, personalized customer experiences are crucial for competitive advantage. Companies like Home Depot, JPMorgan Chase, and Starbucks are leading the way. #CustomerExperience #AI #Personalization @HBR

A quick recap🍿👇 Image
📈 Competitive advantage is based on the ability to capture, analyze, and utilize personalized customer data at scale. AI is the key to understanding, shaping, customizing, and optimizing the customer journey. #Data #AI #CustomerJourney
💡 Brands like Sweetgreen and Stitch Fix have designed transformative first-party, data-driven experiences as well. Personalization is the design target for every touchpoint. #ChallengerBrands #Personalization #DataJustice2023
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May 11th 2023
Welcome to #chatbotvoice2023 from Berlin.

I'm throwing up some tidbits around #conversationalai live from the 5th World Chatbots & Voice Summit from Berlin.
First up, Christoph from @GetCyara

We're talking testing and assuring quality in #conversationalai Image
Testing is an impossible manual task and it needs to be automated. Done wrong, it can cost heavily. So it is a huge, but important challenge. Image
Read 83 tweets
Apr 8th 2022
Attending @D2C_summit was enlightening. Here's what I've gathered from talking and listening to folks there - 🧵
The addressable size of the market for eCommerce in India by 2025 is $100B+. Plenty of room to grow in this vertical.
A majority of brands have emerged in the last 3 to 4 years, fuelled by growth from the pandemic and the need for mass customization.
Read 10 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
Building a mindful #metaverse -
1/6 There won't be an overarching #Metaverse in #web3. Each will have its own use case, economics, rewards, features, policies but ultimately - #interoperability is a must.
2/6 #Interoperability or Io, allows for #Metaverses to speak to each other.
#Metapolis is being built as the first L1 metaverse to make this a “reality.” #Blockchain will serve as the bridge. More on this in due time.
3/6 Consumer behaviour was changed by mall culture, digital marketing & later, the internet. The #Metaverse will change it again: #borderless, #accessible, open for all - an always-on layer of engagement.
Read 7 tweets
Mar 2nd 2021
So what's in #TrustworthyBook? THANK YOU FOR ASKING. The three-part framework draws from interviews and examples with brilliant, thoughtful, and generous leaders in marketing, design, and content strategy. Here are some of the highlights! 🧵
Trust starts by maintaining a distinct and consistent voice, visually and verbally. Who better to unpack that idea than the original creative and editorial team at @BananaRepublic? Remember their catalogs? #TrustworthyBook offers lessons from them for so many content types. 2/20 Closeup of catalog showing portmanteau jacket and Hunter S.
As your product roadmap, services, and brand itself evolve over time, you need tools to maintain your audience’s confidence. @Mailchimp teaches us about the challenges of growth and the value of creative and editorial guardrails for content creators and users alike. (3/20)
Read 21 tweets
Sep 22nd 2019
Omni Channel Analytics in the Interdependent Ecosystem getting better! 😎
The interdependent ecosystem of Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Whatsapp & Android etc.

My friend pinged me on Whatsapp about the new Netflix Bill Gates Documentary Series and sometime later, I saw a post
on my LinkedIn timeline about Bill Gates media interview that was done after the series got over. Everyone is selling me on the subject.

Interdependent #Ecosystem use Product #Persona that is different from the User Persona for upselling and cross-selling. #servicedesign #ux
Read 7 tweets
Mar 2nd 2019
@NarayanaHealth I am an User Experience Professional. I would like to pass my humble #feedback about OMNI CHANNEL Experience of Hotline Number 18602080208. It is easy to reach Ward Desk to enquire about the IN patient. Its extremely difficult to communicate a message
to the doctor through third party like Via Ward Desk, Out Patient OPD or Doctor's Personal Secretary. I belive the Hotline Desk should take the message, pass a copy to ward & another copy to out patient OPD and the Doctor will check it in due time.
Some tests need to happen at 7 am today for my Dad (In Patient). The tests didn't happen because Ward Representative was waiting for some pending permission. I came to know when I called Hotline and spoke to ward desk at 12.30 pm. Post that, it took me 3-4 unsuccessful attempt
Read 5 tweets
Nov 8th 2018
Abundance changes the perception toward Customer Service. More #sensors to be required to auto detect the fault with each #IoT #device / #appliance around Home, Pavements & Residential Areas. Picking up the phone to call & explain the customer representative is getting tiresome
Abundance changes the perception toward Customer Service. More sensors to be required to auto detect the fault with each IoT device / appliance around Home, Pavements & Residential Areas. Picking up the phone to call & explain the customer representative is getting tiresome with
Read 4 tweets
Apr 9th 2018
The #UX #Teapot Philosophy of Cohesive Vision Design Driven Organisation. The generic approach of Technology Companies to solve a problem in typical engineering way is to throw a lot of people for a challenge, pour in lot of money and then choose the most efficient solution.
However this doesn't work with UX. A famous Proverb as it says "World's 7 great artists sitting around a table drawing a tea pot all from their perspective of vision". That would be 7 different pictures all equally appealing and flawless. When you distribute designers
based on module with no centralize Design CoE to channelize and cultivate a cohesive vision design philosophy, all you receive is so many different perspective in the same product. It complicate the seamless integration of one module with another at all levels.
Read 5 tweets
Apr 8th 2018
@Dell @DellTech #UX Suggestion - Why Dell Help & Support app and Support Assist app are two separate apps? As an end user it only confuse me & lessen the #omnichannel experience. Even the name resonates! Also it is showing 2 different warranty status. Product Registration
process is also not optimized with dell website login & purchase details. An option to fetch data should be provided. I have to re-enter all the details manually in my laptop. Necessity of Warranty transfer must be conveyed to the user during the registration process,
it should not be something to be informed and compelled to perform in the time of crises (claim). #InternaLocusOfControl #DellLaptops #Inspiron
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