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Apr 26th 2023
The W.H.O. budget = 15% from U.S. government, 10% from Gates Foundation.
GAVI is also a Gates organization.
Fauci and #BioweaponsBoys offshored primate research to Sudan. Image
Because when you want a depopulation job done right you hire a genocidal war criminal.
Read 8 tweets
Apr 15th 2022
🌟 I'm proud of this article written by @jsolomonReports and myself. It is a one-stop-shop for proving WITH DOCS📄&📧 that Joe Biden benefitted from Hunter's foreign business dealings. 🤑 🇨🇳💰🇺🇦

Here's the text message exchange that indicates Hunter is the "bag man" for the Biden family. What that means is that Hunter collects the 💰 and pays all the bills. But the Biden's don't produce anything so what is he collecting 💰 for? What are they selling? (Hint: Your country)
Check out this great supercut of Biden's repeated lies put together by @tomselliott and the good folks at Grabien. Above Drill Down article demolishes every single lie.
Read 4 tweets
Apr 21st 2020
Do Some #journalism for once Felix. Who is Riverview Farms? Same entity giving cash to supervisors? What’s the word on the street?

Maybe the @MCWeekly can bury another story.

Buying politicians along the way.

#GrupoFlor and all that cash they poured into candidates campaigns - one way or another.

Including @RepJimmyPanetta

#PayToPlay @FelixKSBW
Read 3 tweets
Mar 28th 2020
1/ 🚨🚨🚨

Potter is an elected official who has access to millions of dollars - but as the @MontereyHerald reported - when @JoeLivernois & @Calkins_Royal were in charge - he wasn’t a great businessman.

But LH set up a trust to help him get his Casa in the CCBTS. Easy.


Now his job, when he isn’t performing his duties as Mayor of #Carmel, is lobbying for the billion dollar #marijuana business.

Convenient. Friends in #high places.

@mcgreevy99 has written extensively (@latimes) about the 420 industry and allegations of #publiccorruption

in #LosAngeles and #SantaBarbara county.

We know the County of San Luis Obispo was just raided under the authority of a sealed federal search warrant investigation (*reported* by @CalCoastNews )looking into #paytoplay - involving their elected board of supervisors - in
Read 12 tweets
Feb 26th 2020
@djrothkopf Please consider what you can do today to protect the foundations of Democracy!

Behind trump's antics, the Koch WH, Cabinet & agencies are weakening our rights, internet freedoms, citizen power threatening #ElectionSecurity, we’re at risk of state's #ConCon

Thread 1/
@djrothkopf There are steps we can take now to curb their power & protect Democracy. IF we're very focused & unified in our resolve and actions

- Secure Elections in States

- Stop #ConCon in states

- inform & engage our communities

- save Net Neutrality

2/ Resources & Citizen Actions ⤵️
@djrothkopf 2 cont’d/. NOW is the time to work & plan for the "if".

We don't have to agree on anything beyond opposing a Fascist RW takeover that endangers us all.

- vehemently oppose GOP judicial nominees

- End Citizens United & ALEC

- #GOTV & protect voting rights

Resources 👇
Read 19 tweets
Feb 23rd 2020
@Marston4ca42 Please consider what you can do today to protect the foundations of Democracy!

Behind trump's antics, the Koch WH, Cabinet & agencies are weakening our rights, internet freedoms, citizen power threatening #ElectionSecurity, we’re at risk of state's #ConCon

Thread 1/
@Marston4ca42 There are steps we can take now to curb their power & protect Democracy. IF we're very focused & unified in our resolve and actions

- Secure Elections in States

- Stop #ConCon in states

- inform & engage our communities

- save Net Neutrality

2/ Resources & Citizen Actions ⬇️
@Marston4ca42 2 cont’d/. NOW is the time to work & plan for the "if".

We don't have to agree on anything beyond opposing a Fascist RW takeover that endangers us all.

- vehemently oppose GOP judicial nominees

- End Citizens United & ALEC

- #GOTV & protect voting rights

Resources ⤵️
Read 19 tweets
Feb 20th 2020
@willwilkinson @Mickeefl @AdamSerwer Please consider what you can do today to protect the foundations of Democracy! 👇👇

Behind trump's antics, the Koch WH, Cabinet & agencies are weakening our rights, internet freedoms and citizen power. Threatening #ElectionSecurity, we’re at risk of state's #ConCon

@willwilkinson @Mickeefl @AdamSerwer PLZ take more citizen actions in addition to #GOTV
This is the battle of our lives... there is no one leader, org, election or candidate that is going to fix our long term Koch RW Network problem. It's up to each of us to work now...

@willwilkinson @Mickeefl @AdamSerwer There are steps we can take now to curb their power & protect Democracy. IF we're very focused & unified in our resolve and actions

- Secure Elections in States

- Stop #ConCon in states

- inform & engage our communities

- save Net Neutrality

3/ Resources & Citizen Action 👇
Read 19 tweets
Feb 17th 2020
@JadedCreative Please consider what you can do today to protect the foundations of Democracy! 👇👇

Behind trump's antics, the Koch WH, Cabinet & agencies are weakening our rights, internet freedoms and citizen power. Threatening #ElectionSecurity, we’re at risk of state's #ConCon

@JadedCreative PLZ take more citizen actions in addition to #GOTV

This is the battle of our lives... there is no one leader, org, election or candidate that is going to fix our long term Koch RW Network problem. It's up to each of us to work now...

@JadedCreative There are steps we can take now to curb their power & protect Democracy. IF we're very focused & unified in our resolve and actions

- Secure Elections in States

- Stop #ConCon in states

- inform & engage our communities

- save Net Neutrality

3/ Resources & Citizen Action 👇
Read 19 tweets
Feb 12th 2020
@waltshaub Please consider what you can do today to protect the foundations of Democracy! 👇👇

Behind trump's antics, the Koch WH, Cabinet & agencies are weakening our rights, internet freedoms and citizen power. Threatening #ElectionSecurity, we’re at risk of state's #ConCon

@waltshaub PLZ take more citizen actions in addition to #GOTV This is the battle of our lives... there is no one leader, org, election or candidate that is going to fix our long term Koch RW Network problem. It's up to each of us to work now...

@waltshaub There are steps we can take now to curb their power & protect Democracy. IF we're very focused & unified in our resolve and actions

- Secure Elections in States

- Stop #ConCon in states

- inform & engage our communities

- save Net Neutrality

3/ Resources & Citizen Action 👇
Read 13 tweets
Oct 28th 2019
10 people were charged in 4 indictments in a #PayToPlay bribery scheme involving several trucking companies in Utah and a FedEx ground hub manager.
Ryan Lee Mower was the FedEx hub manager & he was in charge of overseeing FedEx trucking contractors to make sure they all complied with FedEx policies. Mower was paid about $300K in bribes for allowing fraudulent runs, boosting mileage, and falsely reporting mileage & accidents.
Others arrested and charged were:

Yevgeny Felix Tuchinsky
Alexsander Vasiliyevich Barsukov
Konstantin Mikhaylovich Tomilin
Leonid Isaakovich Teyf
Felix Tsipelzon
Hubert Ivan Ugarte
Davor Kovacevic
Zlate Balulovski
William Shayne Murdock
Read 3 tweets
Aug 25th 2019
china and other foreign governments hire US firms like Capitol Counsel to lobby on their behalf.Take the time to read through this FARA filing and see that they also take some money and MAKE POLITICAL CONTRIBUTIONS to those they are lobbying. WTF?!?…
Hat tip to @abresler
So...china and other foreign governments ACTUALLY INDIRECTLY GIVE US POLITICIANS MONEY FOR THEIR CAMPAIGNS AND GET FREE TRAVEL UNDER MECEA. This is absolutely effing nuts. #china #paytoplay #liecheatsteal
Read 5 tweets
Jul 15th 2019
In #SDNY, Judge Berman in Courtroom 17B begins by saying he will NOT be making a decision on #JeffreyEpstein's bond application - says he will deliver his decision Thurs July 18 at 9:30 am. Still, hearing going forward today, victims are in court @SDNYLIVE - 1/x thread
On Epstein, Judge Berman says he'll give both sides 20 minutes if they want it. He's beginning with his own set of questions; burden is on government to show no set of conditions could reasonably be expected to bring Epstein back to court. Risk of flight 2/x
Judge Berman Question 1 for defense: how have you rebutted the presumption? To government: how have you been able to prove remand is appropriate. Question 2 (of 5) - since Epstein's had to register as sex offender in NY, FLA, Virgin Is. Q: What about New Mexico?
Read 36 tweets
Jul 2nd 2019
The MAYOR of #Scranton, PA, William L. Courtright, pleaded guilty to 3 felony corruption charges in a conspiracy to take bribes from vendors who did business with the city in a #PlayToPay scheme.

Oh, I have dyslexia today or what?

That should be #PayToPlay, not PlayToPay.
It looks like the Mayor just resigned yesterday.…
Read 4 tweets
Apr 11th 2019
More swamp drainage and lots of #PayToPlay 👇👇👇👇

Former Arkansas Senator Jeremy Hutchinson (R) and two former execs of a Missouri-based charity were indicted for embezzlement, bribery, and illegal campaign contributions.

The former "charity" executives were Bontiea Bernedette Goss, 63, her husband, Tommy Ray Goss, also 63, both of Springfield, Missouri.

The "charity" used to be known as "Alternative Opportunities Inc" from 1991 to 2015, when it merged with "Preferred Family Healthcare."
It was basically a big pay to play scheme.

The charitable org received Federal Funds (OUR MONEY) and bribed politicians and in turn, the politicians, including Hutchinson, gave them favorable legislation and money from #Arkansas general fund.
Read 3 tweets
Apr 2nd 2019
More swamp drainage. 👇👇👇

A Chairman of the North Carolina Republican party, a donor, an investment company founder, and a consultant were indicted for bribery and corruption.

Here's who was charged:

Greg Lindberg - Founder/Chairman of Eli Global LLC & Global Bankers Insurance Group (GBIG)

John Gray - Consultant for Lindberg

Robert Cannon Hayes - Chairman of North Carolina Republican party

John Palermo - Chatham County Chairman & Eli Global Exex
Looks like a typical #PayToPlay scheme.

Lindberg & co-conspirators bribed the public officials in exchange for actions that would favor their businesses.
Read 3 tweets
Mar 31st 2019
🔥 BREAKING: Because Trump and his Cabinet of Horrors will always find another way to pocket your tax-dollars: Trump proposes increasing funding for the charter grant program by 13.6 percent, from $440 to $500 million
and education secretary Betsy DeVos praised this increase as a step forward for “education freedom.” But the report finds that increasing federal funds for this program would mostly continue to perpetuate academic fraud.
🔥 Charter schools scammed the US Dept of Education’s Charter Schools Program (CSP) for up to $1 Billion in wasted grants that went to charters that never opened or opened only briefly before being shut down for mismanagement, poor performance, lack of enrollment, or fraud.
Read 6 tweets
Feb 9th 2019
Trump: Day 749
-Refuses 2 Hold MbS Responsible
-Whitaker Evasive in Judicial Hearing
-Inaugural Paid Hotel $175k Per Day
-Campaign Pays Javanka Legal Fees
-Appointed 8 Club Members 2 Admin
-Employed Pipeline of Undoc Workers
-Helping 2 Make N Korea Great Again
Day 854 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 705 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 76 tweets
Nov 10th 2018
Trump: Day 658
-Departs 4 Paris Armistice Parade
-Lies About Not Knowing Whitaker
-Sz More Press May Lose Credentials
-Played Central Role in Hush Payoffs
-Preventing Asylum w/ Proclamation
-Judge Blocks Keystone XL Pipeline
-Blasts Macron Upon Arrival in Paris
Day 763 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 614 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.

The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies
Read 70 tweets
Aug 18th 2018

Kavanaugh likely lied to the Senate during the 2000 judicial confirmation hearings.

Mueller reco’s PapaD sentenced to up to 6 mos in jail for lying to investigators in RU probe

Judge in Manafort trial says he has been threatened and is now under US Marshal protection

Trump’s revocation of security clearances could be construed as retaliation against a witness.

“It’s a federal crime (§1513) to retaliate against someone for providing truthful info to LE,”

“So he’s getting closer & closer to really dangerous ground here.”

60 intel officials & analysts sign new stmt “our firm belief that the country will be weakened if there is a political litmus test applied before seasoned experts are allowed to share their views”

Trump reverses PBO directive seeking to relax rules on cyber attacks.
Read 66 tweets
Aug 11th 2018
Democrats Fight #GOP Culture of Corruption to Make Washington Work for the People/1 #VoteBlue2018 #Midterms #Democrats #DemsWork4USA #WhyIVoteDemocrat It’s a vintage button with a donkey kicking an elephant saying “Kick out Depression with a Democratic Vote”
This week’s indictment of #GOP Congressman Chris Collins shines a stark light on the rampant culture of corruption and self-enrichment among #Republicans in Washington today/2 #Collins #CorruptGOP #SwampThings
..and the story continues to widen as reporters unearth at least six other #GOP current and former Members of Congress who have recently owned or sold stock in Innate Immunotherapeutics, the Australian company at the center of the arrest of Rep. Collins./3 #GOPCORRUPT #Collins
Read 20 tweets
Jun 25th 2018
🌿Buckle Up!🌿

The whole world sees it:
👉🏼Trump is doing lasting damage to the global order that made the US a superpower

Israeli firm under FBI scrutiny re targeted BDS activists via Black ops.

Brexit was a massive decision and people were targeted, lied to & ill-informed.
🌿Buckle Up!2🌿

The speed of this administration’s moral descent under Trump is breathtaking.

In a matter of months we’ve gone from PBO’s that stood for life, liberty & the pursuit of happiness to a admin that tears children from their parents & puts them in cages

🌿Buckle Up!3🌿

“There is an int’l understanding that people fleeing for their lives can’t follow all of the normal processes that may take months or years to work out, they have to get to safety immediately.”

’‘We are conducting death penalty cases in a traffic court setting”
Read 54 tweets
May 27th 2018
🌿On Precipice!🌿

#Espionage is a capital offense☠️

#TeamTrump engaged foreigners to subvert 2016 Elex: RU, CH, IS, who else?

Trump hired Black Cube (Israeli black ops) to target Obama officials re Iran Deal.😱

Oh Lordy! Spain has tapes!

Does Spain want DonJr’s cojones?
🌿On Precipice!2🌿

Did Spain flip a huge Mob King?🤗

Spain did expose a huge RU mob power network.

Is Blavatnik filling GOP coffers?

Bet FinCEN already examined Ghouliani’s finances.🤗

Ghouliani, Bolton, Chao, & 🐢 = #MEK 💰washers, who else?
🌿On Precipice!3🌿

Abuse of EB-5 visa program under scrutiny

Chinese pay big 💰for access to Trump

Who killed Bobby Kennedy? Case re-opened?🤔

Chinese agents of influence active in AU & US for decades?

We are so close folks‼️
Read 35 tweets
May 9th 2018
Thanks to Stormy & @MichaelAvenatti, we now have a much greater understanding of how Trump's Michael Cohen-based #PayToPlay funnel works.

It looks a lot like Cohen was selling access & influence.

Graphics h/t @frontera_julie

#TrumpRussia - #KleptoWatch💰

2/9 Avenatti's investigation has uncovered numerous payments to Trump's personal lawyer, Michael Cohen, from individuals & entities seeking favor from or access to President Trump. #PayToPlay #FollowTheMoney

Executive Summary:…
3/9 Viktor Vekelsberg is a Putin-connected oligarch recently questioned by #Mueller as part of the #TrumpRussia probe.

$500K transferred between Vekelsberg's US subsidiary company & Cohen raise significant questions about Putin's influence on U.S. policy.
Read 9 tweets
Jan 25th 2018
Trump: Day 369
-Demands $30B Ransom 4 His Wall
-Blindsided by Flynn Mtg w/Mueller
-"Would Love To" Talk Under Oath
-Allowed Dollar 2 Drop to 3 Year Low
-Stood Up by Group of Mayors
-Causing Rise in Laundry Appliances
-Interrupts Theresa May on Calls
-Skipping Town w/out Melania
Day 474 since Donald Trump admitted to sexual assault — yet he’s still in the Oval Office
Day 324 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama. #fakenews #TrumpLies
Read 43 tweets

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