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1/ Wer dieses bedeutsame Gespräch von @BBarucker mit Propagandaforscher Dr. Jonas Tögel und Psychotherapeutin Dr. Valeria Petkova noch nicht angehört hat, der möge es bitte dringend nachholen.

„Beide erkennen in der intransparenten und größtenteils nicht legitimierten … Image
2/ … massenhaften Anwendung von #Nudging eine potentielle Gefahr für die #Demokratie.“

Ein wichtiges Interview, auch über #SafeAndEffective, über eine der Schlüsselfiguren des #Nudgings in Deutschland, Cornelia #Betsch u. v. m.

Auch der Artikel des @cicero_online aus dem … Image
3/ … April hatte von Valeria Petkova berichtet, die laut @RalfHanselle in 2022 von @kbv4u, @BAEKaktuell und der Psychotherapeutenkammer in einem Offenen Brief eine Stellungnahme zum Einsatz manipulativer Psychotricks durch Wissenschaft und Politik …

Read 4 tweets
#VaccineHesitancy- “post-truth” era- #theWHO. Making up 61% of vaccine hesitancy is:
🔴Vaccine Safety
🔴Mistrust in Health Institutions
🔴Lack of efficacy
🔴Negative exp.
🔵7% conspiracy theories
It's a ⚠️MISTRUST BASED ON EXPERIENCE & RISK issue ⚠️ NOTt conspiracy issue! ImageImage
They are not hearing us or listening to the FACTS. They are stonewalling us. Vaccine hesitancy is NOT a result conspiracy theories But a result of fraudulent, conflicted & corrupted, regulator, safety & manufacturing processes that have caused Negative experiences (NO LIABILITY)
And nearly 10% of healthcare workers ⚠️⚠️⚠️KNOW IT.…
Read 13 tweets
@WelshGovernment @SeneddWales @vaughangething @PrifWeinidog @Eluned_Morgan

When are you going to start looking into this

You have had plenty of time now

Why have groups like @ukcvfamily & @VIBUK1 have to campaign to get us heard ?
Ive had email correspondence with my MP, who informs me that healthcare is the responsibility of @WelshGovernment , also Welsh Gov are responsible for the rollout of the #covidvaccines in #WALES

MP writes to Térèse Coffery & despite reminding her, there’s no reply
MP goes on to write, he hopes that I get a better response from @WelshGovernment

Yeah right!!!

I raised I’d had health problems after @ASTRAZENECAUK by email to Eluned Morgan April 2022

She didn’t want to know…
Read 15 tweets
1/ „At the time of the vaccine rollout we had been living under nine months of severe government restrictions, lockdowns, social distancing, mask mandates and bans on travel and even visits to a pub or restaurant. Sage … and the ‚nudge unit‘ had done ……
2/ … a fantastic job along with the rest of Government and the MSM in scaring us, while dangling the freedom carrot on a vaccine stick. This was nothing if not coercive. Were the population clearly told that they would be receiving an experimental, novel, unproven …
3/ … gene therapy, with no long-term safety data? No. They were told with a repetitive singularity that it was #SafeAndEffective and anyone asking legitimate questions was labelled dangerous, a misogynist, a racist, an idiot, reckless & a danger to society. A ‚granny killer‘. …
Read 4 tweets
If anyone you know still needs proof the C19 "vaccines" are dangerous, here are over 1000 scientific studies proving it. Those still pushing (or who pushed) this agenda are committing the indictable crime of gross misconduct in public office.…
These were published on this website in January 2022. Over a YEAR ago.

"COVID-19 Vaccines: Scientific Proof of Lethality

Post published: 5 January 2022 at

Just over 12 months from deployment of the COVID 19 emergency use experimental vaccines,  scientific studies in the thousands, and reports of criminal complaints of assault and murder from the illegal, unlawful use of biochemical poisons made to police forces around the country, verify an assault on an unsuspecting UK population. Irrefutable science shows that the COVID 19 vaccine is not safe and not effective in limiting transmission or infection from the SARS-CoV-2, coronavirus pathogens.

The “safe and effective” false propaganda, put out by public officials who now are continuing to push this vaccine, is a clear breach of duty. A public office holder is subject to, and aware of, a duty to prevent death or serious injury that arises only by virtue of the functions of the public office.

Many have breached that duty and, in doing so, are recklessly causing a risk of death or serious injury, by carrying on regardless of the now-confirmed dangers associated with COVID 19 injections. Some of these risks are blood clotting, myocarditis, pericarditis, thrombosis, thrombocytopenia, anaphylaxis, Bell’s palsy, Guillain-Barre, cancer including deaths, etc.

All of these are confirmed in the following science-and-government-gathered data from the UK Health and Security agency on COVID 19 regarding vaccine damage.

The term “vaccine” was changed recently to incorporate this illegal, unlawful medical experiment to facilitate usage of mRNA technology that is demonstrably not a vaccine, and which contains biologically toxic nano-metamaterials associated with 5G urban data gathering capability.

Metal nanoparticulates are known in science to be genotoxic—a poison that can also cause sterilization. The dangers posed to the victims in the near term from this medical battery are now known. However, the long term lethality of this weapon is not as yet realized due to the debilitating effects it has on the immune system, causing  Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome(AIDS).

We can now confirm the 2017 depopulation defence-intelligence documents, showing the planned murder of over 55 million across the United Kingdom by 2025 using this biochemical weapon.

The Medicines and Healthcare (products) Regulatory Agency (MHRA) had prior warning of the expected large numbers of adverse reactions before the deployment—confirming the premeditated nature of the crime and public conduct offences then and…
Studies 1-35 of over 1000 Studies Showing Scientific Proof of Covid-19 Vaccine Lethality


Read 34 tweets
1/ Viele Äußerungen der Vorsitzenden des @ethikrat /s @alena_buyx zur #Impfung gegen #Covid19 müssen im Rückblick als bedenklich betrachtet werden.

So war es unstrittig, dass im Zuge der Entwicklung & Zulassung der neuartigen genetischen #Impfstoffe Abkürzungen vorgenommen … Image
2/ … worden waren. Diese hatte beispielsweise der Virologe @c_drosten in seinem Podcast des NDR (Folge 16) in 03/20 auch explizit gefordert. So sagte dieser damals:… Image
3/ „Wir müssen einen #Impfstoff finden oder irgendein Medikament, das man den ÄLTEREN PERSONEN geben könnte. WIR MÜSSEN NATÜRLICH NICHT DIE GANZE BEVÖLKERUNG MIT IRGENDETWAS VERSORGEN, ABER ZUMINDEST DIE RISIKOGRUPPEN UND V. A. DIE ÄLTEREN PERSONEN, für die muss man jetzt … Image
Read 26 tweets
1/ Die Forderung des Virchowbundes nach einer Vereinfachung des ärztlichen Meldesystems für Impfnebenwirkungen aus 03/2023 war nicht neu:

Bereits in 01/2022 (!) hatte die Tübinger #Pandemie-Beauftragte Lisa #Federle diese Notwendigkeit an Minister #Lauterbach herangetragen: Image
2/ Dies geht aus folgendem Artikel der @StN_News hervor:

„‚Eine Kollegin hat mir allerdings erzählt, sie habe über eine Stunde mit dem Formular … gekämpft, um das eintragen zu können. Dafür hat man als Arzt keine Zeit. … So etwas muss unkompliziert gehen.‘ …
3/ Dafür sei letztlich das Bundesgesundheitsministerium zuständig. ‚Ich habe Minister Karl #Lauterbach in einem Telefongespräch auch gebeten, sich darum zu kümmern. Er hat es mir versprochen‘, sagte #Federle … .“

#Lauterbach war also früh auch darüber informiert worden, … Image
Read 10 tweets
You mean like provable #CauseAndEffect?

Like #HCQ a 70-yo drug, that IS #SafeAndEffective being #ConfiscatedAndProhibited from use, a historical first, CAUSED mistrust in our govt's National Health Advisor, Tony Fauci and the EFFECT led to countless unnecessary deaths. Image
Or maybe you mean, our govt classifying information that would save lives but expose the above #CauseAndEffect, forcing a legal FOIA request to expose, he was lying and KNEW that 1. people would dies and 2. it violates US #AntiTrustLaws to knowingly manipulate the market in order Image
to force the market to have no choice but to use a product you directly profit from?

So the first event; denying 333M Americans #HCQ, which was used successfully to ward off the #ZikaPandemic b/c of its' #AntiInflammatory and #AntiViral abilities for which it won a #NobelPrize Image
Read 8 tweets
1/ Schweizerische Ärztezeitung, 12/20:

„Ein Covid-19-Impfstoff muss in erster Linie sicher, in zweiter Linie sicher, drittens sicher und viertens wirksam sein. Warum ist die SICHERHEIT so hoch zu gewichten? Ein wesentlicher Grund dafür ist, dass bezogen auf die …
2/ … Gesamtbevölkerung bei über 90% aller Infizierten mit Covid-19 die Infektion leicht verläuft, insbesondere bei jüngeren Personen. Dies ist zu berücksichtigen, falls eine #Impfung von Gesundheitspersonal in Erwägung gezogen wird, welches weder vom Alter noch von den …
3/ … Begleiterkrankungen her einen schweren Verlauf erleiden würde. …

Es würde aber nicht angehen, bisherige Standards bezüglich Sicherheit in der Impfstoffherstellung leichtfertig über Bord zu werfen. Allfällige Nebenwirkungen autoimmuner Genese benötigen mindestens sechs …
Read 12 tweets
Day 3 of @CDCgov’s #ACIP covered COVID, COVID + more COVID 💉

Same story, different day. They are sticking w/ #SafeAndEffective despite all we have seen to the contrary 😈

See our 🧵 below as we break it all down

#ParentsAreWatching 👀
@CDCgov Propaganda Abounds: The only adverse events discussed were stroke + a brief mention of myocarditis. What about neurological issues❓

@gleehms @drolibro You know ppl are suffering from so much more‼️

Yet you STILL scapegoat COVID + flu virus as the culprit + not 💉#WeAreOnToYou
@CDCgov @gleehms @drolibro Myocarditis was acknowledged, although on the verge of being brushed over.

@mslynn_health @Wilburchenmd Why do you still recommend EVERYONE GET BOOSTED, especially college-aged kids who are MOST AT RISK for 💔❓

Read 12 tweets
I'm still "Safe & Effective" today because MANY brave anti-vaxxer conspiracy theorists spoke up & stayed loud.

Kudos from the bottom of my heart. I wish more people COULD have & WOULD have listened to you instead of "Trusting the Science".

#Moderna Image
FOIA Emails: Fauci WAS concerned re: NIH funding Ralph Baric's GOF research at Wuhan Lab. Baric shared reverse genetics techniques, mice engineered w/ humanized lungs & possibly a risky research proposal w/ W.I.V. senior scientist Zhengli Shi (Bat Lady).…
Dr. Reiner Fuellmich–Dr. David Martin Interview–“Fauci Created SARS in Lab”–No Novel CV–US Patents 1999–2002
US Patents Applied for as early as 1999 & Canine S Spike Gene Patent Granted in 2002
Video posted in July 2021.

Imagine if people had listened!…
Read 12 tweets
Day 1 of @CDCgov’s #ACIP meeting covered:

💉 Monkeypox
💉 Influenza
💉 Pneumococcal

Today was also the only day on the agenda for public comment.

Keep reading for details! 👀

Unlike C-19, they recognize natural immunity for Monkeypox.

What a concept❗️

They admitted most recipients failed to get the 2nd dose but gave no reason why. 🤔

Why do YOU think many didn’t take the 2nd dose❓
Monkeypox cases dropped drastically in both countries that vaccinated and countries that did not, yet they still give the credit to the 💉

@gleehms @drolibro @mslynn_health – Where is the common sense❓

Sounds more like 💉 dogma than 💉 science❗️

Read 12 tweets
Politicians are so blatantly corrupt in many ways. Some seek re-election repeatedly despite the fact that they messed things up, didn’t implement anything they promised.

It’s people to blame for getting them elected. Helping other countries while ignoring your own has been the…… Image
Read 18 tweets
1/ „Gesprochen werden muss über das Zulassungsverfahren für die neuartigen Corona-Impfstoffe. Hier haben wir es mit einem SKANDAL ZU TUN, aus dem wir dringend Konsequenzen für die Zukunft ziehen müssen.

Die #EMA und die EU-Kommission haben zusammen mit nationalen Behörden …
2/ #Gentherapeutika für eine ‚Impfung‘ gegen Infektionskrankheiten zugelassen. Solche Injektionen sind keine Impfung im herkömmlichen Sinn. … Denn sie enthalten keine Antigene, sondern den Bauplan für Teile des Virus, die der Körper selbst herstellen soll. …
3/ Aufgrund dessen führt die Injektion unmittelbar dazu, dass der Körper einen Schadstoff - und nicht wie bei herkömmlichen Impfungen unmittelbar einen spezifischen Abwehr- oder Schutzstoff selbst herstellt, siehe AMG §4 Abs. 4. Die Bildung von Antikörpern und damit …
Read 29 tweets
1/ Die EU-KOMMISSION unter Ursula von der Leyen übte offenbar deutlichen DRUCK AUF DIE #EMA aus mit dem Ziel, die Impfstoff-Zulassung zu beschleunigen:

„Laut einer der geleakten E-Mails berichtet ein hochrangiger EMA-Beamter von einer ‚angespannten‘ und ‚unangenehmen‘ … Image
2/ … Telefonkonferenz mit einem EU-Kommissar am 19. November, einen Monat vor der Zulassung des ersten Impfstoffs. In der Konferenz sei klar geworden, was auf die #EMA zukomme, falls sie Erwartungen zur schnellen Impfstoffzulassung nicht erfüllt, egal ob diese ‚realistisch …
3/ … sind oder nicht‘. …

Was in dem Gespräch mit dem Kommissar offenbar klar wird: Falls die USA und GB einen Impfstoff genehmigen, darf die #EMA nicht mehrere Wochen mit ihrer Bewertung hinterherhinken. So eine Verzögerung sei für die Kommission ‚nicht einfach zu …
Read 20 tweets
Die Einführung der Covid-19-Vakzine, stets als ein Riesen-Erfolg gefeiert, markierte leider auch zugleich eine fatale ZEITENWENDE in der Entwicklung und Verabreichung von Impfstoffen:

Thread 🧵
1/ Schwerwiegende Komplikationen, selbst mit Todesfolge, gelten seither als „Kollateralschäden“ der Impfkampagne, die von Politik und Wissenschaft scheinbar klaglos hingenommen werden, Beispiel Sinusvenenthrombosen/VITTS nach #AstraZeneca:
2/ Geschädigte Kinderherzen durch #Myokarditis oder #Perikarditis mit unklarer Langzeitprognose entlocken den Zulassungsbehörden und Politikern kaum mehr als ein gleichgültiges Achselzucken.
Read 12 tweets

I keep meaning to take a break from my extended Twitter tales however the stories don't end, and this one is far too juicy to ignore, so buckle in, turn on your higher brain functions, filter out the noise, the propaganda and the cognitive dissonance...
and contemplate what I'm going to share with you today....the bizarre and inexplicable, curious case of Japan (although stay to the end where all will be explained and revealed). And I'm dedicating this one to all the #JabberWankers out there who feel it's their civic duty to...
shame, smear, dismiss and cancel anyone who offers INFORMED dissent to the Pharma PR Puppeteered corporate media consensus talking points. You are the very engine that drives the absolute worst in humanity: blind, blithering, useless obedience to authority. It's how the educated
Read 16 tweets
We know mRNA vaccines aren’t safe. They know mRNA vaccines aren’t safe. They know that we know mRNA vaccines aren’t safe. Yet they keep promoting them as #safeandeffective

This has to be the largest crime against humanity since Adolf Hitler. A thread 🧵 for your awareness👇

Read 12 tweets
Want to increase your chances of developing dysautonomia? Get vaccinated!

New study in Nature Cardiovascular Research shows 2.2x increase in risk of dysautonomia diagnosis in 90 days after COVID jab vs. 90 days before. No increase after COVID Dx. 🧵…
Symptoms of dysautonomia include: tremors, breathing difficulties, temperature regulation problems, an inability to stay upright, vertigo, fainting, irregular heartbeat, gastrointestinal problems, fatigue and exercise intolerance, brain fog, sensory sensitivity, migraines & more!
While you're at it, you can also increase your chances of being diagnosed with myocarditis, POTS, mast cell disorder, UTI, dizziness, lower back pain, fatigue, edema, hyperlipidemia, anemia, hypertension, anxiety, depression, GERD, cellulitis, eczema & headache. #safeandeffective
Read 6 tweets
Governments enforcing Vaccine Mandates are unconstitutional. On top of it when they say politicians are exempt from these mandates, what does it really mean…


#VaccineMandates Image
It’s never about your health
It’s always about their wealth

Read 16 tweets
Would have been a good idea to put into one thread all the goofy excuses for the mass death caused by the novel technology. Will try.

1. Sleep position.

Read 14 tweets
😱😱😱War Room and Daily Clout teamed up to report on the Pfizer docs and the data is horrifying 1/🧵⬇️ Image
Pfizer and FDA KNEW BY DEC 2020 the shots waned, there was “vax failure” & “covid” was an effect.

In May 2021 Pfizer knew about the heart damage in kids & FDA rolled out the EUA anyway. Parents weren’t made aware til August.
2/🧵⬇️ Image
Pfizer & FDA KNEW MRNA, spike & nanoparticles didn’t stay at the injection site, instead traveling to the bloodstream & to liver, spleen, adrenals, lymph nodes & ovaries.
3/🧵⬇️ Image
Read 38 tweets…


"Although vaccination is recognized as the cause of death by doctors and the insurance company, it has refused to pay out. The reason is because the side effects of the Corona jabs are known and published. ..." /1
"... They argue that the deceased took part in an experiment at his own risk. Covid-19 in itself is not classed as a “critical illness”."

**According to the company, an experimental vaccination resulting in death is like suicide**

"The insurance company justified the refusal of payment to the family by stating that the use of experimental medication or treatments, including Corona injections, is expressly excluded from the insurance contract. ..."

Read 6 tweets

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