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A young woman who would repeatedly experience the smell of burning incense (when in reality none burnt)
1. It was nearing the end of a busy OPD, when 27-year-old Radha was brought for consultation, accompanied by her husband and mother-in-law. They all looked anxious.
2. Radha married Raj a year ago. All went well until three months after marriage and the family was very happy.
One day at 11 PM, Radha started complaining that someone is burning incense at home, when all were actually sleeping. They considered it a dream & asked her to sleep.
3. These episodes increased in frequency and occurred 3-4 times every week. She would complain of burning incense smell at different times of day or night, and these symptoms would last only a few minutes.
Her family thought it's a God's message to her to pray with more devotion
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Katastrophaler #Ärztepfusch am Uniklinikum Leipzig: durch bis zu 20 gröbste #Behandlungsfehler beginnend auf ZNA, GynĂ€kologie(E2.2), onkologischer Ambulanz & schließlich Intensivstation wurde meine Mutter das absichtliche Todesopfer auffĂ€lliger Ärzte der Leipziger Uniklinik.
Nach bis zu 20 gröbsten Behandlungsfehlern vorheriger Ambulanzen versuchten die ITS-Ärztinnen Rhea Veelken und Lydia Gaal der Leipziger ITS durch TĂ€uschung ĂŒber den Hirnschaden meiner Mutter Betreuer & Angehörigen zur Zustimmung zur Abstellung der Lebenserhaltung zu ĂŒberlisten. ImageImage
AuffÀlligerweise hÀngte sich die OberÀrztin Stocker der onkologischen Ambulanz in die AblÀufe der ITS rein, stattete eigenmÀchtig einen Besuch auf der ITS ab. In der Folge dessen wurde auf der ITS eine invasive Koronardiagnostik unterlassen. Stockers Besuch wurde nie dokumentiert
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đŸ©ș Todo comenzĂł cuando JosĂ© RamĂłn Regueiro observĂł enrojecimiento en el pecho. Como tiene un tono de piel claro y es alĂ©rgico al polen, diferentes mĂ©dicos lo asociaron a una reacciĂłn alĂ©rgica o autoinme. Ambas opciones eran errĂłneas. HabĂ­a algo mĂĄs.

đŸ©ž Sin un #tratamiento efectivo, se extendiĂł por todo el cuerpo. Entonces, el dermatĂłlogo @drpabloortiz, del Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre y tambiĂ©n profesor en @unicomplutense, propuso buscar en su sangre la respuesta. Y, por fin, llegĂł el #diagnĂłstico: #SĂ­ndromeDeSĂ©zary.
⚔El caso de JosĂ© RamĂłn es especialmente peculiar. Él es experto en #inmunologĂ­a. “Es el colmo de un inmunĂłlogo de linfocitos T, tener un #tumor en ellos, pero bueno, quĂ© le vamos a hacer”, comenta resignado y sin perder el humor.
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People often ask why structural variants (SV) are so important and why $BNGO is laser focused on revolutionizing the way they are detected in the clinic. Doesn’t the success of $PACB and $ILMN show that sequencing and the small variants it detects are what matters?
Let’s look at what happens in the industrialized world when a doctor orders a genome to be analyzed. If a child has a suspected genetic disease, medical guidelines recommend successive testing rounds until a pathogenic variant is found or all techniques have been exhausted. $BNGO
Before we go into detail, let’s start by pointing out that this NEVER involves long-read whole genome sequencing by $PACB or Nanopore. Never, nowhere. Those are niche sequencing technologies for reference genome projects but not practical for the clinic. $BNGO
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In 1920, Dr. Otto Warburg wrote the best grant request ever: "Request. I need 10,000 Mark."
The request was granted and in 1924 he decided to thinly cut and mount slices of rat tumor in Ringer solution. He then measured lactic acid (lactate) production.
Why? Well in 1863, Pasteur showed that a hypoxic environment induced the fermentation of sugars. Warburg essentially wanted to determine how tumors respire. It would follow that in a hypoxic environment, tumors would produce lactate.
Read 18 tweets
#Ayurvedic treatment of fatty #liver – real world evidence: A #Thread
Overweight woman, early 40’s. Routine liver tests, mild enzyme abnormalities. Advised #ultrasound liver, showed grade 2 #fattyliver. GP advised vitaminE and #weightloss, review in 3mo
Patient and husband doubtful. Hears fatty liver disease can lead to #cirrhosis. Seeks advice from #Ayurvedic practitioner nearby #home since #Herbal #DRUGS = safe. Assures complete #cure through #Ayurveda. Prescribes multiple #medicines, advises almost all foods restriction.
Lets look at medicines. #tablet APFIL. Packet mentions ‘for liver #diseases’. Which liver disease? There is #alcohol related, #hepatitis B/C, #NAFLD, primary biliary #cholangitis and more causes. Nine #herbs extract combo - clinical #evidence on safety and benefit ❌
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La mejor forma de aprender en #Medicina: ver pacientes, te retan! Hay unos que se quedan para siempre, a veces x las vivencias personales. La 2° mejor, relacionando. Por eso cuando doy clase de colangiocarcinoma, traigo a colación a Vicente Fdz y el "hígado 🌈". Así no se olvida.
Y quien no se sepa la anécdota: Vicente Fernåndez tenía un #tumor de Klatskin. Lo atendieron en Houston, le propusieron un #trasplante de hígado, que NO aceptó por una ridiculez. Finalmente se opero Chile, donde con el #DaVinci le hicieron una neoconfluencia biliar.
Pero de ahĂ­ ya sale todo un tema para desarrollar: el #trasplante de hĂ­gado en pacientes con #cĂĄncer! InteresantĂ­simo Image
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Good news! This new human #tumor microbiome study is excellent. They used hundreds of negative controls for contamination + an extensive combo of methods to identify #bacteria in 7 #cancer types (lung, ovary, pancreas, melanoma, bone, brain):
2/ Bacterial LPS + 16SrRNA were frequently detected in all tumor types, w/ #breast cancer harboring a particularly rich and diverse #microbiome. The image below shows LPS/16SrRNA in breast cancer cells. Bacteria were also found in normal breast samples from healthy subjects Image
3/ In one experiment the team grew live #bacteria from three main phyla (Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Actinobacteria) from fresh breast #tumor samples collected from women undergoing breast surgery
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Team finds persistent pathogen Bartonella in a high proportion of #tumor tissue + nearby spleen/#cardiac tissue of dogs with HSA - a #cancer that arises from cells lining blood vessels☝but did NOT find the pathogen in whole blood from the same dogs:
2/ Conclude 👉 “This work adds more evidence to the connection between #infection and cancer risk, and demonstrates that molecular testing of whole blood samples does not rule out the tissue presence of this pathogen [Bartonella]”:
3/ To be extra clear: this is an example of how the blood is often NOT a “sewer of the body” where #pathogens tied to chronic #disease can be found 👉 Rather pathogens in tissue, or in the CNS/brain, or even inside immune cells often require testing beyond blood to be identified
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Article says 97% of new drugs tested for cancers never make it to market 👉 IMO key to better #cancer therapies will require widespread recognition of the tumor #microbiome/virome...+ the fact that pathogens in such communities can drive changes in #tumor gene expression
Good example of the trend 👉 “Our study demonstrates that #pancreatic adenocarcinoma (PDAC) #microbiome composition, which cross-talks to the gut microbiome, influences the host immune response and natural history of the disease.”
Or 👉 “...these data indicate that microbial DNA is present in the #breast and that #bacteria or their components may influence the local immune microenvironment. Our findings suggest a previously unrecognized link between dysbiosis and breast cancer”:
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This general mechanism is also key to human chronic #disease development👇A persistent pathogen evolves to create a protein similar in shape to that of its host..and now this #pathogen protein docks into host receptors to control immune/metabolic signaling to its own advantage
2/2 To better understand what I’m talking about please watch this video I recorded on the topic (I try to explain it in simple terms): Image
3/3 Here’s an example of the phenomenon from our own papers 👉 The Vitamin D Nuclear Receptor (VDR) plays a central role in controlling the innate #immune response (it expresses TLR2, cathelicidin antimicrobial peptides etc)...
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Cool history in this article 👉 But, IMO, #immunology will not “come of age” until it becomes common practice to study the human #immune response in concert w/ the genetic + metabolic activity of the body’s microbial/viral ecosystems
For example, we should study T cell #immunotherapies in concert with the activity of #tumor-associated microbiomes☝ This study is a good example of how that trend has potential:
We also now realize that billions (trillions?) of #phages persist in human tissue/blood 👉 And certain phages can modulate innate #immunity via phagocytosis and cytokine responses..+ adaptive immunity via effects on antibody production:
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Interesting! 👉 But we may never find that holy grail (a common #microbiome dysbiosis tied to specific inflammatory conditions)☝B/c the microbiome is so vast..that the metabolic dysfunction driven by different #organisms can result in similar clusters of #inflammatory symptoms
Yet we can still use/develop treatments based off “big picture” trends 👉 Eg: no two patients w/ #cancer have the same #tumor mutations☝But #immununotherapy harnesses the broad potential of activated T cells to target tumors (w/ therapy “details” personalized per #patient)
Plus we’ve already established many common features of #microbiome dysbiosis 👉 KEY being the the ability of #microbes + #viruses to create proteins/metabolites that dysregulate human signaling pathways☝Good example here:
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