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Sep 30th 2020
#Debates2020 - A Thread.

My biggest takeaway from last night's verbal altercation between Biden, Trump and Wallace was not that DJT refused to condemn white supremacy (what else is new?), but that he threatened to incite America's first civil war.

The 1860s war between the Union and the Confederacy was not a civil war. A civil war occurs when two factions fight for control of the government. The Confederacy wasn't trying to take over the U.S., they were trying to leave it.

Trump intends to fight for control.
Joe Biden's and the Democrats' shared goal is to win the election, so he says to his supporters, "vote." Donald Trump's goal is to remain in power, regardless of the election, so he says to his supporters, "Stand by."

But that was not the most terrifying/enraging line.
Read 7 tweets
Sep 11th 2020
I just emailed the following to @SpeakerPelosi and @SenSchumer:

"In Feb., Donald Trump willfully chose to lie to the American people regarding the nature and severity of the coronavirus. As a result not only of his delay, but of his deceit, we will soon have 200,000 dead. 1/5
Now, with every campaign rally, he is willfully creating circumstances and environments that increase the likelihood of participants becoming infected. 2/5
In his treatment of the coronavirus, he has, all along, courted death. Now he is inviting it upon his own supporters. He is, in effect, committing democide, killing American citizens.

Read 5 tweets
Sep 5th 2020
šŸ”„BREAKING NEWSšŸ”„@realDonaldTrumpā€™s bone spurs were actually just birthmarks on both heels. They were identifying marks if it was needed. Hereā€™s the proofšŸ‘‡ #DraftDodgingDonnie #TraitorTrump #TrumpHatesOurMilitary
Read 3 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
Trump is a terrorist.
He has caused the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of our loved ones. Will my child next?
He has ordered attacks on his own people.
He has desecrated the memory of military heroes.
He has caused economic catastrophe. Millions may lose their housing.
How is it that he is still in office? This simply cannot stand! Not in America!
Open hearings NOW in the @HouseJudiciary @HouseIntel to expose him to the world. Let the people see the monster behind the iron gate. @SenSchumer @RepAdamSchiff @SteveSchmidtSES @glennkirschner2 Image
He has been loosed on America by the Senate GOP. They own this disaster. #EnoughIsEnough If @Senateg
had any love of country, they would force Trump to resign. #TrumpResignNow #TrumpResignNow #TrumpResignNow #TrumpResignNow #TrumpResignNow #TrumpResignNow #TrumpResignNow
Read 3 tweets
Sep 4th 2020
With all respect for those who want to vote Trump out of office - voting him out means letting him stay until Jan. 20.

He does not deserve to remain Commander-in-Chief for one more day.

If you agree, here are 3 things you can do TODAY to make #TrumpResignNow...
1) Call the White House at (202) 456 - 1111. They will ask you for a BRIEF comment. Need a script? Here you go: "Donald Trump is #UnfitToServe as Commander-in-Chief and should resign today."

Let's flood their phone lines!

2) Visit the White House website and leave a comment on their "contact" page.

Don't know what to say? Try, "Donald Trump is #UnfitToServe as Commander-in-Chief and should resign today."

Let's crash their server!

Read 12 tweets
Aug 26th 2020
THREAD: Domination-based culture is what the GOP is selling. -- As the Republican Party leans more and more into what seem to be impossibly contradictory positions, we need to understand Trump's base isn't about what's rational. It's about the visceral pleasure of domination. /1
It was repellent to me, when, during the 2016 primary, Trump created nasty little nick names for every other GOP candidate. Back then, the first time I heard him call Marco Rubio "Little Marco" I was disgusted. This was straight up playground bully talk. /2
One simple act would have changed everything in the 2016 primary. If Marco Rubio or Ted Cruz, who's wife Trump openly insulted, had walked over and punched Trump in the face on national television. But they did not. They took the bullying and Trump became president. /3
Read 19 tweets
Jul 13th 2020
Iā€™ve never been this outraged for this long about continued assaults to justice & decency & the constitution EVERY DAY. Endless corruption. #TrumpResignNow
Let me be clear. I can be outraged without giving up. Iā€™m never giving up on a better America. Stating the reality only makes me more determined to fight for justice.
ALSO - in order to keep fighting & to be strong, we need to take breaks, connect w/beauty & humor & goodness & creativity so that we are filling our own cup. We can do both. In fact, it's essential.
Read 3 tweets
Jun 17th 2020
Trump & SCOTUS....there're several cases at SCOTUS where T wants to win. DACA, LA Abortion Case, T's tax immunity 2 cases.
Look at these: DACA. T will regret the day he ever pushed for this. He wants DACA declared Illegal so he can hold...then ask Dems for wall $

I feel SCotus will rule illegal but when T tries to use pressure on dems to give him money they won't as too close to election..then T will try to sway Hispanic vote by saying dems didn't care nuf about kids to keep from deporting. Those voters aren't dumb & won't vote for him
Biden will save the kids & clean up DACA. The abortion case was like the Texas case and should be a no brainer but with Kavvy it might not go like TX case. Women will rebel if Abortion rights taken/abolished so Trump will lose women voters.
Read 8 tweets
Jun 16th 2020
"#Cuba is known worldwide for its universal public #healthcare system, but the #embargo has led to shortages of #medicines and #medical supplies, particularly for patients with #AIDS and #cancer"ā€¦ #Trump #CubaEmbargo #COVID19 #Covid_19 #coronavirus
"While #BernieSanders paid a #political price for uttering something positive about #Cubaā€™s #literacy program, the current #pandemic has shown the whole world the heroic side of Cubaā€™s #healthcare system."
by @medeabenjaminā€¦ #health #coronavirus #Covid_19
Read 5 tweets
Jun 4th 2020
So, Barr is running the DC paramilitary show to protect the frightened bully in the high tower..
#BuildThatWall #ThursdayThoughtsā€¦
2-"From an FBI command center in Washingtonā€™s Chinatown neighborhood, Attorney General William P. Barr has orchestrated a stunning show of force on the streets of the nationā€™s capital -- a battalion of federal agents, troops and police designed to restore order, but one that
3-"critics say carries grim parallels to heavy-handed foreign regimes. Barr was tapped by President Trump to direct the national response to protests and riots over police misconduct since the police-custody death of George Floyd in Minneapolis.
Read 6 tweets
Jun 3rd 2020
Looks like Trump's postponement of the G-7 had to do with more than just Covid
Seems other World Leaders are isolating him, don't want to come bc of his behavior...
Big surprise
2-"As late as last Thursday, European and American officials say, Mr. Trumpā€™s plans for a Group of 7 summit meeting in Washington were being negotiated with member countries and looked likely to go ahead. Then, on Friday, Mr. Trump suddenly announced that he was pulling the
3-"United States out of the World Health Organization, more than two weeks before his own stated deadline for the decision. As so often in the past, on issues like unilateral American withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal or the Paris climate accord or the Open Skies treaty or
Read 4 tweets
Jun 1st 2020
Trump is clearly incapable of speaking to the Nation to salve our wounds, rather, he appears to think his job is to shout his views on Twitter & from his bully pulpit as he hides in a WH Bunker..
Good question: who can speak to us now, who can fix this?
2-All weekend there's been word from the WH that staff have been 'working feverishly' to fix 'this' (which this?) that they've been 'encouraging' Trump to speak
but he hasn't & he shouldn't bc he fans the flames
He should resign
#TrumpResignNow #BunkerPresident
3-I'm also hearing that he's freaking out bc #protests2020 have closed cities when he wants to return to normal & he thinks Suburban Moms want safety so that's what he's focusing on bc he needs us back
We NEED Obama now, we don't have him..
Trump is just unfit
HE is the problem
Read 3 tweets
May 30th 2020
Every problem weā€™re facing, Trump either created it or made it worse. So yeah, everything is Trumpā€™s fault. Fuck him. #TrumpResignNow
The real reason Donald Trump just tweeted ā€œMAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSEā€ā€¦
Donald, you are a stupid, stupid manā€¦
Read 10 tweets
May 30th 2020
Trump is 'warning' #DCProtests of the 'vicious dogs' & 'ominous weapons' that the Secret Service have..
& in a tweet quickly taken down, he called for 'MAGA NIGHT' tonight
Trump is SCARED shitless right now..
2-Trump tweeted:
"Big crowd, professionally organized, but nobody came close to breaching the fence. If they had they would.... ....have been greeted with the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen.
3-"Thatā€™s when people would have been really badly hurt, at least. Many Secret Service agents just waiting for action," he added.
The president also appeared to call for a counter protest, tweeting: "Tonight, I understand, is MAGA NIGHT AT THE WHITE HOUSE???"
Read 3 tweets
May 30th 2020
@realDonaldTrump @SecretService Hey, asshole.

Last night was already MAGA NIGHT with white nationalists dressed like black bloc, smashing and setting fire to black owned businesses all over the country. I think we can do without another MAGA NIGHT, you syphilitic chode.
@realDonaldTrump @SecretService "Every single person arrested in Minneapolis last night was from OUT OF STATE." ā€“ Melvin Carter, Mayor of St. Paul
@realDonaldTrump @SecretService Accelerationism: the idea inspiring white supremacists around the worldā€¦
Read 5 tweets
May 30th 2020
2-"A large crowd in Washington chanted outside the White House, prompting the Secret Service to temporarily lock down the building...[protesters knocked down barricades, spray painted other buildings...]
3-"A march in Houston ... the windows of a police S.U.V. were smashed and at least 12 protesters were arrested. .. the police shut all roads into and out of downtown
Read 9 tweets
Mar 31st 2020
ā€œMost of the masks are leaving the country...43 million masks were available in New Jersey, [but these], along with many million more, didnā€™t go to any domestic buyer. Instead... they were all purchased by foreign buyers."
"Market forces" are depriving our healthcare workers of life-saving N95 masks. Trump has the power to FIX this and has FAILED.
"By the end of the day, roughly 280 million masks from warehouses around the U.S. had been purchased by foreign buyers and were earmarked to leave the country, according to the broker ā€” and that was in one day."ā€¦
Read 3 tweets
Dec 19th 2019
Little run-down from Trump's MI rally rant last night. It was his longest yet at 2hrs & 1 min.
And God, it was just AWFUL. #ThursdayMotivation #TrumpResignNowā€¦
2-" as Trump kept talking and kept delaying his return to Washington. His face flushed and grew slick with sweat, and his voice strained. He bragged and fumed, imitated and mocked, cast himself as a victim and attacked those who dared to challenge him, including a recently
3-"widowed congresswoman. He chastised the arenaā€™s security guards for not aggressively grabbing the wrists of a protester being removed. He spoke extensively off the cuff, then suddenly switched to a traditional campaign speech, then cut himself off with a tangent.
Read 23 tweets
Aug 8th 2019
So with all the crazy scary shit that has been taking place in our country I have been finding myself having feelings and emotions that I have not felt since the first few months after September 11th happened.

Only this time itā€™s our government that is either committing these horrible inhuman actions and or fanning the flames of the fires that are prompting people to commit these crimes. Quite frankly that is far scarier to me.

I am genuinely scared right now, even of people I have known for almost my whole life. I have heard words come out of peopleā€™s mouths in the last few days/weeks that have left me speechless, shocked, mortified, and terrified.
Read 6 tweets
May 30th 2019
Muellerā€™s findings were damning: Trump welcomed Russiaā€™s interference in our elections. Trump benefited from these crimes. Trump and Republicans in Congress are doing nothing to stop it from happening again. Congress must protect our democracy #ForThePeople #TrumpResignNOW 1/
Likely because he stands to benefit ā€“ again, Trump has done nothing to prevent another Russian attack of our elections and, in fact,
has made a future attack more likely. Republicans in Congress must join with Democrats to protect our democracy #ForThePeople #TrumpResignNOW 2/
From the start, Trump abused his power by obstructing any probe into Russiaā€™s attack on our democracy. Although Mueller found
evidence of bad acts anyway, he made clear that Trumpā€™s actions negatively impacted his ability to get at the full truth
#ForThePeople #TrumpResignNOW 3/
Read 7 tweets

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