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Feb 27th 2022
As always, context matters! This only applies to Australian Humpback whales. Other populations are still listed as #endangered by the USA & all are in @CITES Appendix I. The @IUCNRedList assessed Humpback whales as a Least Concern species for #conservation…
I also find this interesting because I often see people who study #conservation & #WildlifeTrade argue that CITES and US Endangered Species Act listings should all mirror the IUCN Red List assessments. But I doubt the same people would agree when it means removing protections...
Necessary Reminder: Each of these 3 systems are independent processes because each serves a unique purpose. They can overlap & feed into one another, but to assume they should always agree is to misunderstand the policies & processes they represent #WildlifeTrade #ScienceTwitter
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Jul 8th 2021
La siguiente pandemia 🦠🤒

La mayoría de las enfermedades infecciosas nuevas surgen por el contacto entre animales y humanos

Es importante conocer la cantidad de patógenos transmitidos por esta vía, especialmente #virus y así poder limitar el contacto con ellos


El probable origen del #SARSCoV2 en un mercado de animales ha puesto al descubierto una vez más, el papel que juega el comercio de #VidaSilvestre sobre posibles zoonosis, es decir, enfermedades transmitidas de animales al ser humano 🦆➡️👵🏻

Otra #pandemia de origen zoonotico es la de #VIH

Este #virus se ha transmitido en múltiples ocasiones desde otros primates hacia el ser humano debido al contacto muy probablemente por la caza para obtener carne y para comerciar como mascotas exóticas 🐒

Read 11 tweets
Jan 13th 2021
The webinar on closing the loopholes in the #EU #wildlifetrade regulations, organised by @meps4wildlife in collaboration with @HSIEurope & @prowildlife, is about to kick off! We’ll be live tweeting during the debate. #StolenWildlife #EUBiodiversity
What a great panel! Thanks to @mhojsik from @RenewEurope for hosting the webinar🐍🦎🐢 #StolenWildlife #EUBiodiversity
.@mhojsik opens the discussion and points out that “non-charismatic” species like #reptiles and #amphibians play an important role in ecosystems and are often overlooked when we talk about trade regulations. #StolenWildlife #EUBiodiversity
Read 14 tweets
Jan 12th 2021
Five years ago today, USFWS banned 201 species of #salamanders from entering the US to prevent a #chytrid extinction crisis (see here:…) Unfortunately #frogs can also carry this pathogen & their door remains wide open:… #WildlifeTrade
As a freelance #WildlifeTrade scientist, my work integrates #science & policy to help reduce potential harm trade may cause. The example above shows the dangers that occur when government laws & policies don't keep up with scientific progress (2/N) @NatGeo #nature #OneHealth Image
After @USFWS enacted the 2016 #WildlifeTrade restriction to help keep this deadly fungus out of the US, it was found that frogs can also carry this "#salamander" pathogen. Thus #frogs might be carrying 2 species of #chytrid into the US (see…) #SciComm (3/N) Image
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Dec 4th 2020
Since the #WildlifeTrade and #COVIDー19 are back in the news, might be a good time to share my @NatGeo story again:… #Science #OneHealth @InsideNatGeo
This is what I want people to understand about the #WildlifeTrade and spread of diseases, from my personal experiences. We need to start fixing this *now*, before the next #wildlife or human pandemic:… via @NatGeo #ScienceTwitter #SciComm #OneHealth Image
The reason I'm so passionate about this #WildlifeTrade issue is b/c I truly believe solutions already exist but the tools are spread across different agencies. What can be done? I'd love to help build a collaboration between @CDCgov, @USFWS, & @USDA as a place to start #OneHealth
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Jun 23rd 2020
Two #pangolin were saved frm illegal #wildlifetrade and a certain death....thanks to a joint op by @WCCBHQ #Mumbai and #Nanded forest division @MahaForest. 7 men hav been arrested. They had evn put up a video of the pangolin online fr sale.
Info & Images @IfsAshish
#Pangolin is a widely trafficked animal. Meat is considered delicacy.. also due to sum alleged medicinal values. Scales are used in traditional oriental medicines as an aphrodisiac and to cure asthma, psoriasis, cancer. Bile nd claws r reportedly used by svlr tribal communities.
Pangolins are smoked or dug out of their burrows and dipped into boiling water to extract the scales. Poachers who are contacted by traffickers lure local tribals to locate the animal and at times even trap it. Hunting or trade in pangolins in #India is a criminal offence .
Read 6 tweets
Jun 16th 2020

Wildlife has been linked to the outbreak of #COVID19 🐾😷

This has led to calls on social media for changes in how #wildlifetrade is managed

How has this link between #wildlife and #COVID__19 changed the #twitter discourse on wildlife trade? 🧐
2/6 #SSWGTC20 #MarSocSci

How has interest in wildlife trade changed?🧐🐾

🗓️ 2019 ¦ 2020
📣 Tweets: 7,553 ¦ 32,806
🔁 Retweeted: 42,325 ¦ 132,607
❣️Avg Sentiment: -0.48 ¦ -0.74
🐦 Unique Users: 4,975 ¦ 19,810
🌍Unique countries: 99 ¦ 140
3/6 #SSWGTC20

How have the topics discussed changed? 🗣️🤷

🔝 2019 ¦ 2020
#wildlife ¦ #wildlife
#iwt ¦ #coronavirus
#conservation ¦ #covid19
#wildlifecrime ¦ #china
#trade ¦ #endwildlifemarkets
Read 7 tweets
Mar 31st 2020
We need some inspiration. Join us to celebrate people fighting for our planet w/#30EarthMonthHeroes. The rules: 1⃣Tag a person who does great things to protect the environment 2⃣tag+thread another the next day 3⃣Repeat thru April. Explainer via @TaotaoTasi…
1) One of our #30EarthMonthHeroes is our previous president @brooke2cents. Beyond the leadership she provided us, Brooke trains conservationists on how to design outreach plans that motivate action. Check out her work on sustainable fishing in Mongolia:…
Read 31 tweets

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