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Oct 11th 2020
We need to talk about just how corrupt we've allowed #democracy in #America to become, to the point it isn't democracy in many respects. And we need to stop #partisan squabbling and get to fixing it before we end up a one-party state, like #China. Thread👇
In 2019, writing the decision for Common Cause v. Rucho, Chief Justice Roberts closed off the federal courts as an avenue for addressing partisan #gerrymandering, instead telling citizens to propose state constitutional amendments.
In many states, with statehouses #gerrymandered beyond reach of the people, or otherwise beholden to special interests, these citizen-amendments are the only avenue left for addressing #democracy reform and other policy concerns.
Read 26 tweets
Oct 11th 2020
Cornell University researchers find #Trump to be the #1 spreader of #coronavirus #misinformation, lending massively to #America's horrific #pandemic performance, compared to other countries, and the 210k+ death count.…
Cornell researchers analyzed 38 million English-language articles about the #pandemic to distinguish the largest sources of #misinformation and #conspiracy theories. #Trump was the largest driver, instigating nearly 38 percent of the overall “misinformation conversation.”
Public health experts have long known that clear, concise and accurate information is the foundation of an effective response to an outbreak of infectious disease.
Read 7 tweets
Oct 11th 2020
The key takeaway from the #VPDebate2020? Same as for the #PresidentialDebate2020:

#Trump admin refuses to commit to democracy.

The correct answer, in #America, #Pence, to "what would you do if your #president attempts a dictatorial coup," is "I would pitch his authoritarian ass out the White House door myself."

Dodging that question is damn near as good as #treason.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 11th 2020
"I just want the record to show" #Pence "never answered the question" about how the #Trump admin. would make insurance companies continue to cover people with #PreExistingConditions (because they won't) when Trump overturns the #ACA in court.
That said, #Harris and #Biden should answer. Why does anyone think it would be wrong to increase the court seats when the #GOP leaves it unbalanced 6-3? The courts are supposed to be impartial, not partisan. If #Barrett gets appointed, #Dems absolutely should add until it's even.
And then they should set a system like @AndrewYang proposes, and like #Dems just proposed, to set term limits and cycle judges in a fair manner that will maintain ideological balance. The way it works now is ridiculous.…
Read 5 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
After the #senate gave up on stimulus, offering an emaciated $0.5T, #Trump is desperate for a deal to win voters. After starting new negotiations, low-balling, calling it off, then calling it back on when stocks dropped, he's bumped his offer to $1.8T.…
Unfortunately, it's all ultimately pointless, as it would still have to go through the #senate and #McConnell still says a stimulus deal is "unlikely in the next three weeks," even going so far as to call economic relief for starving #Americans an ”extraneous issue.”
#McConnell considers packing the supreme court to be the ONLY priority. Two sources close to #Senate leadership said #Trump is desperate and has zero leverage to push them to support a bill.
Read 6 tweets
Oct 10th 2020
In an interview, #Trump called for his political opponents – #Obama, #Biden, and #Hillary - to be jailed, relating to 1,000 pages of unverified documents rejected by both #Dems and #Reps on the Senate Intelligence Committee as Russian disinformation.…
The spurious documents suggest Clinton personally tried to “stir up a scandal” against Trump by “tying him to Putin and the Russians’ hacking of the DNC,” and that Obama was aware of her actions.
Trump: “Unless Bill Barr indicts these people for crimes — the greatest political crime in history of our country — then we’re going to get little satisfaction. And that includes Obama, and that includes Biden.”
Read 13 tweets
Feb 12th 2020
1/ #Tulsicrats, we’ve learned from the NH primary that we have built a strong foundation & that our leader @TulsiGabbard is uniquely talented at running a lean campaign.
@TulsiGabbard 2/ Other candidates spend a lot & they will inevitably drop out if their spending doesn’t bring results by or before Super Tuesday. We, tens of thousands of diehard #Tulsicrats support @TulsiGabbard, not because she's popular, but because we believe in her.
@TulsiGabbard 3/ We will easily keep her in the race while the field narrows because of low spending as long as we adjust our strategy:
The reason we are sad is that we have had high expectations.
@TulsiGabbard used to say she’s a turtle 🐢. She’s running an unconventional campaign.
Read 14 tweets

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