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⚠️THERMONUCLEAR BAD—Hospitals completely overwhelmed in China ever since restrictions dropped. Epidemiologist estimate >60% of 🇨🇳 & 10% of Earth’s population likely infected over next 90 days. Deaths likely in the millions—plural. This is just the start—🧵
2) Summary of #CCP's current #COVID goal: “Let whoever needs to be infected infected, let whoever needs to die die. Early infections, early deaths, early peak, early resumption of production.” @jenniferzeng97

Dead bodies piled up in NE China in 1 night—
3) Doubling time in China may not be days anymore. Doubling time now possibly “hours” says some experts — let that sink in. R is hard to calculate if doubling is <1 day because it’s hard to PCR test that fast. The point is 🇨🇳 & the 🌎 is in deep trouble.…
Read 35 tweets
#Covid «I rapporti dalla #Cina indicano che #BF.7 ha la più forte capacità di infezione tra le sottovarianti #Omicron nel paese, essendo più veloce da trasmettere rispetto ad altre #varianti, con un periodo di incubazione più breve»

#Covid #Variante #BF7 ha R0 da 10 a 18,6.
Vuol dire che 1 positivo può infettare a una media di altre 10-18,6.


#Covid I sintomi della #variante #BF7
Tosse, mal di gola, naso che cola, febbre, affaticamento.
Alcune persone hanno sintomi gastrointestinali, come vomito e diarrea


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REPEALED—The FDA has now withdrawn authorization of the last #COVID19 MAB drug bebtelovimab, citing it is not expected to neutralize the dominant BQ.1 & BQ.1.1 subvariants. This takes away the last COVID monoclonal antibody treatment. Losing the tools!… Image
2) For treatment of COVID, this was the last MAB. While Evusheld is still authorized, it’s for pre-exposure prophylaxis (prevention) in limited people. But even then it has limited efficacy against the newer #BA5 Omicron variants.…
3) Earlier in October, FDA already warned doctors prescribing @AstraZeneca's Evusheld to inform patients of

"increased risk for developing COVID-19 when exposed to variants of SARS-CoV-2 that are not neutralized"… Image
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🧵Today marks 1 year since the WHO designated #Omicron a Variant of Concern. This most infectious and immune-resistant variant was seized upon to scrap all remaining mitigation measures and normalize the pandemic globally. #CovidIsntOver #BringBackMasks 1/…
Over the past year, billions of people have been infected globally. Officially, 1.4 million people have been killed by #Omicron, but excess death estimates place the real global death toll over the past year at 5.2 million, or 1/4 of all #COVID deaths. 2/…
Excess deaths are now elevated everywhere, a reflection of the horrific toll of #LongCovid and the reverberations of the mass infection policies implemented by nearly every capitalist government in response to Omicron. 3/
Read 42 tweets
BREAKING—Beijing officials are recommending all residents of Chaoyang (mega district of 4+ million) to stay home on Monday—do not go indoors publicly, and do not leave the area. #BF7 variant suspected. China had its first death from #COVID19 since May. 🧵……
2) Beijing is also recommending wearing the public to wear masks in public. And they mentioned the “highly contagious” #BF7 variant of Omicron being a potential factor.

3) crazy how @Twitter put a warning label on my original post about CCTV website even though the Reuters version has the exact same info.…
Read 9 tweets
Gute Nachrichten:

@BioNTech_Group hat neue Daten zum bivalenten 4/5 Booster veröffentlicht.

‼️Dieser wirkt deutlich besser gegen BA5
(4X höhere Ak Neutralisation) im Vergleich zu einer weiteren Dosis des Original/Wuhan Impfstoffes!
Es wurden gemessen:

10X höhere Ak Titer bei U-55 Jährigen

13X höhere Ak Titer bei Ü-55.

‼️Alle Daten wurden nach 1 Monat erhoben; wir wissen ja dass sich die Effekte mit der Zeit noch steigern (Reifung).
2/2 Image
@dokhollidays Addendum


Wenn eure letzte Impfung/ Infektion mehr als 4-6 Monate zurückliegt


Holt euch den Booster!


Read 3 tweets
1/5 - “Les caractéristiques de #BQ11 lui confèrent un avantage de croissance de plus de 60 % sur #BA5. Son échappement immunitaire a été établi en laboratoire sur des titres d’anticorps neutralisants, et on attend des données en vie réelle.”…
2/5 - “Une nouvelle vague portée par #BQ1 (englobant #BQ11) ces prochaines semaines est jugée probable par l’ECDC. Mais quand ? Impossible de le savoir, d’autant plus que les vacances de la Toussaint viennent opportunément ralentir le phénomène de diffusion du virus.”
3/5 - “Les températures très au-dessus des normales de saison depuis la mi-octobre ont aussi probablement favorisé l’aération des habitations et les interactions sociales à l’extérieur.”
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⚠️BREAKING—CDC now confirms my scoop that super evasive #BQ1 & #BQ11 variants (Typhon & Cerberus) have meteorically surged from *unlisted* 3 weeks ago, to 11% 2 weeks ago—to ⬆️now suddenly 27% today! This is a bad 10-day doubling time! 🇬🇧’s #BQ ~30% too🧵… ImageImage
2) Moreover, In New York and New Jersey (plus PR) region - #BQ variants now at a whopping 42.5%—confirming my scoop again. They have now displaced even their immediate ancestor #BA5. Clearly #BQ1 and #BQ11 sub-variants are dominating the race for this fall. I’m worried for fall. Image
3) Everything I’ve warned for the last 2 weeks about #BQ variants have been confirmed. I’ve been told by my source that CDC leadership has been flustered and shaken — trying to defend their lackadaisical variant tracking of #BQ variants — it’s quite a dereliction of diligence. 😢
Read 11 tweets
Vielen danke @Karl_Lauterbach
Ich würde mir so sehr wünschen, dass Ihr französischer Amtskollege @FrcsBraun denselben Mut hat
La seule chose dont je peux vous créditer Monsieur le ministre de la @Sante_Gouv @FrcsBraun c'est de votre constante à répéter les mêmes erreurs :
🔹importance des #gestesbarrières pour les personnes #vulnérables = âgées, immunodéprimées et < 2 ans alors que nous sommes
#tousàrisques de #séquelles et #covidlong
🔹variants actuels, fils et petits fils d'#omicron (#BA4 #BA5 et #BQ11) sans vrai danger alors que cette politique du #vivreavec #TKTItSMild permet précisément au virus de continuer gentiment de muter puisque la majorité des dirigeants
Read 27 tweets
⚠️SCOOP—Just learned bad #COVID news from my source. The less bad news first:📌the most evasive #XBB recombination escape variant to date, albeit <1%, but no longer 0%. 📌Worse: very evasive #BQ variants now spiked to 27%—w/ 42% in NY/NJ where 🏥 surging. Doubling time—10 days!🧵
2) the data will be released by the CDC mid day tomorrow (Friday). The #BQ11 & #BQ1 variants were just 11% two weeks ago, and 16.6% last week. This week—27% nationwide!! That’s a huge surge. The 27% will be reported tomorrow. But this is a meteoric rise!
3) It has been conveyed to me that my scoop 2 weeks ago upset the @CDCgov leadership, who were caught trying to defend how they neglected to inform the public that #BQ variants went from UNLISTED to suddenly 11%. It was epically embarrassing of @CDCDirector.
Read 15 tweets
1/4 - “Nous arrivons à un carrefour de cette pandémie, avec différentes routes possibles, plus ou moins goudronnées. Nous sommes dans une situation inédite, avec un sous-variant majoritaire et une soupe de sous-variants qui lui colle au train.”@LUppsala…
2/4 - “Nous constatons une accélération préoccupante du rythme des vagues pandémiques. Nous proposons d'envisager ensemble trois scénarios possibles.
Le premier est un scénario optimiste qui nous laisserait quelques semaines de répit et une période de Noël enfin tranquille.”
3/4 - “Dans le 2ème scénario l'un des sous-variants candidats, #BQ11, remplacerait rapidement #BA5 sans nous laisser vraiment le temps de reprendre notre souffle, et avec une ampleur, une contagiosité et une virulence dont nous ne connaissons rien à ce jour.”
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1/5 - “#BQ11 est un sous-lignage #BQ1, lui-même sous-lignage de #BA5, lui-même sous-variant d’Omicron. […] La France semble faire la course en tête en Europe avec ce nouveau sous-variant #BQ11.”…
2/5 - “#BQ11 pourrait bien venir contrecarrer la décrue épidémique qui s’amorce aujourd’hui avec le reflux de la 8e vague pandémique due au sous-variant #BA5 d’Omicron.”
3/5 - “#BQ11 représentait, mi-octobre, près de 40% des coronavirus séquencés, avec une augmentation très rapide : de quelques pourcents en septembre et de moins de 15% début octobre seulement. Il y a fort à parier qu’il sera dominant dans toute l’Europe avant la fin de l’année.”
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#BQ11 (BQ.1.1) s'étend et pourrait supplanter rapidement #BA5, car plus résistant aux anticorps.

L'augmentation est significative (16%), il faut donc limiter les contaminations :
Masque (FFP2++)
Aérer (il va faire beau)
Limiter les rassemblement en espaces clos
1/n👇 Courbes évolutives des variants, augmentation de BQ.1.1
Sources pour suivre l'évolution

BA.5 stagne mais #BQ11 augmente nettement, ce qui semble confirmer son avantage sur les autres variants...

Et son origine, qui indique 5 modifications (en bas à droite)

2/n👇… Evolution de BQ.1.1 sur le dernier moisPhilogénèse de BQ.1.1
BQ.1.1 serait originaire du Nigéria (son vrai nom B.1.1.529.,on va garder #BQ11 hein) a été prélevé chez un voyageur provenant d'Egypte dans un aéroport japonais fin aout

LA question actuelle est : ce variant occasionne-t-il une forme proche d'une gastro ? 👇
Read 13 tweets
⚠️Scoop—MOTHER OF GOD—Just got this leak from CDC-insider source—it seems #COVID variants worse than CDC has been admitting. The new highly evasive #BQ1 & #BQ11 sub variants are surging over 11%—but CDC has not shared it yet! Here is what will be posted soon (left) 🆚 current. 🧵
2) I cannot describe just how mad I am at this disaster. #BQ1 and #BQ11 are two of the most evasive variants known to date. And CDC seems to have been holding onto this data? Can it be true? Why did this data have to leak to me from insider sources? It’s so bad.
3) So, HOW BAD IS IT??? People don’t get what I mean by among the “most evasive” — the #BQ1 (Typhon) and #BQ11 (Cerberus) are basically dubbed “escape variants” because they escape from immunity!! 👀

Nickname by @TRyanGregory
Graph by @RajlabN…
Read 10 tweets
1/6 - “The #XBB strain is causing a small surge in cases in countries like Bangladesh and Singapore. The latter has recorded a daily average of about 5,500 cases over the past week, compared to a daily average of 2,000 cases a month ago.”…
2/6- “Hospitalizations in Singapore have increased alongside the rise in cases, yet deaths remain low, with fewer than a dozen recorded in the country over the past wk. Over 90% of Singapore’s pop has received 2 doses of a #COVID19 vaccine, 79% have received at least 1 booster.”
3/6 - “Bangladesh is also reporting a small uptick in cases, though reported numbers are smaller than Singapore’s. The country reported a daily average of about 500 cases during the week of Oct. 3, compared to an average of 300 cases a month earlier. Vaccination rate is 75.5%.”
Read 6 tweets
新冠应该回归流感管理,这样中国人民就不用被到处核酸,封城、转运、隔离。因为其起源,病毒特点,甚至高峰时间,都可提前准确在社交媒体预警到。起始污染中心-野生动物市场, 中介-穿山甲,规模-全民受害。DELTA-暑湿,全球高峰-8月29。OMICRON-寒湿,全球高峰-1月20号。BA5子变体-暑湿,高峰8月底 /1

#新冠病毒 为适应 #极冷冬天 正在不断优化组合进行变异为超级耐寒的寒湿病毒,其免疫逃逸功能可能能逃过所有疫苗和感染形成的抗体,再如以前一样集体排队 #核酸检测 或许是加重疫情,极冷的室外进行核酸容易使人得风寒,导致人体抵抗寒湿病毒的免疫力下降。如移到在空气不通畅的室内则容易交叉传播 /2
#新冠 是季节性 #流感 的变异循环,每次大变异后的领跑者都能逃逸以前的疫苗或以前感染的抗体。今年马上要袭击人类 #寒湿 症变异毒株到来之前, 食用一些可明显提升阳气,暧身的天然食品比如生姜洋葱红茶加运动等提升免疫力辅助防备,足以免除核酸隔离转运,社会可恢复正常 。
Read 81 tweets
Spannende Daten zur Immunität nach #Omikron Infektion in Geimpften! Außerdem Tests des BA.4/5-angepassten #Booster in 2x „Wildtyp“ geimpften Mäusen. Vor allem bzgl. der Frage der „Immunprägung“ erhellende Studie mit vielversprechenden Ergebnissen!…

In aller Kürze die für mich wichtigsten Erkenntnisse:

1) Durchbruchsinfektion mit #BA4/#BA5 führt zu hohen Antikörpern-Titern gegen #Omikron (auch BA.1 und 2)! Das heisst die Befürchtung, eine Omikroninfektion würde keinen Immunschutz auslösen trifft nicht zu!

Die Befürchtung der „Immunprägung“: durch die 3x-Impfung mit Wildtyp würden bei Omikron-Infekt ausschließlich Gedächtniszellen gegen WT reaktiviert. Die Studie schaut aber erst 1-2 Monate nach Infektion und siehe da: das Immunsystem entwickelte Omikron-spezifische B-Zellen!

Read 10 tweets
1/🧵 Land Mines in Long COVID - @BostonGlobe

Alex was training for 2024 Olympic Trials 🥇

That dream exploded 💣
New #LongCOVID science
📌Viral reservoirs at 1 year
📌Cardiac edema at 1 year
📌Dementia at 2 years
📌Hijacked mitochondria

2/ It’s one thing to concede that Long COVID exists as a societal problem for those w vulnerabilities like advanced age, pre-existing health conditions, or nearly dying in ICU.

What about nationally ranked D-1 long-distance runners⁉️

Paywall so read 🧵
3/ Alex Schell is 21 & based his life decisions on making the 2024 Olympic trials.
“Not only can I not run due to #LongCOVID, I’ve also lost everything I hoped for. Who I envisioned myself to be is a past idea. It’s a monumental loss.” (story w perm)
What causes LongCOVID?
Read 22 tweets
Ummmm, did I just get body shamed? …for aging with some grey hairs / not being Asian-youthful-skin enough? 🤷🏻‍♂️

But surprise, a pandemic of 15+ million #COVID19 deaths can wear an epidemiologist down too… Too much ‘thinking’.
P.s. I apologize to anyone out there that this epidemiologist has aged somewhat since his 20s. Didn’t you know epidemiologists are just like actors is like Hollywood? …once you’re over 35, studios & journals think your career is like over.

Thanks for everyone’s support. I plan to keep the grey — never used hair coloring before. Also some asked the photo’s backstory… 2 words: Spicy Nachos 👇
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💉Are you tough enough to get the new #BA5&4 bivalent #BoosterShot in the Barbie doll toy section of your local pharmacy? Cuz I’m a tough enough for it. Are you?

Please get the new #booster, because #CovidIsNotOver.
Needle shot in case anyone wants to see it go in. Who wants to protect other kids and grandparents with me??? #GetBoosted
3) for those asking, I got the 30 mcg Pfizer shot—it was the only option within 30 miles today. But I had the Moderna booster last November 2021. While Moderna is slightly higher 50 mcg booster dose, switching it up is generally good too.
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This is #BurningMan—as thousands of attendees headed home—with scores of superspreaders catching #COVID19 and then taking it home with them. Outdoor activity didn’t save them from the virus. #Ba5 is that transmissible. Don’t risk it—get the #BoosterShot.
2) seriously. There are many multitudes of reports of #COVID19 among Burning man attendees. Likely a big superspreading event.
3) there are countless reports of #COVID19 outbreak among Burning man attendees. One woman wrote “almost everyone” she knew caught it. #BA5 is damn transmissible folks!!!
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💡2x BOOSTER SAVES LIVES—New CDC data shown today shows that 2 booster shots ⬇️lowered #COVID19 death rates by 📌14x (purple line) vs unvaccinated—plus amazingly, 2 boosters ⬇️deaths 📌3x vs 1 booster alone (blue). CDC soon to approve #BA5/4 booster software update—get it please!
2) What shocks me is how people just hand wave “oh I don’t need 3x lower risk of dying with another shot” as if it’s nothing. Jeez people. Also vaccines lower risk of seeing #LongCovid too. Don’t be so stubborn.
3) New #BA5 and #BA4-targeting coronavirus booster shots has now gotten EUA from the FDA for all age 12+… thus second boosters now eligible for those 12-49 finally! CDC advisors voting soon. Rollout imminent within days. Please get boosted. Hope it’ll get EUA for kids <12 soon.
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Incoming—CDC vaccine advisers expected to vote Thursday on updated #BA5 variant boosters. New shots likely available within days. This is the booster I’m waiting for.
P.s. This updated booster is basically the same as the original just slightly modified spike configuration for BA5. I don’t need to see a new Phase 3 trial of 30,000 people for small software updates. Hence lab studies showing superiority over the old 1.0 version is okay. Get it.
3) to be clear— this variant update lab method is what we do with influenza vaccines yearly (instead of launching major new flu trials yearly). And I’m confident it will be similar with this BA5 mRNA vaccine update from the Wuhan 1.0.
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🗳SERIOUS POLL—If there are no more federal pandemic funds, and another winter #COVID wave is likely imminent, ➡️how would you pay for the fall 2022 #BA5 booster campaign from existing HHS budget?

(Asking because I know cannibalizing cuts are v likely. Follow for details soon).
2) Followup— insurance coverage is being discussed but that won’t start until 2023. So that isn’t an option yet to help pay for booster shots. And making it not free will hurt vaccine uptake this fall. So insurance is not the solution or even an option right now.
3) Forgoing fall #BA5 boosters is not a good idea. We know a winter wave is likely coming. We can either sit and do nothing or do something. And cannibalizing the HHS budget is painful but at this point it is likely inevitable, short of some miracle in more Congress funding.
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