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#GuerreEnUkraine D+450 (19/05) PdS2 - Théâtres

1/Front X, Hyp. Z, no-fly-zone ?
2/Dniepr, rive gauche & #Crimee, low interest zone ?
3/Arrière scène, #Russie, Stalin is back !


Mise en abîme,
Machine à remonter le temps,
Si vous avez loupé la chronique N°CDXLIX-II de #GuerreEnUkraine, la voici👇


1/Front X, Hyp. Z,


🟢Test de "no-fly-zone", succès
🟠Test & modelage de la ligne de front, généralisé
🟠Préparation dans la profondeur, débuté
•détruire PC, EW, DM, logistique
•effondrer la chaîne du carburant
🟠Opé. déception, débuté
🔴Offensive, Front X
Read 16 tweets
#UkraineRussiaWar #Ukraine #Russia
Siège de #Chernihiv, ma ville ukrainienne d'adoption depuis 2015.
Les 1ères unités blindées russes sont arrivées en début d'ap-midi le 24/02/22 sur la rocade N-W en provenance de Gomel (Biélorussie).
La ville fut encerclée du 24/02 au 04/04 ⤵️
2) L'attitude de l'armée russe a été sans réelle surprise pour moi, qui l'ai côtoyée durant 22 mois en OPEX. Improvisation à tous les niveaux. Les soldats russes ne savaient pas le 24/02 qu'ils envahissaient l'Ukraine. On leur a dit qu'ils allaient "protéger la frontière".
3) côté ukrainien : la seule 119ème brigade territoriale du district militaire nord de #Chernihiv. Elle reçu quelques jours plus tard le renfort d'une partie de la 1ère brigade blindée venant de Brovary.
Read 26 tweets
Hello. It's Day 323 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine.

Putin's army - along with the mercenaries - seem on the verge of a first military success for months since losing two whole swathes of land over the summer.

All the news right here in my daily thread, updated in real time.
Some graphic and horrendous scenes yesterday in an increasingly bloody battle in all senses.

#Ukraine claiming it has not lost #Soledar yet.
Plenty of other news too - you can bring yourself up to date by scrolling through Wednesday's thread here:

430* more troops in #Russia's military killed in the last 24 hours. A big figure, but well down on recent peaks.

Also down are the general equipment numbers destroyed.

This is in line with the end of one big battle as we seem to be at #Soldar.

*Ukraine estimates Image
Read 41 tweets
Un hilo de lectura obligatoria sobre los primeros meses de la guerra

❗️El Royal Associated Defense Research Institute (RUSI) del Reino Unido 🇬🇧 ha publicado un extenso informe de 66 páginas sobre el progreso de la invasión rusa en #Ucrania de febrero a julio.
📌 #Rusia planeó apoderarse de Ucrania en 10 días y preparar la anexión para agosto (simbólicamente, porque agosto es el Día de la Independencia de Ucrania).

📌 La contrainteligencia rusa ha preparado listas de ciudadanos ucranianos que deberían ser :
1) liquidados físicamente;
2) reprimido;
3) neutrales que podrían ser persuadidos para colaborar;
4) colaboradores.

📌Se planeó asesinar al presidente #Zelensky y a los principales líderes. Miembros del gobierno - meterlos presos. Se suponía que los parlamentarios
Read 18 tweets
Key points from @RUSI_org report regarding Russian invasion of Ukraine, period Feb - Jul 2022.
1/x. Russia planned to invade Ukraine over a 10-day period and thereafter occupy the country to enable annexation by August 2022.…
3/x The plan was to murder #Ukraine executive branch (president Zelenskyi and the government) and imprison the parliament. Pro-#Russia parliamentarians would form a "Movement for #Peace".
4/x #Nuclear power plants were planned to function as secure bases, depots and command centres, to control #energy in #Ukraine and to threaten #Europe countries with pollution.
Read 104 tweets

Russian troops are arriving in the Belarussian city of #Gomel that is 20km from the border of Ukraine.

Russian offensive towards #Kyiv in last february started from the same direction.

Yesterdays posts and light analysis about the belarussian troop buildup.
Read 7 tweets
The "#Kramatorsk" strike, our third thread.

We managed to geolocate two different launch locations based on 9 GeoConfirmations.

We don't know how long this thread will be and additional information later on will also be placed in this thread, so we number it "xx/"

01/ Image
At least 50 people, including five children, were killed after a missile strike on a railway station in Kramatorsk, eastern Ukraine, that was being used by civilians trying to flee the fighting, Ukrainian officials said Friday.

There were 2 impacts:

02/ Image
So after we confirmed the impacts, we started looking for every sighting of possible launches we found.

And we started GeoConfirming them.

Soon it became clear ALL the launch sightings, we could confirm, came from Russian occupied territory in Donbass region.

Map by @isw.

03/ Image
Read 52 tweets
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 35) – Comenzamos nuestro #hilo 🧵 diario sobre la #GuerraEnUcrania con el momento en el que los sanitarios logran contener las hemorragias de un checheno en #Mariupol previo traslado al hospital de campaña.

Gracias por vuestro #RETWEEET 🙏
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 35) – Seguimos el #hilo con una colección de mapas. Por orden, los autores son:

➡️ @AlJazeera (Izq. Arriba)
➡️ @JominiW (Dcha. Arriba)
➡️ @Nrg8000 (Izq. Abajo)
➡️ @War_Mapper (Dcha. Abajo)
🇷🇺🔥🇺🇦 #Rusia vs #Ucrania (día 35) – #Putin dijo ayer por teléfono a #Macron que "no se dan las condiciones" para una operación internacional que permita evacuar civiles de #Mariupol.

🟥 La imagen es de @Nrg8000 y muestra los efectos de los bombardeos y los ejes de avance rusos.
Read 60 tweets

1. Estamos en el sexto día de la invasión de #Ucrania por parte de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Federación de #Rusia y aliados. Las negociaciones en la ciudad de #Gómel fracasaron y por lo tanto, la guerra continúa escalando.

Hilo 1/03/2022 ImageImageImage
2. Toda la información que puede reunir el día de ayer, la tienen en este otro hilo. 👇

3. Adjunto un mapa de la situación actual de los frentes de guerra.
En los medios rusos se sigue usando el eufemismo "Operación especial militar rusa en Ucrania" para referirse a la invasión y tienen ordenes de no usar la palabra "invasión", confirmado por periodistas de allí. Image
Read 41 tweets

1. Estamos en el cuarto día de la invasión de #Ucrania por parte de las Fuerzas Armadas de la Federación de #Rusia y aliados. Las negociaciones en la ciudad de #Gómel están en marcha, y todo el mundo contiene la respiración.

Hilo 28/02/2022
2. Toda la información que puede reunir el día de ayer, la tienen en este otro hilo. 👇

3. Adjunto un mapa de la situación, donde se ven los avances de las fuerzas rusas.
Read 50 tweets
#Ukraine 🇺🇦: the mayor of #Mariupol is holding a press conference. He states the city has been facing heavy Russian shelling since the early morning but as of this moment remains under Ukrainian control. Image
#Ukraine 🇺🇦: destruction in #Odessa
#Ukraine 🇺🇦: utter destruction at the #Lutsk airport, close to the Polish border.
Read 111 tweets
Ammunition storage station in #Kalinovka exploded after being hit by #Russian airstrikes. #UkraineInvasion
#Russian military equipment entering #Ukraine through Crimea. #UkraineInvasion
Remains after a rocket fell into the Kyiv #Goloseevsky district. #UkraineInvasion
Read 40 tweets
New Thread: War in #Ukraine

#Russia Launched Peace Enforcement Operation In Ukraine!
/1 Image
#Russia #Ukraine #RussiaUkraineConflict
On February 24, 2022, Russian military operation in Ukraine officially was launched.

Russian MRLS systems shelling Ukrainian fortified positions in the direction of #Mariupol.
We missed a full day of reporting on the #UkraineRussiaConflict because Twitter locked our account for no reason! Sad Image
Read 397 tweets
#war #Kyiv #Ukraine #Russia Collecting all reports thread; Ukraine's operational command says "cruise and ballistic missile strikes are underway at the control centres in Kyiv" from @lukeharding1968 Friends report explosions in #Kyiv, #Odessa #Kharkiv #Mykolaev thread, add info
Targets include airfields and military headquarters, operational command says
"Distant crumps - soft explosions - reported from west Kyiv, towards the airport. Not Cruise missiles, i think, but sounds like an attack on the airport." @JohnSweeney
Read 2780 tweets
Mernin! ☕️
New Thread for today on #Ukraine 🇺🇦/ #Russia 🇷🇺
Another Russian echelon with servicemen and equipment arrived in Baranavichy, #Belarus…
The #UK is "becoming aware of a significant number of individuals that are assessed to be associated with Russian military advance-force operations and currently located in #Ukraine" - defence minister @JSHeappey
via @haynesdeborah
Read 56 tweets
Good morning!☕️
New thread on #Ukraine 🇺🇦 / #Russia 🇷🇺
#Ukraine warns #Russia has 'almost completed' build-up of forces near border. According to the Ukrainian Defense Ministry's latest intelligence assessment, Russia has now deployed more than 127,000 troops in the region…
Ukrainian military says "additional tactical groups of 'Iskander' operational-tactical missiles" have been transferred to the border, bringing the total number of Iskanders near #Ukraine to 36.
Read 69 tweets
Russian military equipment, including BM-27 220mm rocket launchers, have been spotted in #Belarus near #Minsk and in #Gomel and #Rechitsa, north of #Kiev and within range of #Ukraine’s border. @Michael1Sheldon’s latest report on #Russia's build up 🧵👇…
@Michael1Sheldon Belarusian media reported that the military hardware arrived for “Allied Resolve” joint exercises. Regardless, the developments are concerning given their timing, scale, and origin. See the map below for the equipment's movement: Image
A Russian convoy arrived to Gomel with multiple rocket launcher and transporter-loader vehicles. In the footage, 11 transporter and a single BM-27 multiple rocket launcher are visible, along with support vehicles. Video showed the equipment headed toward the Ukrainian border. ImageImageImage
Read 8 tweets
#Russia thins out its embassy in #Ukraine:
In early January, the gradual departure process has started in the Russian Embassy in #Kyiv and consulate in Lviv. Diplomats at two other Russian consulates have been told to prepare to leave Ukraine - NYT…
Military equipment spotted near #Brest, #Belarus this morning:
Train with Russian military equipment spotted in Orsha, #Belarus this early morning.
via @MotolkoHelp
Read 58 tweets
It's election day in #Belarus and long lines are present outside voting boots throughout the country.

Internet has been disrupted all the day, there is a fear of voter fraud in the air ImageImageImageImage
#Belarus: countless young Belarusians standing in line for hours waiting to vote.

Such a big difference with previous elections when voting boots were largely empty throughout the day
#Belarus: Sviatlana #Tsikhanouskaya has cast her vote.

Within a matter of weeks she went from being a English teacher and mother of two, to being #Lukashenko's biggest challenger
Read 334 tweets
#Belarus: massivd crowd in #Minsk today for opposition candidate Sviatlana Tsikhanouskaya.

Livestreams of the event are reportedly being disrupted by authorities Image
#Belarus: this is the opposition's symbol these elections (❤️✊✌️) symbolizing unity against President #Lukashenko ImageImage
#Belarus: overview of the opposition campaign rally in #Minsk today
Read 25 tweets

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