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Read 280 tweets
BREAKING: 立場新聞 reporting HKUST's Ching Kwan Lee resigned, after having been accused of directly participating in & supporting the #HongKongProtests, is being pressured to turn herself in #香港 兩名科大學者被指離職 李靜君:已約滿離任 成名: 仲喺科大…
#HKUST has issued a statement saying that it supports #academicfreedom but that all of its employees must strictly abide by #HongKong law; and that disciplinary charges have not been filed against her. #香港
Former #HongKong CE & Vice Chair of the Nat'l Committee of the CPCC CY Leung has demanded that she "surrender herself as soon as possible, lest the police launch an investigation" on the basis of a Sing Tao article alleging her involvement in the #HongKongProtests #香港
Read 14 tweets
1/x #THREAD After 17 months of investigation upon my complaints about police mistreatment during protest operation during Lunar New Year 2020 to the Complaints of Police Office (CAPO), a letter of reply finally arrived at my doorstep today. ImageImage
2/x Throwback to Lunar New Year 2020 where I was groped by a masked police officer on my breast, who without showing his identification, and pepper sprayed on the face when I was covering #HongKongProtests . This is a photo of me receiving medical care at Mong Kok Station. Image
3/x The results of investigation was out - “not pursuable” for allegations on “squeezing my breast” and “displaying warrant card” plus “unsubstantiated” for “failing to give reasons/warnings before spraying pepper spray”.
Read 7 tweets
In a scarred Hong Kong, “beautiful things are gone”.
Remembering what happened in 2019 has become more important than ever.
One year after China imposed the #NSL, we speak to six different Hong Kong people on how they’re keeping the city's memories alive.…
Democracy activists charge that those in power are trying to take control of the narrative, and they fear that future generations will hear only the government’s version of events.
📷: Reuters/Lam Yik
It’s not only a battle over the narrative: Since the protests died down last year, the city’s very landscape has changed, leaving familiar places unfamiliar.
📷: Reuters/Lam Yik
Read 10 tweets
Hong Kong media tycoon Jimmy Lai and nine other pro-democracy activists are expected to be sentenced on Friday after they were found guilty of participating in unauthorised assemblies during #HongKongProtests in 2019.
Lai was found guilty in two separate trials earlier in April for illegal assemblies on Aug. 18 and Aug. 31 2019, respectively. He is scheduled for two more court mentions, including collusion with a foreign country and a fraud case.
In the Aug. 18 case, District Court judge Amanda Woodcock found him guilty together with Martin Lee, Margaret Ng, Lee Cheuk-yan, Albert Ho, Leung Kwok-hung, Cyd Ho, Au Nok-hin and Leung Yiu-chung. The latter two had pleaded guilty.
Read 14 tweets
1/. It’s great how people have gone back to making their own entertainment. Poking stuff with a stick is very underrated. #PokeItWithAStick #OnlyPoking
2/. “I’ll poke it with a stick.”

What could possibly go wrong?” #PokeItWithAStick #OnlyPoking
3/. “I’m going to give him a little poke...Poke him with a stick.” #PokeItWithAStick #OnlyPoking
Read 15 tweets
This shield used by US police to strike this @Channel7 journalist in Washington on June 1 was made in the UK.

This is a 🧵 on the visual forensics on just one of the cases from our #EUArms UK project with @LHreports, @bellingcat, @SkyNews & @guardian 👇
The same shield with the police print can be seen being used against protestors on that same day in Washington.
That same branding and design can be seen on this image of Donald Trump walking past police in Lafayette Park on June 1, 2020.
Read 13 tweets
Sidewalk march happening on Yee Wo St in Causeway Bay despite heavy police presence. #hongkongprotests
And as quickly as it appeared it has dissipated. Some remain standing by bus stops holding up Apple Daily pages in protest. As has been the case for many protests this year, it’s hard to distinguish between shoppers, bystanders and protesters until they begin chanting.
Just saw two young women walk past at group of police. One exclaimed “Eek! It’s dangerous to be next to all these Ah Sirs!”
Read 10 tweets
[Arrests at #hkprotests hit 10,000 milestone]

1. Since #HongKongProtests last year, 10,000+ HKers were arrested with nearly 400 arrests solely in the past two months. It implies in every 700 #Hongkongers, one has been detained due to protests or #hkpolice’s arbitrary arrests. Image
2. While most are charged w/ rioting & illegal assemblies, the figure clearly indicates freedom of assembly is under assault amid #Beijing’s mounting influence. With the prosecution rate much lower than arrests, it suggests arbitrary arrest is a tactic to scare off protesters.
3. In fact, #policebrutality intensifies, especially with pregnant woman and 12yo girl forcibly tackled to ground, and a #HKer dragged along the ground just because he urged resuming election & demand releasing 12 HK #Asylumseekers now detained in #China’s prison. #save12hkyouth
Read 5 tweets
[In every 700 #Hongkongers, one was arrested because of #HongKongProtests]

1. Since the outbreak of #HKprotests last year, 9672 #HKers have been arrested when they protested against injustice, with 2093 prosecuted.
2. With arrestees from 11yo kid to 84yo elderly, #hkpolice is now staging the biggest political purge across generations in the city, especially at the time when #hkgov attempting to rewrite history, whitewash #policebrutality and censor textbooks.
3. You may wonder what #HKers can still do under draconian #nationalsecuritylaw, arbitrary arrests, unchecked police violence that even targets pregnant women, and also the detentions of 12 asylum seekers in #China, with their fate still unknown for nearly 2 weeks.
Read 4 tweets
In 3 days, #BoycottMulan. Disney's #Mulan actress supports #HongKong #PoliceBrutality and fought against freedom as a US citizen.

WATCH this new alternative trailer on Hong Kong's #FightForFreedom. Check out this thread for the stories behind the source videos #StandWithHongKong
First, context for why we are calling for #BoycottMulan.

Chinese actress #LiuYifei, a naturalised US citizen who enjoys freedom and democracy, supports #HongKong #PoliceBrutality in a social post.

#FightForFreedom #StandWithHongKong…
One of the first videos is the "Thin Yellow Line" by @SCMPNews. It's a citizen-led initiative to form human barriers during 2019 #HongKongProtests to protect young protesters. It won the prestigious 2020 Lorenzo Natali Media Prize:…
Read 8 tweets
[#Thread - 831 incident explained]

1/ On the night of 31 Aug 2019, a police operation that took place at Prince Edward MTR station has caused controversy and left us with many unanswered questions. Here's a timeline of what happened that night and beyond.

2/ At around 22:37, many protesters boarded a Kwun Tong (green) line train at Mong Kok after leaving street clashes with the police. A dispute erupted between protesters and some of the passengers on board as the train entered Prince Edward station.

3/ The dispute then escalated into a confrontation and a man was seen wielding a hammer towards protesters (the man appeared about 8 minutes into the video linked above).
Read 19 tweets
Hong Kong pro-democracy activist Sunny Cheung said at least three people had stalked him and analogised the scene to what happened to Agnes Chow before arrested for inciting secession. Cheung lobbied other countries, mainly the US, for Hong Kong democratisation. #HongKongProtests
Vice-convenor of Hong Kong democracy group Civil Human Rights Front Figo Chan also said he and the convenor, Jimmy Sham, followed by two people this evening. This came after Sunny Cheung revealed on Facebook three people crept up on him. Such happenings may not be coincidental.
Pro-democracy lawmaker Ted Hui also said on his Facebook he were stalked by some people he doesn’t know. It is not immediately clear what the purpose of the stalking events are. But it has apparently become a trend to surveil pro-democracy politicians and activists. Image
Read 3 tweets
#BREAKING: China’s parliament has unanimously passed that the incumbent Hong Kong legislature will extend for one year to fill in the lacuna due to a delay on the election: @icablenews. #HongKongProtests
Local pro-Beijing paper @hk01official adds that the incumbent lawmakers do not have to renew the oath for the office, including the four pro-democracy lawmakers disqualified by the returning officers in late July. Image
The extension of the sitting Hong Kong legislature last at least a year, says @rthk_news. #HongKongProtests Image
Read 3 tweets
Many owners have posted their cats with the Apple Daily newspaper in support of the #SupportAppleDaily campaign launched by the paper yesterday after its founder, Jimmy Lai, and its staff were arrested over the national security law and conspiracy to defraud. #HongKongProtests ImageImageImageImage
Someone has even made a miniature copy of the @appledaily_hk newspaper for their cat. Image
Someone has also pre-purchased multiple copies of today’s @appledaily_hk newspaper at a newsagent’s shop so that others can take them for free. It is not ubiquitous in other places, but it is a new form of protest for Hong Kong’s press freedom. #HongKongProtests Image
Read 3 tweets
#BREAKING: Hong Kong pro-democracy media tycoon Jimmy Lai is arrested for colluding with foreign powers, a crime under the national security law. Seven are arrested in total: sources, including Cheung Kim-hung, ex-chief editor of Apple Daily @appledaily_hk . #HongKongProtests
Jimmy Lai, who is a UK citizen, is handcuffed and and escorted to a van. Arrested for alleged foreign collusion, he is so far the highest-profile arrested after national security law was inserted by Beijing. Police says he is also arrested for committing fraud. #HongKongProtests
Hundreds of police officers raid the headquarters of Apple Daily, which Jimmy Lai founded. Police restate Lai is arrested for colluding with foreign powers, endangering national security and conspiring to defraud. All Apple Dailly staff are booked. Not clear what the purpose is.
Read 4 tweets
#BREAKING: The US is sanctioning 11 Hong Kong and Chinese officials, including Carrie Lam and Chris Tang, because of their direct involvement of the national security law legislation and human rights violation. Bloomberg @business also reports that. #HongKongProtests
The (former) Hong Kong officials include Carrie Lam, Teresa Cheng, John Lee, Chris Tang, Eric Chan, Stephen Lo, Erick Tsang. #HongKongProtests
And the Chinese officials to be sanctioned are Xia Baolong, Zhang Xiaoming, Zheng Yanxiong and Luo Huining. #HongKongProstests
Read 11 tweets
#BREAKING: Pro-democracy activists Lester Shum and Tiffany Yuen and politicians Alvin Yeung, Dennis Kwok, Tat Cheng and Kwok Ka-ki are barred from contesting in the upcoming legislative election, local media report, and as many as 12 people are disqualified. #HongKongProtests
Hong Kong govt says in a statement that it supports the decisions made by returning officers about the mass disqualifications of pro-democracy activists, citing that contestants must “uphold the Basic Law (BL) and pledge allegiance to the HKSAR of the People's Republic of China”. Image
The Hong Kong govt continues that those who have been disqualified “could not genuinely uphold the BL and could not therefore perform the duties of a LegCo Member” and confirms that 12 nominees have been barred from running in the upcoming legislative election.
Read 5 tweets
#BREAKING: Confirmed by several local media, Tony Chung, convener of the disbanded pro-independence group Student Localism, is arrested for conspiracy to invite others to commit secession. Chung is the first known arrest over the newly national security law. #HongKongProtests
Several local media have also reported that the arrest was made by the police national security division, but not agents from the Committee for Safeguarding National Security. Messages circulating on Telegram also say another convenor of the group Ho Lok-hang was also arrested.
From information circulating on Facebook and Telegram, three Student Localism members, Tony Chung, Ho Lok-hang and Yanni Ho, were arrested over the Beijing-implemented national security law. Before the law installation, the group had announced to cease operations in Hong Kong.
Read 8 tweets
رشتو/ رژیم #توتالیتر_پوشالی و نبرد ما 1:

کاربرانِ گرامی، رژیم ایران یک توتالیترِ فریبنده و پوشالی هست و این در چند واژۀ ساده یعنی، نه اقتدارِ نظامی دارد و نه اقتدارِ امنیتیِ آن، آن چیزیست که سالها پیش داشت!!.../
رژیم هایِ توتالیتر مبتنی بر ایدئولوژی، پس از مدتی که کارآمدیِ ایدئولوژیک و رهبرِ کاریزماتیکِ آنها (در این مثال خمینیِ شیطان) از بین میرود، تمامِ سحرآمیز بودن و مسخ شوندگیِ خود را از دست میدهند.../
خامنه ایِ ویروس، هیچوقت نتوانست کاریزمایِ خمینی را داشته باشد و از این رو بسیارهم عصبانی و حساس شده و این موضوعی بسیار شایانِ توجه است چرا که تمامی تلاشِ خود را برایِ بر قراریِ همان جذبۀ بنیانگزارِ ج.ا گذاشت اما نا توان مانده.../
Read 16 tweets
I was just on my way to grab lunch when I saw officers wearing helmets and shields enter the luxury Landmark mall. They rounded up a handful of boys who had been staging a small lunchtime protest inside. #HongKongProtests Image
Multiple police vans and a couple dozen cops to deal with 4 boys inside a mall. ImageImage
Again, they’re quite young. One of them is a dedicated lunchtime protest leader. It appears as though the plainclothes cops were the ones charged with grabbing them and taking their info down. ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
#BREAKING: UK Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab announces to halt Britain's extradition treaty with Hong Kong after Beijing inserted the national security legislation to the city on June 30. He describes the anti-measure as a “reasonable and proportional response”. #HongKongProtests
“We won’t consider reactivating those arrangements unless and until there is clear, robust safeguard, which can prevent extradition treaties from being misused,” Mr Raab says. He also puts an arms embargo in place together with the abrupt change in the extradition arrangement.
“I can reassure the House we’ll continue to take a leading role in engaging and coordinating with our intl partners as befitting our historic commitment to the people of Hong Kong,” Mr Raab says, though refuses to openly sever ties with China.
Read 6 tweets
[Is NBA sacrificing our free speech and kowtowing to #China again?]

1. Immediately after blocking #FreeHongKong to be printed on its custom gear, #NBA just once again kowtowed to #China by pulling the whole custom gear section from its store.…
2. Nothing could be more absurd when NBA accused it as "violent, abusive and hateful messages” in its explanation.

3. Just another controversial incident after Daryl Morey’s tweet supporting #Hongkongprotests last year, the #Freehongkong uproar is sounding alarm bells about NBA’s dedication to stand up against #Beijing’s political pressure and uphold the liberal values that we all embrace. Image
Read 3 tweets
Just in: US President, Donald Trump, has issued a executive order to address the status of Hong Kong after Beijing inserted the new national security law in late June. #HongKongProtests Image
Trump may make into policy to suspend or eliminate different and preferential treatment for the city to protect the US’s national security, foreign policy, and economic interest.
Travelling may be affected if you are holding a Hong Kong SAR passport, as Trump announces to eliminate the preference for Hong Kong SAR passport holders as compared to the People’s Republic of China passport holders.
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