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Day 419 of the war in Europe.
#Russia's illegal war & full invasion of #Ukraine.
The day Bunker Boy emerged from his Kremlin bunker!

Yesterday was very interesting with Wagner troops confessing war crimes, more Russian fires, collaborators + more, here⬇️

The scale of the war is difficult to comprehend for those living far away. But @SkyNews brings it to life with this report.

15% (381) of all education establishments in #Ukraine have been damaged or destroyed by #Russia in the first year.
#Russia's President Putin (or at least a lookalike) has appeared in #Ukraine's Occupied Territories.

He is said to have flown into #Kherson region to visit the "Dnepr" Command of troops and then taken a helicopter to the "East" Command in #Luhansk.

Read 26 tweets
Hello again, you've found the start of the daily thread for the #RussiaUkraineWar for Sunday 5 March 2023.

It's Day 375 and if you missed anything from Saturday, here's the link for the previous thread

First heartbreaking news from #Zaporizhzhia where three more bodies have been recovered from the site of the missile attack 3 days ago.

An 8-month-old baby girl and her parents are the latest victims of #Russia's terrorism targeting #Ukraine.
#Ukraine's General Staff reports #Russia is hiding Air Defence systems in residential areas of the occupied part of #Kherson.

"In the city of Nova Kakhovka, Kherson region, the occupiers use the civilian population as a human shield" say army chiefs.
Anyone heard from @amnesty?
Read 30 tweets
Welcome along to another daily thread, documenting all the news about #Russia's illegal invasion, aggression and war crimes in #Ukraine.

It's Day 373 of Putin's 10 day plan to take total control. All according to plan.

To review Thursday's news click⬇️

Firstly I'm sat in Manchester airport.
I am commentating on a Teqball tournament this weekend. That's great, and lucky for me, this one's in Dubai.
But it means I'll be incommunicado for around 8 hours today, so apologies for the coming "black-out". I will update this evening.
A good crop for #Ukraine in the last 24 hours...

Figures from #Kyiv show some promising figures.
765 more invaders killed and #Russia also lost both a plane and a helicopter yesterday.

#RussiansGoHome #SlavaUkraini
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Mobilisierte 🇷🇺🗑️aus #Irkutsk werden zum "Schlachten" in die 🇺🇦geschickt - um sie zu "motivieren" haben die Kommandeure auf sie geschossen, und ihre Einheit hat so viele Verluste erlitten, dass sie 6 x neu aufgestellt werden musste👇🧵
#OneTeamOneFight #RussiaIsATerroristState Image
2/In einem Video sagen die Männer:
"Wladimir Wladimirowitsch [Putin], wir wenden uns an Sie [um Hilfe]. Wir kommen aus der Region Irkutsk, Regiment 1439, und wurden am 31. Dezember 22 von der Stadt Nowosibirsk in die Volksrepublik Donezk geschickt.
3/ Wir bitten Sie um Ihre Unterstützung und um die Bekämpfung der gesetzlosen und kriminellen Befehle unseres Kommandos. Wir wurden der Ersten Slawischen Brigade der DVR zugeteilt, die aus uns Soldaten der Territorialverteidigung innerhalb eines Tages eine Angriffseinheit bildete
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#GuerreEnUkraine D+320 (09/01) - PdS2 / Théâtres #Crimea

En #Russie, l'état d'esprit est orienté à la guerre avec une adhésion à la politique agressive du #Kremlin (71 % selon un sondage Levana)

Autour du Dniepr, on est l'arme aux pieds
1/Dniepr, rive gauche, rive droite

(i)rive droite, Kherson
Toujours les bombardements au phosphore de zones civiles à #kherson, les russes se vautrent dans les crimes de guerre...

(ii)rive gauche, #Melitopol où les partisans du "ruban jaune" sont bien implantés 👇 ImageImageImageImage
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Hello again. It's a new week, hope it's a good one for you and for all fighting for #Ukraine against #Russia's illegal invaders.

Monday is Day 320 and I've created these threads every single day to bring you the important news + analysis in one handy thread. Feel free to share!
First, it was a busy day yesterday with a lot of interesting stories, more #Ukraine hits confirmed and a lot of fires in #Russia.

Missed anything? Fear not. Click and scroll here:

#Kherson keeps getting shelled. Each day, each night

#Germany has eased the situation a little with the supply of 7 powerful generators. Head of Kherson Yaroslav Yanushevich posted this photo saying 3 are for water/sewage system, one for cancer care + 3 to help power in the city
Read 47 tweets
Sunday's #RussiaUkraine news thread begins here on Day 298 of the war.

Welcome along and Happy Hanukkah if you celebrate this evening.
Incidentally, the New York Times quotes Putiin calling #Ukraine's Jewish leader #Zelenskyy as "an assistant to Nazism"🍲🫖⚫️(no kettle emoji😂)
It's nice to report another fairly quiet start to Day 298 in #Ukraine.

If you missed anything from Saturday, click and scroll here:

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

There's a touch of Star Wars about the war from today...

Actor @MarkHamill, a strong supporter of #Ukraine, has become the voice of the English language Air Alert app.

"Luke Skywalker" adds some iconic Star Wars quotes along with news on possible threats.
Read 15 tweets
Hello again. It's Day 295 of the #RussiaUkraineWar
It's Thursday 15 December and this is the daily thread with the news, views and analysis as #Ukraine fights for its very existence.

Quite a lot happened yesterday, if you need to catch up, scroll here:

A lot of damage to #Kherson yesterday, and more deaths and misery.

Already in the early hours more MLRS rocket attacks reported. Not yet known of casualties or destruction.

#StopRussia #RussiaIsATerroristState
Another big explosion in occupied #Kadiivka (RU: #Stakhanov) in #Luhansk oblast.

Early indications are that it's another pinpoint strike by #Ukraine, likely on one of #Russia's bases.

Residents in nearby #Alchevsk also report loud explosions - probably the same incident.
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SitRep - 23/10 - "Drones, missiles and a petal mine"

Today we go back to the daily happenings in #Ukraine. Because of a network deactivation/cut-off in Kherson by Russia, we didn't receive many updates. But let's speak about what we do know! We look at different front lines

We start with the daily losses on the Russian side. Nothing special, just another day in the office. What does start to stand out is the constant (high) loss of artillery systems. That should start to take its toll on Russia.

Overnight a series of attacks hit critical infrastructure in the country. A total of 16 drones were shot down between 12pm and 2am. Ukraine really urgently needs more airdefense.

➡️Today #Israel 🇮🇱 provided intel to #Ukraine to combat the Iranian drones in a more effective way.
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#Irkutsk, #Russland
Ein Kampfflugzeug vom Typ SU-30 ist in ein Wohnhaus gestürzt. Beide Piloten konnten sich mit retten. Nach Angaben der örtlichen Behörden, gab es keine zivile Opfer.
Innerhalb einer Woche haben die #Russen damit zwei Kampfjets durch Unfälle verloren.
Ersetze mit durch nicht.
Read 5 tweets
Un Su-30 🇷🇺 si è schiantato nella città di #Irkutsk, Russia siberiana centrale. L'aereo avrebbe centrato una casa a due piani. Non è ancora chiara la motivazione che ha portato allo schianto ed il numero di civili rimasti uccisi/feriti.…
Questo è l'11esimo velivolo 🇷🇺 perso negli ultimi 8 mesi di conflitto:-24/02 An-26 vicino a Voronezh, l'equipaggio è morto;
-8/04 MiG-31 nella regione di Leningrado, equipaggio eiettato
-17/06 Su-25 nella regione di Belgorod, pilota eiettato
-21/06, Su-25 nella regione di 1/3
Rostov, il pilota è morto
-24/06, IL-76 a Ryazan, 4 persone sono morte
-11/09 Su-34 in Crimea, equipaggio eiettato
-1/10 l'aereo all'aeroporto Belbek in Crimea, pilota eiettato
-9/10 Su-34 nella regione di Rostov, equipaggio eiettato
-9/10 Su-25 nella regione di Rostov, 2/3
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Another military plane crushed in a residential building in #Irkutsk, #Russia #RussiaIsATerroristState
150 houses in #Irkutsk were left without electricity after the plane crash. #Russia
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It's Day 242 of #Russia's war on #Ukraine - you know that war where Moscow bragged it would be in Kyiv in 3 days and have control on Day 4.

This is the daily news thread of all the relevant developments as we complete the 8th month of the illegal conflict.

A lot of interesting news came in late last night, including explosion and deaths at a gunpowder factory in #Russia and freedom for two more villages in #Kherson.

If you want to catch up on yesterday's stories, here's the start of Saturday's thread:

The #UK update today takes a look at the "Wagner Line" of defence.

I covered this a few days ago and Whitehall also concludes #Russia has accepted that its defence needs to be way behind current front lines.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
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‼️ In Ust-Ilimsk, #Irkutsk region, a shooting in a military registration and enlistment office took place. Preliminarily, the head of the draft board was wounded. The shooter has already been detained.
The man who shot at the head of the draft board of the military enlistment office in #UstIlimsk was detained. He turned out to be 25-year-old local resident Ruslan Zinin.
Igor Kobzev, governor of the #Irkutsk region, said that the military man wounded in the shooting at the Ust-Ilimsk military enlistment office is alive, but in serious condition.
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It's Monday and I hope it's the start of a good week for you.

This is the daily thread number 215 with all the news from #Russia's war on #Ukraine

Now anyone who gives over £200 will receive a personal message of thanks from🇺🇦 soldiers on the frontline.…
Just to clarify, if you have already made a pledge, you are still eligible. So if you gave £100, we need £101 more, or if you donated £200, just an extra £1 will do it, but feel free to give more if you can afford it.

Help #Ukraine defend itself and defend democracy!
If you missed anything on Sunday, here's the start of yesterday's thread.

I was on the road most of yesterday and posted a lot in the evening.

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine

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It's seven months ago today that #Russia started its illegal full invasion of #Ukraine.

The "short special military operation" started in winter, and is now in its fourth season. The killing continues.

Here's the daily news thread for Saturday 24 Sept

Let's start Day 213 with #Russia's total losses after 7 months. On average 264 soldiers are being killed every day. The ratio between deaths and injured/disabled means if #Ukraine's estimates are correct likely 200,000 have been lost to the military

#StopRussia #StandWithUkraine
the morning update from the #UK's intelligence concentrates on #Russia's dambuster tactics!

#StopRussiaNOW #SaveUkraine
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We've reached Day 210 of #Russia's 3 day plan to topple #Kyiv.
#Ukraine fights on.

If you want to scroll through yesterday's news, it's here:


The important thing to say is that President Putin is making his delayed (recorded) speech now about the future of the illegal war
Putin announced only a partial mobilisation, which is what I suspected.

So anyone who's on the reserve will be called up due to #Russia's shortage of cannon fodder.
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This is the start of the 145th daily thread telling the news from #Ukraine in one handy thread.

#Russia's aggression continues, but progress is slow.

Updated in real time, you'll see the developments as they happen. If you want to buy me a coffee, see my profile. Thanks!
First, the British update is interesting today.
Grievances between regular soldiers and Wagner, private contractors...

#Russia sees the regular conscripted troops as expendable, but cares absolutely zero about Wagner "employees"
The EU may impose more "lightning sanctions" on #Russia today.

A lot happened yesterday evening - Zelenskyy sacking #Ukraine's two top law enforcement officials.

If you missed it all there's quite a good round up here…
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Friday's daily thread on #PutinsWar starts here.

It's Day 58 of the illegal war since #Russia launched its illegal full invasion in of #Ukraine. Yet still only one real city gained - #Kherson. The hemmed in fighters of #Mariupol' are still holding out.

All the news, all day⬇️
The morning update from UK MoD intelligence sums things up. They confirm the news I brought in yesterday's thread with video of some #Russia soldiers leaving #Mairupol'

But something else unplanned, costly in time and rubles, sending damaged equipment home for repair
Y'day some 200 evacuees fled from #Mariupol, but further attempts to remove civilians were thwarted

But today NO 'Green Corridors' anywhere in #Ukraine "due to dangers on routes" said Deputy PM Iryna Vereshchuk. "To all those waiting to be evacuated: be patient, please hold on!"
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It's Saturday. Day 45 of #Russia's apparent attempt to wipe #Ukraine and its people from the map.

There is no neutrality in such a conflict. If you pretend to be neutral you are condoning the targeting of civilians, the mass slaughter of women and kids.

Here's the daily🧵⬇️
There were far fewer air raid alarms across #Ukraine overnight.

Two people were injured in one Russian missile attack in #Poltava region.
"Infrastructure" was hit in Mirhorod according to authorities.

#StandWithUkraine️ #StopRussia
#Kharkiv had its usual bombardment last night - this is the usual "night music" there

Russian forces have what amounts to a partial blockade of #Ukraine's second city. More of the terrorist forces are gathering over the border with a renewed attempt to capture the city likely⬇️
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Thread manifestazioni contro la guerra in Russia, 13 marzo 2022. ⤵️
Venti persone sono state arrestate durante una manifestazione contro la guerra a #Irkutsk.
Diverse persone sono state arrestate in piazza Lenin a #Novosibirsk. Compreso un uomo che stava in piazza con un foglio di carta vuoto per protestare contro la censura militare.
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Oggi è giornata di manifestazioni contro la guerra in #Russia. Thread che sarà aggiornato durante il giorno ⤵️
Questa è #Khabarovsk nell’Estremo Oriente russo dove alcuni manifestanti hanno formato prima una catena umana per protestare contro la guerra.
Poi hanno tentato di marciare, dopodiché la polizia ha iniziato gli arresti.
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In #Irkutsk haben sich Tausende versammelt und rufen „Wir gehen nicht weg“. Die Proteste sind eine Reaktion auf die Festnahme von #Nawalny und ein Video von ihm über einen riesigen Palast, der #Putin gehören soll. Das Video hat auf YouTube bereits +65 Millionen Aufrufe.
In #Wladiwostok versucht die Polizei die Menschen mit Gewalt auseinander zu treiben.
Die Polizei scheint nicht mehr alles unter Kontrolle zu haben in #Wladiwostok. Die Menschen wehren sich gegen Festnahmen der Polizei.
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Calls to protest in #Russia 🇷🇺 this Saturday are spreading like a wildfire on Russian TikTok.

Videos like this one show teenagers removing portraits of president #Putin in support of opposition figure #Navalny.
#Russia 🇷🇺: protesters have started gathering in large crowds around the country following Navalny's call to protest.

Thousands are marching in #Novosibirsk, chanting "Putin is a thief!"
#Russia 🇷🇺: thousands have gathered in -20 degrees in #Tomsk, the city where #Navalny was poisoned
Read 37 tweets

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