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It's #WorldMentalHealthDay.

Close to 1️⃣ billion people have a #MentalHealth disorder. Despite the magnitude of mental ill health, relatively few people around the 🌍 have access to quality mental health services.

Let's make mental health & well-being for all a global priority!
The serious gaps in #MentalHealth care are a result of chronic under-investment. This #WorldMentalHealthDay we call on more investment for mental health care for all!

📌 Give mental health and phys...
#COVID19 has created a 🌐 crisis for mental health, fueling short & long-term stresses & undermining the #MentalHealth of millions.

#Depression & anxiety went ⬆️ by more than 25% in the first year of the pandemic alone

Photo: Getty Images A person wearing a mask is ...
Read 32 tweets
The other day, my (lovely) dentist asked what I did for a living - I said I've been working in environmental science and recently climate stuff a bit.

She said 'Wow - that must be an exciting time for you?'... (1/7)

#climateCrisis #climateAnxiety #climateEmotions #anxiety
No, it's not an exciting time, it's terrifying - we're sleep walking into the end of civilisation as we know it, sat back on our soft sofas, drinking lattes, watching Netflix as the vast majority of the planet's population deals with all the crap we've done to get us here. (2/7)
Even as our lives get harder we can't even imagine how shit things are going to be for the less privileged 90% of the human race. I watch heroes getting arrested for desperately trying to get politicians to wake up and act urgently, whilst middle-aged white men hurl abuse.. (3/7)
Read 8 tweets
Think someone you know may have #depression?

Follow this thread for some tips on how to show them that you care and offer support. 💙

#LetsTalk Cloud with rain. A hand is trying to catch the water droplet
If someone you know has #depression, here is how you can help:
💙 Talk to them and offer your support
💙 Encourage them to seek professional help
💙 Help them with everyday activities

#LetsTalk Two pair of hands reaching out to each other. Both are suppo
If someone you know has #depression, here is how you can help:
💙 Encourage regular eating, sleeping and exercise
💙 Encourage them to focus on the positive, rather than the negative
💙 Be patient - recovery can take time

#LetsTalk Two conversations bubbles. One is filled with a red heart.
Read 4 tweets
DYK: #Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide and is a major contributor to the overall global burden of disease.

Depression can happen to anyone. #LetsTalk Two hands are holding a red...
If you have #depression:

🧡 talk to someone you trust about how you feel
🧡 seek professional help
🧡 try to keep up with activities that you normally enjoy

#LetsTalk Two speech bubbles represen...
If you have #depression, here are some things that can help:

🧡 stay connected with friends and family
🧡 stick to regular eating and sleeping habits
🧡 try to focus on the positive

#LetsTalk Two hands forming a heart s...
Read 4 tweets
Here’s what you should know about #depression:
💚 It can happen to anyone
💚 It is an illness - not a sign of weakness
💚 It can be treated

#LetsTalk Two hands are reaching out to each other.
These are some of the signs that you may have #depression:
💚 Persistent sadness
💚 Loss of interest in activities you usually enjoy
💚 Difficulty carrying out everyday activities

#LetsTalk Illustration of depression with one speech bubble with a clo
These are also symptoms of #depression:
💚 Loss of energy
💚 Change in appetite
💚 Sleeping more or less
💚 Anxiety
💚 Difficulty concentrating
💚 Thoughts of self-harm or suicide

Read 4 tweets
WHO Stress Management Guide


A story book “My Hero is You, How kids can fight COVID-19!”- aimed at children aged 6-11 years old, is a good tool to help children understand and come to terms with #COVID19.
Read 6 tweets
The @ArvindKejriwal led-Delhi government lowered the legal drinking age from 25 years to 21 on Tuesday, March 23. Deputy Chief Minister Manish Sisodia said that the decision was aimed at ''stopping harassment of people and establishments''. Image
@ArvindKejriwal The legal age, however, in other states, are different. The legal drinking age in Maharashtra, Haryana and Chandigarh is 25. However, light beer is allowed at the age of 21 in Maharashtra. Kerala raised its drinking age from 21 to 23 years in 2017. I
@ArvindKejriwal In Rajasthan, Jammu and Kashmir, Himachal Pradesh, Goa, Sikkim and Puducherry, the legal drinking age are 18. In other states, the age limit is 21.
Read 5 tweets
It is always concerning, and disappointing, when an elected representative feels that is is acceptable to make unsubstantiated claims about people he neither knows nor has spoken to. @AlynSmith describes #LGBAlliance as "shadowy" 1/4…
& adds that we "have wilfully sought to misrepresent & undermine policy & have been vicious in (our)conduct on social media, claiming victimhood & bemoaning cancel culture." Not a word of this is true. @AlynSmith will you join us on Zoom so we can tell you what we are about? 2/4
Would it be useful for you to watch our last webinar where we lay out the reasons why we formed & our plans for the future. It's easy to watch on…. Now there are 13 LGB Alliances worldwide - it's a truly global issue. #SexNotGender 3/4
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This is Cara's Story. **Names have been changed upon request and for protection**

Cara has gone through a lot as a child. Growing up she had difficulties in coping with traumatic experiences that she and her other family members both lived with and went through.
Ever since she was on AISH, Cara and others we have talked to all recognized that all the AISH workers that our daughter and others have had to work with have always reinforced to their clients the lifelong message that many clients were unworthy of support, care & medical care.
Cara and her sister grew up in a home that had a mother with serious mental health diagnoses as well as an alcoholic father who left when Cara was 9 and her sister was 6.
Read 50 tweets
Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay.

#Suicide is a global public health issue.
All ages, sexes, and regions of the 🌎🌍🌏 are affected.

Lives are lost, while suicides are preventable.

Do you know someone who is feeling suicidal?
Don’t miss the opportunity to let them know you care!

Feeling suicidal often passes with the right support


For many young people, the teenage years are a time of exploring opportunities & freedoms, but they can also be a time of anxiety about academic performance, relationships & the future.

This is what 👩‍🏫👨‍🏫 can do to help prevent #suicide among teenagers.

Read 21 tweets
😃👋 Welcome to #30days30waysUK 2020 🇬🇧
the 6th edition of the ‘September is #Preparedness Month’.
1⃣ join
2⃣ follow #30days30waysUK like+share
3⃣ access daily resource links
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#DRRtwitter #EMGtwitter #SMEM #DRR Image
Wow 🤩 What a day!! Over 100 partners taking part on the first day!!
What a fantastic start for this years #30Days30WaysUK Thank you so much 👏🏻
We are so excited for this year - stay with us! it’s going to be a great September!!
Here are some of our partners 👇
Read 36 tweets
I believe in difficult dialogue. Dialogue where inds who disagree converse wo insults, attacks. Sadly it seems that as a society we are at a place where we feel comfortable attacking those who ideas that are different from ours in attempts to change their perspective or 1/
shut them down. Shaming is a tool used on Twitter a great deal. I am embarrassed to say I have used it at times. Attacking & shaming will only shut down conversations - it won’t change opinions, in fact it may strengthen an inds position. I want dialogue I want 2/
continued conversation as to me that means ability to grow, it means change can happen. Today I followed up w ind who had a different perspective than I re the ‘opioid epidemic’. This persons position impacts my state. At the end of the conversation he expressed 3/
Read 7 tweets
1. Sukar untuk mula tidur. Ambil masa lama sebelum boleh tidur. Berasa resah gelisah dan penat kerana cuba juga untuk tidur
2. Tidur yang mudah terjaga & sukar pula untuk tidur semula
3. Tak dapat tidur langsung
4. Kerap mimpi buruk
5. Bangun terlalu awal tetapi mood dan perasaan kelaut
6. Tak rasa nak tidur langsung
7. Terlalu banyak tidur walaupun bukanlah nak tidur sangat
8. Waktu tidur berubah dari malam menjadi tidur siang
9. Tidur tapi tak rasa macam tidur. Badan dan minda letih sama je
Cara atasi? Amalkan sleep hygiene seperti disenaraikan:
1. Elakkan minuman berkafein, gula tinggi & minuman tenaga pada lewat petang dan waktu malam
2. Amalkan waktu rutin tidur dan bangun tidur yang sama (walaupun tak boleh tidur)
3. Elakkan melihat jam selepas melewati waktu..
Read 8 tweets
#LetsTalk about keeping a healthy mind during #COVID19!

In the below thread 👇, WHO answers frequently asked questions on how to manage stress and anxiety in a time of pandemic.

How can I keep positive during confinement at home?

#LetsTalk #COVID19

Read 8 tweets
Solidaritas Sosial Melawan COVID-19

Solidaritas sosial akibat pandemi Covid-19 dapat tumbuh secara serta merta di ranah individu, keluarga, maupun masyarakat sesuai dengan kearifan lokal masing-masing. Image
Dengan tumbuhnya solidaritas sosial tersebut, masyarakat dapat menyumbangkan sebagian kemampuannya untuk menolong sesama demi kebaikan bersama dan menaati imbauan dari pemerintah.
Ada beragam prakarsa kesetiakawanan sosial yang muncul, seperti aksi peduli kesehatan, pemberian bahan makanan mentah maupun siap saji, kampanye literasi baik secara daring maupun luring.
Read 63 tweets
#COVID19 is already having a serious impact on people’s #MentalHealth

The 🌏🌎🌍 needs to urgently increase investment in services for mental health to prevent a massive increase in mental health conditions. 👉
People are more distressed 🤯 due to immediate health impacts of #COVID19, including:

☹️Physical/social isolation
☹️Fear of contagion
🙁Loss of family members

This is what countries can do to safeguard the #MentalHealth of their citizens 👉
Demand from frontline health-care workers 👨‍⚕️🏥👩‍⚕️ for psychological support is high.

Heavy workloads, life-or-death decisions, and risk of infection are sources of stress. #LetsTalk
Read 9 tweets
"1of who knows how many" I started talking about the need to defeat the system the UK had set up to keep us prisoner in 2016. The additional member system ( a variation on D'Hondt) is designed to prevent a majority Government in Holyrood.
"2 of who knows how many" The plan I came up with was to create a Constituency party in West Scotland that would promote the SNP in the constituency, and seek votes only in the regional list. I have flirted with it on and off since then. Those who know me can verify.
"3 of who knows how many" We always play by Westminster rules and we always lose, and then curse our luck. Luck has fuck all to do with it. Playing them at their game, under their rules does not mean we also follow their instruction.
Read 13 tweets
It's #ValentinesDay, be healthy together:

♥️ Cook a healthy meal
♥️ Do physical activities together
♥️ Avoid harmful use of alcohol
♥️ Practice safe sex
@WHOSEARO @WHOAFRO @WHOEMRO @WHO_Europe @pahowho @WHOWPRO This #ValentinesDay going for a first date?

❤️Be kind
❤️Be respectful
❤️Have fun
❤️Moderate your alcohol 🥂 consumption
❤️If you choose to have sex, be safe
@WHOSEARO @WHOAFRO @WHOEMRO @WHO_Europe @pahowho @WHOWPRO This #ValentinesDay if you are thinking about having sex, have in mind:

❤️ You should feel comfortable with your decision
❤️ Talk to your partner about safe sex practices
❤️ You have control over your own body, and no one else has the right to tell you what to do with it
Read 9 tweets
#Depression is a leading cause of disability worldwide.

Depression can be treated.

The first step is talking #LetsTalk

Depression can happen to anybody.

If you think you have #depression, seek help.

Living with someone with #depression?
Here are 7 ways you can help #LetsTalk

Read 5 tweets
@DrTedros @deepikapadukone @wef #Depression affects more than 260 million people around the world. Many people experience depression and anxiety at the same time.

Watch live from #wef20: @DrTedros in conversation with @deepikapadukone on #mentalhealth 👇
@DrTedros @deepikapadukone @wef #Depression affects people of all age groups, rich and poor, in all countries.

Watch live from #wef20: @DrTedros in conversation with @deepikapadukone on #mentalhealth 👇
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This tweet and the mention of #impostersyndrome has sparked some reflection on my part that I’d like to share. #LetsTalk

Topic: imposter syndrome being used by groups who typically hold power in academic/professional spaces
I’ve always seen imposter syndrome used in spaces of underrepresented minorities which makes complete sense. I’ve also seen the term used by white academics specifically on here and i just don’t know how to feel about it.
everyone to SOME extent can feel like they don’t belong. But how much of that is actually due to your identity vs the space you’re in?
Read 25 tweets
@TalindaB Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay.
#Suicide is a global public health issue.
All ages, sexes, and regions of the 🌏🌍🌎 are affected.
Lives are lost, while suicides are preventable
@TalindaB @WHOAFRO @WHOSEARO @WHOWPRO @pahowho @WHO_Europe @WHOEMRO Do you know someone who is feeling suicidal? Don’t miss the opportunity to let them know you care!

Feeling suicidal often passes with the right support
👉 #40seconds

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Every 40 seconds one person dies from #suicide.
Suicides are preventable 👉

Tomorrow, 10 September is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay
@WHOAFRO @WHOWPRO @WHOSEARO @WHOEMRO @WHO_Europe @pahowho DYK: Close to 800,000 people die by #suicide every year.
800,000 lives lost.
800,000 families suffering.
Suicides are preventable. We can all help prevent them

Tomorrow, 10 September is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay
@WHOAFRO @WHOWPRO @WHOSEARO @WHOEMRO @WHO_Europe @pahowho DYK: #Suicide is the second leading cause of death among young people aged 15-29 years.

Suicides are preventable. We can all help prevent them.
👉 #LetsTalk
Read 10 tweets
For #BellLetsTalk day, #LetsTalk about Canadian photographers who experienced traumatic events while documenting the #FWW and #SWW 👇🏼👇🏼👇🏼
(Photograph is: Mud and barbed wire through which the Canadians advanced during the Battle of Passchendaele. W. Rider-Rider, November 1917, LAC MIKAN 3194807).
Canada's earliest #FWW photographer, Harry Knobel, experienced stress during the first months of the war. He was a member of the 1st Canadian Contingent whose medical records note that he began experiencing “neurasthenia” or “trench fever” as early as November 1915.
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