How much do you know about the Declaration of Independence?
Test your knowledge on #IndependenceDay with these 7 questions. You ready?
Answer: False. He was away with his troops and did not sign. However, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson did sign the Declaration.
Answer: 27
Answer: When. "When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary…”
Answer: John Hancock (Fun fact: Josiah Bartlett was in fact a signer from New Hampshire. The fictitious president from West Wing was Josiah Bartlet, with one less letter in his last name.)
Answer: True. After the U.S. entered WWII, we took both the Declaration and the Constitution, put nearly 150 pounds of protective gear around it and evacuated it to Fort Knox. It returned to D.C. in 1944.
Answer: True. He thought that fireworks be used to celebrate “from this time forward forever more.”