Neither should the culprits of #1947Divide be forgotten or forgiven for the sufferings of our people!
1, Winston Churchill, to safeguard the strategic interests of the British Empire in🇮🇳& Indian Oceans
2, Betrayal of Muslims
3, #Congress , the Partner-in-crime that allowed it to happen!
‘not to buy from #Hindus
not touch anything manufactured by them,not to study in the same school
acquire knowledge & send them to jehannum,that Hindus became rich robbing their💰’!
Incited by henchmen of Nawab Salimullah
March 4,1907, assaults,rapes,loots, murders of #Hindus ,destruction of their properties,desecration of Temples burst out in full fury in Comilla(BanglaDsh)
Women spent nights hidden in tanks.
1500 Hindus were slaughtered, 20,000 converted,property worth 3cr looted,number of #Hindu women raped & abducted by Mopla Muslims while Gandhi conveniently overlooked the massacre of Hindus.

#Gandhi went 1 step further
“brave,god fearing people,fighting for religion in a manner they consider religious”
‘Allah-ho-Akbar became battle cry of Khilafat, Gandhi pronounced it greater than BharatMataKiJai
Delhi by 1923, #Hindus fell victim to the barberic Muslim(Muhharum processions)
Fought BritishImperialism together @RahulEaswar
155 were butchered, death dance of murder, rape, loot was let loose on Hindus & Sikhs.
Entire population who numbered 3200, had to seek shelter in Rawalpindi, 320 kms away!

It was a planned attack on the #Hindus of Calcutta under the leadership of Huseyn Shaheed Suhrawardy, starting with Jinnah’s declaration, “We shall have India divided or India destroyed”!

supplied with firearms,weapons, coupons for petrol, inspite of serious shortage.
1 month’s food ration was drawn in advance.
They prayed in masjids for freedom of “Muslim India”!
#1947Divide #IndependanceDay

#Hindu officers in 22 out of 24 police HQ were replaced by M officers
Mob was let loose on #Hindus without hinderance for 2 days on a scale of reminiscence of barbaric Islamic invasions!
#1947Divide #IndependenceDay
10,000 died,15,000 injured
1 lack rendered homeless!
Rajasthani marwaris got spears & weapons prepared from blacksmiths, bought arms from American soldiers, striking hard turned d tide with equal fury against Mu!
आज राम की भूमि, तुलसी का बन स्वतंत्र है
खिंची दी धरती पर अपने लहू से वीरों ने लक्ष्मण रेखा,
यहाँ पनपने न पाए रावण कोई, तोड़ दो हाथ जो उठने लगे
छू न पाए 🇮🇳 का आँचल कोई
कोई भटका ना पाए, याद रहे लाखों #हिन्दु की बलि🙏🏻