What reason would they have to meet?
Specifically, Halper was employed by the Office of Net Assessment.
At the beginning of Sept 2016, Halper contacted George Papadopolous and offered him $3,000 and a trip to London to discuss energy policy in the eastern Mediterranean.
Sept 27, 2017 -- 7 days after the Strzok/Fine/Baker meeting -- the DOD paid Halper $282,295. He received a second large payment in July of 2017.
In early October 2016 Halper wired Papa-D $3,000 for his paper.

Why would he need authorization to travel to a country allied with the US?
It was actually renewed a week earlier than necessary.
During Peter Strzok’s testimony before Congress, he explains what he meant by his “Insurance Policy” text:
He was not talking about Paul Manafort or Carter Page. They resigned from the Trump campaign back in Aug/Sept 2016.
The resolution was revived by Malaysia, NZ, Senegal and Venezuela
It was this conversation that lead to charges against Mike Flynn. His call to the ambassador was legal.
He plead guilty to making false statements to the FBI.
On Jan 27, the FBI interviewed George Papadopoulos for the first time.
Why wasn’t Carter Page interviewed?
Kushner would sit for at least 2 interviews with Mueller’s investigators. It took until May 2018 for him to receive his permanent White House security clearance.
Keep in in mind that Glenn Fine, DOD IG, became the acting director on Jan 10, 2017, two day before the first accusations Baker leveled against Lovinger.

Bolton knew who all the players were. He knew who to purge.
Maybe someone with vision can develop a third way.