A brief #livertwitter #tweetorial
1. Share the greatest t-shirt ever made
2. Rule out infection!
3. Laxation now! But how?
keywords: #cirrhosis, paracentesis, stool pH
▶️HE is horrible, unpredictable
▶️Preventing HE is hard
▶️Dont be quick 2 label pts as 'noncompliant' - there's more to the story
▶️Our patients are awesome. Hepatology is the best

For what? The answers form a mandatory checklist of sorts
1. Para to r/o SBP. Delay @ your patient's peril. (Fig1)
2. GI Bleeding?
3. UA/Blood Cultures/CXR
3. What's the Cr? Na? K?
review: nature.com/articles/s4139…

See these data from a randomized trial of tap water vs lactulose enema in @HEP_Journal

The answer is that colonic bacteria metabolize the lactulose, spitting out organic acids
Check out this study from @jclinicalinvest comparing the stool output and organic acid concentration after PEG (aka golytely) vs lactulose

Even in subjects who had formed stool, lactulose still increased the organic acid concentration!

This remarkable study was led by Dr. Bob Rahimi - who, as a FELLOW, enrolled 50 patients who often present in the middle of the night! #hustle
Lactulose (20-30grams TID) vs PEG Colonoscopy prep (4L)
Who wins?

When a pt comes in with acute CHF, would we give them their home diuretic dose?
Patients admitted with HE often get ~10-20cc TID
🔥Hot take 🔥 This is not enough: That is a maintenance dose
Your pt needs an induction dose!
I learned how 2 treat HE from nurses when I was an intern. We took what they were doing & standardized treatment for HE. Some extra, frequent doses make a big difference(Fig1)

- Hepatology = the best
- Do that para! Search 4 HE triggers
- Drop that stool pH! Even a little lactulose helps
- Laxation now!! Need frequent BMs on Day 0-1 to treat Overt HE. Take your pick: extra doses of lactulose or lactulose + PEG.
Thanks for stopping by!