We must fight misinformation with truth. We must join together to win the narrative against the propaganda of the establishment. We must claw our way to progress.
Join us #Bernie20RR
If the establishment swipes at Bernie inaccurately before then, we fight back. We absolutely must coalesce our messaging to have a bigger impact.
Also, no Ruskies here, so don't even try it. #Bernie20RR
We must be stringent about our facts & continually argue POLICY & FUNDING.
Make no mistake, we're doing nothing less than vigorously advancing progress ✊
#WeGotThis 😎🌈💕
#Bernie20RR #BernieRR
Propaganda is legal now. We absolutely MUST further the truth, if we have any hope of saving ourselves, the planet, and all that grows within.
We have to fight like hell. And that means making sure our message comes out on top. We can do this. TOGETHER. #NotMeUs
#Bernie20RR #BernieRR #Bernie2020


This is what we're fighting. David Brock, Share Blue, Sally Albright, Neera Tanden, Tom Watson & a myriad of others.
Right now, the right & the center are winning the narrative. Let's change that.
We're not going to let everything die at the expense of grotesque profit. NO
We must expose & replace, if we are to have any hope of survival. If you believe scientists, that is. I do.
These will serve you well.
Post Bernie memes at them every time they come after us. They do so so often, Bernie will be everywhere! Unless you're exposing the dangerous ones getting leftists banned - waste of time.
Crank up #BernieMemePingPong!
#Bernie20RR #BernieRR

Only the #PowerOfThePeople can overcome the massive propaganda they will avalanche on us. We can do this! #Bernie20RR #Bernie2020

We're not going to allow grotesque profit to continue at the expense of letting everything die.
Climate Change is the #1 issue that must be addressed by any candidate. #Bernie20RR
From Dec 3, 18:
Exposing & thwarting their troll operations is important, too. We have to attack all of their methods to silence us. #Bernie20RR