A number of artists signed up at launch, including @TrevorJonesArt, the first Scottish painter to incorporate AR into his work.

Founding members are @BluzelleHQ [ $BLZ ], @NKN_Org [ $NKN ], @NoiaNetwork [ $NOIA ], and @ItIsPortal.

Recap of the past week's major events, along with an exploration of the fundamental differences between #Litecoin [ $LTC ] and #BinanceCoin [ $BNB ]. medium.com/arca/thats-our…
Covers @Coinbase's international growth plans in an interview with Dan Romero (VP, International). Also looks at how @Binance may amp up demand for $BNB, fees on #Bitcoin, and more! diar.co/volume-3-issue…
Prepared by co-founders @Sassal0x and @EConoar, the stacked ed. covers the week's most notable #crypto events, project-specific updates, on-chain activity, saved tweets, and more! ethhub.substack.com/p/ethhub-weekl…
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