Day 715 of NO EVIDENCE produced by Trump that his phones were tapped by Obama.
The FISA warrant Trump referenced targeted Carter Page. #TrumpLies

Day 503 since the deadliest mass shooting on U.S soil in Las Vegas that killed 58, injuring 546.
Although a bump stock ban takes effect in 29 days, Congress must take action to prevent future mass shootings. #NeverForget #NeverAgain #EnoughIsEnough

There have been 16 American mass shootings (4+ shot and/or killed, not including shooter) in the 18 days of February, bringing this year's mass shooting total to 43.
Monthly totals, thus far:
Jan: 27 mass shootings
Feb: 16 mass shootings
A carpenter from Illinois has delivered 26,274 handmade wooden memorials across the United States, unifying grieving communities after mass shootings, natural disasters and other tragedies.
But this time, he didn't have to drive far.
Real-time U.S. gun violence numbers for 2019, as of #PresidentsDay:
•1,837 gun deaths
•3,174 gun injuries
•68 children shot
•291 teenagers shot
•264 armed home invasions
•163 incidents of defensive gun use
•197 unintentional shootings
•43 mass shootings
A Texas father spinning a gun on his finger unintentionally shot himself at his daughter's birthday party on Saturday.
Because America.…
This is the reason the NRA is fighting so hard for arming teachers. Simply put, it is about sales. The fact that Sheriff's who were on the Florida commission were so blatant in trying to sell this is concerning.…
Kamala Harris: "It's not justice...that we do not pass gun safety laws because of fear of lobbyists."
"We should never bow down to those who have money because we are afraid that we may not win reelection when people are dying in our streets."
“The biggest change wasn’t really in public opinion, which always has favored the moderate position Democrats now advocate. It was a shift in the party…. as newly organized groups such as Moms Demand Action forced the party to pay attention.”
An @AP team is on the ground in Syria as US-backed forces try to drive out the last of the Islamic State.…
FYI: The Trump admin has quietly resumed separating immigrant families at the border.
At one agency, the children were put into temporary foster care and shelters with little or no indication that they arrived at the border with their parents:
Reminder: The Trump administration is systematically locking up thousands of children at unheard of rates - now almost 15,000 are in U.S. custody.
The government classifies these children as "unaccompanied"
Thousands more kids may have been separated from their parents at the border under the Trump administration than was previously thought, according to an internal government report.
Homestead is the largest 'influx facility', detaining immigrant children for months.
"We see extremely traumatized children, some of whom sit across from us and can't stop crying over what they're experiencing." - Leecia Welch of @NCYLnews
@HispanicCaucus members @JoaquinCastroTX, @RepDMP, & @RepSylviaGarcia along with Florida members @RepShalala and @RepWilson will investigate the for-profit Homestead facility that is currently detaining more than 1,000 migrant children.…
Third migrant dies in Border Patrol custody in as many months. Following the deaths of two Guatemalan children in December, a 45-year-old Mexican immigrant died on Monday morning after being detained by @CBP…
McCabe: Trump said "I don't care, I believe Putin" when shown US intel on North Korea
If you doubt that Trump would ever say "I don’t care, I believe Putin" about North Korea's nuclear plans, perhaps you might have forgotten this exchange.
The US and North Korea are seriously talking about an exchange of liaison officers.
The news comes days ahead of a second Trump-Kim summit.
Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declined to comment on Trump's claim last week that he had nominated Trump for the Nobel Peace Prize, for his efforts in helping to ease tensions with North Korea.
Pushed again to confirm or deny the report, the prime minister added: “I am not saying it’s not true.”…
Mueller can take credit for spawning significant parts of SDNY’s work. The two DOJ units have shared staff, witnesses and leads, & SDNY has been well-positioned to pick up anything outside Mueller’s primary lane. @politico
SDNY federal prosecutors can challenge Trump in ways Mueller can't. They have jurisdiction over Trump's political operation and businesses — subjects that aren't protected by executive privilege.…
Saudi Arabia has pledged investment deals worth $20B with Pakistan which is seeking to bolster its fragile economy.
The move is at odds with other countries who have condemned the Kingdom over the murder of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi.…
“Our government wasn’t designed to operate by national emergency,” Rep. Will Hurd (R-Tex.) said. “We’re almost in uncharted territory.”…
Here's a whip count of almost* every Republican senator's position on the emergency declaration.
There's more opposition than you might think.
"Mexico will pay for the wall" slowly became "the wall will pay for the wall" before arriving at "the US military will pay for the wall."
"There is nothing approaching an 'emergency' in this situation, no matter how loose a definition you use," the Brennan Center for Justice’s Elizabeth Goitein said. "So this is [Trump] using emergency powers to thwart the will of Congress."…
Alan Dershowitz on Fox News says that Trump's emergency declaration is "very questionable." He says he doesn't think an emergency includes Congress refusing to authorize funds that a president wants.
CA AG Xavier Becerra is expected to file a lawsuit challenging Trump's emergency declaration as soon as today, Politico Playbook reports. More than a dozen states including NY, Nevada, New Mexico, NJ, Oregon, Colorado, Connecticut and Minnesota are expected to join.
California Gov. Newsom: "Trump is manufacturing a crisis and declaring a made-up 'national emergency' in order to seize power and undermine the Constitution ... Our message to the WH is clear: California will not be part of this political theater. We'll see you in court."
It's official: A coalition of *16 states* has filed a federal lawsuit claiming that Trump's emergency declaration is unconstitutional, WaPo reports.…
"I don’t get to watch much television. Primarily because of documents. I’m reading documents. A lot."-- Donald Trump
TRUMP: "I will hire the best people."
ALSO TRUMP: My hand-picked AG and deputy AG are criminals
Trump is suggesting again on Twitter that his current deputy attorney general, a man who still works for him, committed illegal and treasonous acts.
Reports: Rod Rosenstein expected to leave DOJ in mid-March
William Barr’s Son-in-Law Just Landed a Job Advising Trump on “Legal Issues”…
Trump leaves a mark on the nation's judiciary, making history by installing more appeals court judges in his first two years than any other president, with still more to come.…
@ChrisRuddyNMX, who says he saw Trump this weekend, speculates that DNI Dan Coats may be in danger of losing his job.
“There's a feeling that maybe there needs to be a change of leadership in that position"
Reminder: Trump said if elected, he would never see his golf courses ... would be working all the time #TrumpLies
"I almost fell out of my chair. I could not believe it," said Beth Callori of Long Island. "I voted for Trump. I thought he was going to be good for this country, but when I got that phone call [about the taxes I owed], that's it, I'm done."…
U.S. income inequality has returned to levels not seen since the 1920s — and it could actually be significantly worse, Axios reports.
The top 1% owns about 40% of total household wealth.…
U.S. agency submits auto tariff probe report to White House as Trump considers unleashing steep tariffs on imported cars and auto parts.…
A pair of House Democrats are launching a new probe of what they called the "complex web of relationships" between members of the NRA and Russian individuals with close ties to the Kremlin, ABC News reports.…
A Florida sixth-grader was charged with a misdemeanor after refusing to recite the Pledge of Allegiance.
An operative for N.C. candidate Mark Harris paid workers to collect hundreds of absentee ballots from voters and tried to obstruct investigation, officials say.
The allegations in NC-09 against the Harris camp run counter to the baseless claims of rampant voter fraud touted by Trump & GOP.
National Republicans have been silent on the case — undercutting their purported hardline stance on election fraud.…
@BarackObama is quietly advising the 2020 Dem field, coaching them on how to run for president and urging them to compete aggressively in Trump country.
The West Virginia woman who once called Michelle Obama an "ape in heels" appears to be same woman who recently pleaded guilty to defrauding FEMA out of more than $18,000, according to USA Today.…
Malia Obama's secret Facebook account reveals just how much former First Daughter hates Donald Trump.
Why wouldn't Malia Obama dislike Donald Trump? He has endangered her family and said despicable things about her father!
Protests swept the nation today against Trump's fake national emergency and racist border wall.
10 signs from the nationwide protests to stop Trump's illegal fake emergency.
Every president since Nixon has voluntarily given their tax returns. Trump hasn’t.
There’s a reason for that, he has a lot to hide.
In case you missed yesterday's thread:
Trump repeatedly struggled with the word "Venezuela" during his speech in Miami about Venezuela