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NS: The centrepiece of this Programme for Government is our work to tackle the climate emergency.

But I must begin by addressing the constitutional emergency that is engulfing the UK. #scotpfg
NS: Today MPs from across the political divide will seek to block the possibility of a no deal Brexit.

Given the anti-democratic move last week by Boris Johnson to shut down Parliament, it is vital that this effort succeeds. #ScotPfG
NS: SNP MPs will do everything possible to stop the UK crashing out of the EU without a deal. Scotland did not vote for any form of Brexit, and having a catastrophic no deal Brexit imposed on us is completely unacceptable. #scotpfg
NS: As long as a no deal outcome remains a risk the Scottish Government will do all we can to mitigate the impact on families, communities and businesses across the country. #scotpfg
NS: As long as a no deal outcome remains a risk the Scottish Government will do all we can to mitigate the impact on families, communities and businesses across the country. #scotpfg
NS: Most importantly of all, we intend to offer the people of Scotland the choice of a better and more positive future as an independent nation. #scotpfg
NS: I can confirm that, during the passage of the Referendums Bill, we will seek agreement that will put a referendum beyond legal challenge.

We have a clear democratic mandate to offer the choice of independence within this term of Parliament - and we intend to do so. #scotpfg
NS: It now seems inevitable that there will be an early General Election. So let me be crystal clear today - the SNP will put Scotland’s opposition to Brexit and our right to choose independence at the very heart of that contest. #scotpfg
NS: It is easy to feel that the last 12 months have been dominated by Brexit. But in Scotland, we have made important progress in creating a better and fairer country. #scotpfg
NS: We have established a new Social Security Agency, which is now providing assistance to more than 90,000 people across the country. #scotpfg
NS: We have made progress in closing the attainment gap in our schools and widening access to our universities. #scotpfg
NS: We have continued to recruit childcare workers and build or refurbish nurseries to prepare for our unprecedented expansion of early years education and childcare. #scotpfg
NS: World-leading domestic abuse legislation has come into force and according to the most recent figures, our exports have grown more rapidly than those of the rest of the UK, while our unemployment rate is lower. #scotpfg
NS: The year ahead will consolidate Scotland’s position as a leader in the battle against climate change. It will see landmark policies, long in the planning, come to fruition. #scotpfg
NS: We will continue with record investment in, and reform of, health and social care and we will take game-changing action to tackle child poverty. #scotpfg
NS: This PfG will reinforce Scotland’s place as a dynamic, open, innovative economy. And it will also help us to build a fairer society – one which is defined by our concern for the rights, dignity and wellbeing of every individual. #scotpfg
NS: In short, while the Westminster government shuts down, the Scottish Government is stepping up. #scotpfg
NS: Earlier this year, I acknowledged that Scotland – like the rest of the world – faces a climate emergency. We are now committed to achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045 at the latest - earlier than any other UK nation. #scotpfg
NS: Our PfG will lay the foundations for a new Scottish Green Deal, with measures to reduce emissions, support sustainable and inclusive growth, promote wellbeing, and create a fairer society. #scotpfg
NS: Transport is currently responsible for more than 1/3 of Scotland’s greenhouse gas emissions. To tackle this I can announce we will continue to support the growth in electric & ultra low emission cars as part of our aim to phase out new petrol & diesel cars by 2032. #scotpfg
NS: Over the next year, we will also help more businesses and consumers buy ultra low emission vehicles, including second hand ones, with a further £17 million of low carbon transport loans. #scotpfg
NS: On aviation, I am announcing today a bold aim to make the Highlands and Islands the world’s first zero emission aviation region, with flights and airport operations fully decarbonised. #scotpfg
✈️ NS: And we intend to decarbonise all flights between airports within Scotland by 2040. #scotpfg
NS: I can confirm today that our overall aim is to also to see Scotland’s rail services be decarbonised by 2035 – 5 years ahead of the UK ambition. #scotpfg
NS: Last, but by no means least, we will continue to support active travel. Maintaining our annual investment in cycling and walking of £80 million. #scotpfg
🏘️ NS: As well as in transport, we will also intensify our actions to reduce emissions from heating and housing, and tackle fuel poverty. We are already investing £500 million in energy efficiency measures over the lifetime of this parliament. #scotpfg
NS: From 2024 - a year earlier than planned for the rest of the UK - we will require all new build homes to be heated from renewable or low carbon sources, rather than fossil fuel boilers. #scotpfg
NS: These steps will be accompanied by additional support from the Scottish Low Carbon Heat Fund, which will provide a minimum of £30 million for renewable heat projects, including heat pumps. #scotpfg
NS: I can announce that publicly owned Scottish Water – the biggest purchaser of electricity in Scotland – will commit to becoming a net zero company by 2040. And by 2030, it will aim to produce or host three times more renewable energy than it consumes. #scotpfg
NS: We will continue our efforts to reduce waste and to reuse & recycle materials more effectively. We will introduce a Circular Economy Bill in the coming year which, among other things, will enable charges to be applied for items such as single-use coffee cups. #scotpfg
🌲 NS: And we will invest an additional £5 million to increase our tree planting target from 10,000 to 12,000 hectares next year. #scotpfg
NS: Responding to climate change is not simply a moral obligation – it is also an economic and social opportunity. It provides us with an incentive to make our air cleaner, our lifestyles healthier, and our cities and landscapes more beautiful. #scotpfg
NS: So we will also act to ensure that Scotland benefits economically from being one of the first countries to move to a net-zero future. #scotpfg
NS: The Scottish National Investment Bank, which will become operational next year will invest at least £2 billion over ten years, providing patient finance for ambitious companies and projects that can help us to achieve key national missions. #scotpfg
NS: I can confirm today that the Bank’s primary mission will be securing the transition to a net zero economy. #scotpfg
NS: The Scottish Government will also develop and bring to market a Green Investment Portfolio of projects worth at least £3 billion, covering areas such as heat, waste, power generation and property. #scotpfg
🌍 NS: Scotland is without doubt one of the best countries in the world to invest in low carbon or net zero projects – by promoting the Green Investment Portfolio, we will ensure that fact is known to investors around the world. #scotpfg
NS: All of these actions demonstrate how moving to a net zero economy is compatible with our ambitions to boost Scotland’s productivity, increase our sustainable growth rate and be the country that designs, develops and manufactures the key innovations of the future. #scotpfg
NS: A great boost for our tourism sector has been the reputation Scotland has earned as a first class host of major events.

🏌️‍♀️ Later this month, Gleneagles will host the Solheim Cup.

⚽️ And next year, Glasgow will host four matches for the Euro 2020 tournament. #scotpfg
NS: The UEFA European Championships Bill will be part of our legislative programme. Ensuring the successful delivery of the games hosted by Glasgow, and meet the commitments required by UEFA to prohibit ticket touting and protect commercial rights during the event. #scotpfg
NS: We will continue to support City Region Deals and regional Growth Deals. We will also support the rural economy.

By the end of the year we will publish the first ever National Islands Plan and by April next year, we will establish South of Scotland Enterprise.
🖥️ NS: We will also continue to deliver improved digital infrastructure to all parts of the country.

Our commitment to provide access to superfast broadband for every home and business in Scotland is the most ambitious of any government in the UK. #scotpfg
NS: Last year, Scotland’s goods exports increased by almost 13% - we are determined to see that figure grow further. I can announce today that we will launch a new Foreign Direct Investment plan to attract new investment in key sectors of the economy. #scotpfg
💷 NS: We will also continue to pursue a balanced approach to taxation.

We have already ensured that the majority of people in Scotland pay less income tax than elsewhere in the UK, while those who can afford to pay proportionately more. #scotpfg
NS: Our approach to taxation is intended to encourage business investment and economic growth, and provide us with the resources we need to fund world-class public services. #scotpfg
👶 NS: Next August, we will deliver one of the defining commitments of the current parliamentary session - around 80,000 families in Scotland will start to benefit from our expansion of early years education and childcare. #scotpfg
NS: All three and four year olds, and all two year olds from poorer families, will be eligible for 30 hours a week of free early learning and childcare during the school year. #scotpfg
NS: That represents a total investment of more than £900 million pounds each year in giving our children the best possible start in life.

And it will save parents up to £4500 per child each year. #scotpfg
NS: We are currently investing more than £180 million in the Attainment Fund. To allow schools to plan ahead, I can confirm today that we will continue the Fund until at least March 2022. #scotpfg
NS: I can also announce today that we will make an additional £15m available this year to improve the experience of children who have additional support needs, and their families. #scotpfg
🏫 NS: And we will shortly announce the first set of schools to be built through our new £1 billion school investment programme. #scotpfg
NS: In the next year, we aim to deliver 30,000 modern apprenticeship starts, meeting the commitment we made in 2016.

And we will continue to widen access to university. #scotpfg
NS: The Independent Care Review will report early next year. I have been clear, though, that we should not delay making changes now that will help level the playing field for care experienced young people. #scotpfg
NS: I can confirm that in the coming year we will:

👨‍⚕️ Remove dental charges for care experienced people between the ages of 18 and 26;

🏠 Ensure access to discretionary housing payments for care experienced young people in receipt of a qualifying benefit; #scotpfg
👶 Extend entitlement to early learning and childcare provision to 2 year olds with a care experienced parent;

👨‍👩‍👧‍👦 Create a statutory presumption in favour of siblings in care being placed together where it is in their best interests; #scotpfg
🏫 And from the start of the 2020/21 academic year, remove the age cap of 26 for access to the care experienced student bursary. #scotpfg
NS: Children and young people who grow up in the care of the state deserve to be loved and supported to reach their full potential. I am determined that we will live up to that. #scotpfg
NS: We will continue to deliver better support for new mothers who experience mental health problems.

We will meet our pledge to provide an additional 800 mental health professionals by March 2022 in settings such as hospitals, GP surgeries and prisons. #scotpfg
NS: We will also ensure that our accident and emergency services – which for the last four years have been the best performing in the UK – continue to be world class. #scotpfg
🏥 NS: We have opened Major Trauma Centres in Aberdeen and Dundee. In the next year, work will progress on new centres in Edinburgh and Glasgow. #scotpfg
NS: Two years ago, I announced an additional £20 million a year to reduce the harm caused by drugs. #scotpfg
NS: The drug death statistics published over the summer reinforced the scale and urgency of that task. The situation we face is a public health emergency and our response must recognise that. #scotpfg
NS: I am announcing additional investment of £10m in each of the next two years. This extra funding will help the Drug Deaths Taskforce support new & existing projects & test different approaches. It will also help to improve the provision of Opiate Substitute Therapy. #scotpfg
NS: We will continue to seek the powers we need to take this action, and we will also consult on wider reforms to drugs law so that the Scottish Parliament is ready to act when we have the power to do so. #scotpfg
NS: We will also take further steps to tackle poverty. We invested an estimated £1.4 billion last year in support for low income households. #scotpfg
NS: That includes almost £100 million to protect people from the impact of UK welfare reforms. #scotpfg
NS: Scotland is currently the only part of the UK to have statutory targets for reducing child poverty.

To help meet those targets, we will introduce legislation for a new Scottish Child Payment of £10 a week. #scotpfg
NS: I am very pleased to announce today that we plan to make the first payments to eligible families with children under the age of 6 by Christmas next year - ahead of the schedule we set out before recess. #scotpfg
NS: This investment will provide more than £500 a year per child for the families who need it most.

We estimate that, when it is delivered in full, the new Child Payment will lift 30,000 children out of poverty. #scotpfg
NS: Anti-poverty campaigners have described it as ‘game-changing’ and they are right to do so. #scotpfg
NS: The Child Payment will be delivered by the Scottish Social Security Agency. In its first year of operation, the Agency has supported more than 90,000 people through the Best Start Grant, Best Start Foods and the Carer Allowance Supplement. #scotpfg
NS: I can confirm that later this month, the first Funeral Support Payments will be made to help families on lower incomes struggling with funeral costs.

And later this autumn, young carers will start to receive £300 a year through the Young Carer Grant. #scotpfg
NS: And in summer next year, we will introduce Disability Assistance for Children and Young People.

These are all further steps towards establishing a social security system based on the principles of fairness, dignity and respect. #scotpfg
NS: That basic commitment to social justice must also underpin our approach to homelessness and housing. #scotpfg
NS: We are in the first year of a three year investment – totalling more than £32 million - in our Rapid Rehousing and Housing first Programmes. These will support hundreds of people in the coming year. #scotpfg
NS: In addition, we will launch a £4.5 million fund this year for third sector organisations involved in tackling homelessness. It will enable them to improve and in some cases transform the services they provide. #scotpfg
🏠 NS: Over this parliament, we will invest more than £3.3 billion in affordable housing. Indeed, I can announce today that we are firmly on course to meet our target of delivering 50,000 affordable homes, including 35,000 for social rent. #scotpfg
💷 NS: I am also delighted to confirm that in December this year we will launch a new £150 million national pilot scheme to provide first time house buyers with up to £25,000 towards their deposits. #scotpfg
NS: A new Hate Crime Bill will consolidate & update existing hate crime legislation. The vital importance of tackling hate crimes - including those prompted by religious & racial hatreds. #scotpfg
🙋‍♀️NS: We will implement key recommendations of the National Advisory Council on Women and Girls – for example by establishing a new collaborative to promote gender equality across Scottish public life. And we will continue our work to tackle the gender pay gap. #scotpfg
🏳️‍🌈 NS: We will also work to advance Scotland’s reputation as one of the most progressive countries in Europe for LGBTI equality. #scotpfg
🏳️‍⚧️NS: I can confirm that we will consult on the details of draft legislation to bring Scotland’s process of gender recognition into line with international best practice. #scotpfg
NS: In addition, although legislation for this does not feature in this year’s programme, I can reaffirm our commitment that the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child will be incorporated into Scots law before the end of this parliamentary session. #scotpfg
NS: The National Taskforce for Human Rights Leadership will also continue its work to develop a new statutory framework for safeguarding human rights in Scotland. #scotpfg
NS: Alongside these crucial legislative steps, we will continue to plan for the possibility of a no-deal Brexit – with a focus on ensuring continuity of medicine and food supplies, and providing reassurance and support for EU citizens. #scotpfg
NS: As long as no deal remains a risk, we will do everything we can to ensure that Scotland is as prepared as we can be. However, unlike the UK government, we will be honest about the inability to prevent all of the harm that a catastrophic no-deal Brexit would inflict. #scotpfg
NS: It is also worth making the point that these measures, although vital, are about mitigation – about making UK Government decisions less damaging than they might otherwise be.

But mitigating bad Westminster decisions should not be what this Parliament is about. #scotpfg
NS: We should be focussing all of our energies on the positive decisions that will secure the best future for our country. #scotpfg
NS: The opportunity to choose that better, more hopeful future as an independent country is one that Scotland deserves. And this government is determined to offer it. #scotpfg
NS: This Programme sets out how this Government will get on with the job of building a better country. It puts people’s health, prosperity and wellbeing at its heart. #scotpfg
👶NS: By this time next year, 80,000 families will be benefitting from more than 1000 hours of free childcare a year.

👩‍🔧 We will have delivered 30,000 modern apprenticeship starts.

🏘️ We will be even further on the way to delivering 50,000 affordable homes. #scotpfg
💷NS: We will have introduced a further four social security payments.

🏦 We will have established a Scottish National Investment Bank.

🌍 And we will have confirmed our global leadership in the fight against climate change. #scotpfg
NS: This programme will make a difference for years to come. It details measures which can help make our country the best in the world in which to grow up, learn, work and live. It meets the challenges of the future, while staying true to our enduring values. #scotpfg
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