remember, EVERYTHING Donnie does is in fealty to Putin
@ChrisAlbertoLaw lays it out
Ukraine has lost 10,000 troops and civilians since this whole thing began…
- Putin currently holds like 700 grudges
- Election 2016 was ratf*cked because he hates Hillary
- Ukraine kicked out Putin's man in Kiev, Viktor Yanukovych in '14
- after which Putin stole Crimea and attacked Ukrainian sovereignty
- @realDonaldTrump is a useful idiot in that he does what he's told
- new Ukraine president has inexplicably signaled willingness to work with Donald…
my sense is they'd be MORE than willing to play ball with #TrumpCrimeFamily…
we're fairly certain a "promise" caused our DNI patriot to come forward
requesting Biden dirt (which sounds SO like Donald) doesn't fit "promise" construct as @kdrum lays out here for @MotherJones…
he's scared of salad, condoms and certain light bulbs so yeah all 2020 Dems frighten him
do I believe Donald would request Biden dirt in a multi-layered mafia scheme?
also yes…
think of Donald's crimes as series of multi-layer felony cakes; #WhistleblowerGate alone probably has 14 layers and our fork has only pierced a few tiers

bet the farm #WhistleblowerComplaint stemmed from that