- in 2017, she revealed she met Syria's brutal dictator Assad without informing top Democrats
- she refused to call him a war criminal for years, instead she called US backed groups in Syria “terrorists” 1/
- In 2015, she sided with Republicans to block virtually all (Muslim) Syrian & Iraqi refugees from coming to the US
- However she introduced a resolution calling for US to prioritize religious minorities (Christians) when granting refugee status. 2/
- She released a video alleging the Mueller Report said Trump did not collude with Russia and it's time to move on.
- She is allegedly anti-war (she isn't) but is fine w/ Russians bombing Syrian civilians
- She is promoted by pro-Russian outlets 3/
- She hasn't condemned the use of torture
- She said she's a hawk when it comes to war against "terrorists" (happens to be Muslims, btw)
- She supports anti-Muslim extremist Modi, his supporters love her
- She supports Egyptian dictator Sisi 4/
- She's supported by MAGA, Steve Bannon, who setup a meeting bw her & Trump after he won, Alt Right leader Richard Spencer, neo-Nazis at Daily Stormer, David Duke, Hindu nationalists, Tucker Carlson
- She accuses Dems of rigging 2020 elections