It must’ve been a temp domicile.
If I have to guess, he moved there right after that video when he appeared for the 1st time since 2014.
But if that area was Iraq or NE Syria, it made sense he was going to leave the entire area, with the video & its clues as diversion.
It was one of the earliest strongholds of the group, specially nearby al-Dana. But look how close it is to Turkey, and a key center for Syrian expat & logistics (map via @michaelh992)

At best, that area would have been considered for “counterintuitive” reasons, that nobody would be looking for Baghdadi there. But counterintuitive only for transit or a temporary domicile.
Most people will think Abbottabad & OBL. This is not it.
• Iraq was still the best place for him to hide, but he was avoiding a likely focus of intel.
• human intel (verification etc) came from Turkey or its proxies/allies.
• He was on the move, not staying there.
• Baghdadi would have blown himself up if he was about to be attacked or captured. (Unless he couldn’t for some reason.)
• Needless to say, under no circumstances would al-Qaeda or other jihadists help ISIS hide Baghdadi. And ISIS would never let them.
@wissamm88 quotes a Nusra/HTS leader as confirming Baghdadi & a deputy from Tal Afar were killed in a US raid.
Critically, the leader claims that HTS had been aware of Baghdadi presence & was searching for him.
Al-Qahtani is also Iraqi.
A few months ago, he reportedly gave refuge to a fellow Juburi from ISIS there. He has contacts/channels.
One of several ISIS members who accepted his offer was a relative of his known as Abu Abdallatif al-Juburi, an ex-aide to Baghdadi.
This report, from last month, adds intrigue to today’s news:…

@MazloumAbdi, the commander of the US-backed/abandoned SDF, suggests the operation was a result of joint intelligence effort between the organization & the US.
See next tweet..
That’d be the Syrian conflict’s biggest irony.
Abu Muhammed al-Halabi. He appears to have been a supporter & longstanding ISIS loyalist. He was killed defending Baghdadi:
The sheep herder, living nearby, says the house was recently owned by an Aleppo IDP, Abu Mohammed Salamah. US & Arab troops at 11pm. Soldiers handed him 3 kids & a light (!) for safety…
Too many will be reinvigorated by his death, become more determined to win & take revenge.
A large number will be demotivated but won’t desert or leave.
A minority = vulnerable
1. it’s a perfect opportunity for Russia & Damascus to get an international buy-in for the final showdown with the rebels
2. That showdown will open the door for ISIS rivals to attract to its vulnerable members
If this is true, and it seems so, then Trump’s abandonment was even more treacherous.
The list and recent events suggest the work was mostly done by Syria, Russia and Turkey.
Iraq & SDF probably verified ID/DNA & provided early tips about his movement.
Expect an offensive in Idlib soon, a huge support for Assad.
• Reinvigorated, not demoralized, ISIS in Iraq & Syria.
• A new leader won’t assume the same role.
• ISIS will maintain its foreign affiliates largely intact.
• ISIS will become even more local-focused.…
The SDF’s commander now says another operation near Jarablus, in the Turkish-controlled Euphrates Shield zone, targeted the spokesman of ISIS Abu al-Hassan al-Muhajir. He says the operation was in coordination between his group and the US.
A similar pattern of one killing leading to another played out in 2016