Students, teachers, and education officials, protest Pinera's Neoliberal Austerity policies, marching from Plaza Italia to La Moneda.
Mourning Women, dressed in black, with flowers in their hands, march in memory of more than 23 murdered people, 1,300 wounded and 146 with loss of vision, by shots fired by soldiers and Carabineros of Sebastián Piñera's brutal Regime

The hospital falsely recorded the injuries as being the result of "domestic injuries".

Women of Mourning, sing "The Right to Live in Peace", for all those killed, tortured and injured by Piñera's brutal Regime.
Today in front of La Moneda Palace, Santiago.
The protesters head for Plaza Italia.
Some of the women simulate the eye injuries of people shot by Pinera's brutal Regime.
Do the policemen give a damn?
Live pictures
Pictures from 6pm this evening.
#SinIgualdadNoHayPaz - Without Equality There is no Peace.
They are calling the mainstream media, the Prostituted Press - #PrensaProstituida.
Its trending No.2
Can you imagine if Americans or Brits ever woke up enough to get "Prostitute Press" trending?

The gov said they would allow the people to protest if they were peaceful.
The gov LIED.
El Intendente are #PrensaProstituida

The people will never be defeated.