- Hamas says wasn't us. Who then? Islamic Jihad, #Iran's proxy?
- Hamas is ALSO Iran's agent, receiving arms, $, training.
- 10 rockets in 2 barrages is no rogue op.

- A volley of rockets from #Gaza requires coordination, civil defense, anti-aircraft crews. #Hamas leaders need time to get into their rat holes.
- Hamas coordinates with PIJihad. Here's PIJ leader Ziad Al-Nakhaleh w his Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani.

- #Hamas has added high-flying UAVs to its arsenal. #Israeli Air Force shot one down last week at 10K ft. - certainly for recon. That's not the standard Iranian-supplied Ababil.
See Hamas monument to drone in #Gaza (& father offering baby to Moloch).

- #Israeli hawks demanding action by @netanyahu.
- Includes Opposition leader Benny @gantzbe & Likud hawks.
- Did #Iran use #Gaza & #Hamas to serve as trip-wire for other fronts?
- New IDF Chief Aviv Kochavi launches “process of accelerated preparedness."

- How does Iran provide new weapons to Hamas? Tunnels from Egypt are supposedly closed.
- Stay tuned for my theory.
- [A reminder: 12 yrs ago, I warned of Hizbullah tunnels from Lebanon. jpost.com/Opinion/Op-Ed-…]
END for now.