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8 Islamic jihad terrorists eliminated in the #Gaza strip.
2 were on the way to carry a terrorist attack on the Gaza fence.
#PIJ Palestinian Islamic Jihad has been preparing to carry terrorist attacks and making threats. The @IDF carried targeted strikes against the terrorists who ordered this escalation.
The Average #Gazan is being used as a human shield for building terror infrastructure & terrorism
The @IDF conducted a targeted neutralization strike against a senior commander of the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist group in Gaza. Tayseer Jabari.
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This might just be the most brilliant troll of #Hamas ever seen.

Take a look at Hamas' genocidal charter here >>>…
And for those looking to learn more about Hamas, check out our backgrounder here >>>…

#IsraelUnderFire #IsraelUnderAttack
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یہودی نسلی ہوتے ہیں پیدائیشی یہودی
کنورٹ نہیں ہوسکتے آپ
وہ دشمن بھی اپنے برابر کا پسند کرتے ہیں
زیر نظر تصاویر کافی ٹرول ہوئیں
یہ بنیادی طور پہ یہودی مائنڈ سیٹ ہے
انڈین ٹرینڈز ٹاپ پہ ہونے کے باوجود
انھیں یہ رسپآنس ملا
انڈیا / پاکستان دونوں اسرائیل کے لیے اک جیسے ہیں
اگر انڈین
اگر انڈین سپورٹ انھیں متاثر نہ کرسکی
تو پاکستان کا اسرائیل کو قبول کرنا یا نہ کرنے سے بھی آسرائیل کو کوئی فرق نہیں پڑنے والا
سو بلاوجہ کی تڑیاں لگانے میں وقت ضائع نہ کریں

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"मठाधीशों का आत्मघाती आचरण और कांग्रेस की टूलकिट"

सार्वजनिक पटल पर भाजपा के खिलाफ माहौल बनाने से किसे फायदा होगा? सोचा है कभी?

जब सोशल मीडिया नहीं था तब समर्थक कैसे अपनी बातें पार्टी के समक्ष रखते थे? बात कहने, नाराजगी जाहिर करने के लिए बीजेपी ने जगह जगह कार्यालय खोले है,
कॉन्टैक्ट नंबर, ईमेल अड्रेस इत्यादि भी जारी किया है।

सोशल मीडिया का उपयोग समाज को जोड़ने, लोगों की मदद करने और सकारात्मकता फैलाने के लिए होना चाहिए, न की भाजपा के खिलाफ माहौल बनाने के लिये।

जो लोग भाजपा के खिलाफ माहौल बनाने में सोशल मीडिया का इस्तेमाल करते है
वे हिन्दु समाज को आत्मघात की ओर ले जा रहे है।

आत्मघात की ओर कैसे ले जा रहे है ये भी बता देता हूं।

सोशल मीडिया का इस्तेमाल लगभग सभी युवावर्ग के लोग करते है, उनमें से कुछ फर्स्ट टाइम वोटर भी होते है, कुछ ऐसे युवा होते है जिनकी राजनैतिक समझ लुल होती है।
Read 11 tweets
Today #Israel coordinated a complex operation to transfer humanitarian aid to #Palestinians in #Gaza.The transfer was hindered by repeated #Hamas mortar fire launched at the crossing,in which civilians were killed and injured and an @IDF soldier was wounded. Timeline of events:
2/5 This morning, the Keren Shalom crossing was set to open to allow for the transfer of humanitarian aid, and the exit of foreign nationals.
3/5 There were 40 trucks loaded with food, medical equipment, and humanitarian aid on their way to the crossing from #Ramallah, #Jerusalem, and Tel Aviv, donated by OCHA, @UNICEF, the Red Cross and Doctors without Borders.
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India's permanent representative to UN supported Palestians on #SheikhJarrah in Juresalem - a huge mistake and an amoral action

What is #SheikhJarrah and what does this have to do with #IsraelUnderAttack

Read on folks. This is important

1. SheikhJarrah is a property dispute between individuals and property papers are with Jews. Courts have also ruled for Jews. In 1885 Jews bought a few houses there and title transferr happened to them legally in land registry of Ottoman empire

2. In 1948 Jordan attacked

and threw Jews out from there and captured the houses and leased them to Palestinians. But did not transfer title deeds. So ownership remained with Jews per Jordanian law (English Law). In 1967 Israel took it back after 6 day war. Law was passed that those thrown out

Read 8 tweets
Rockets fired on Tel Aviv metropolitan area - MDA medics are responding to rocket which fell in central Israel Ramat Gan which struck a residential area, more details to come

Update to the rockets fired from Gaza, MDA EMTs and Paramedics are searching various scenes in Gush Dan, Lod, Rehovot, Bnai Barak, Giv'at Shmuel and Taibe. MDA teams have pronounced the death of one person critically injured after performing CPR
and are treating various injured lightly whilst running to the sheltered area and to those suffering from stress symptoms.
Read 4 tweets
Los suicide drones que usará Hamás contra la población de Israel deberían llamarse drones autodestructivos, llamarles suicida representaría que tienen vida. #IsraelUnderAttack #IsraelPalestine
#Palestina #Israel
Israel para bombardear, un lugar con gente, avisa usando algo que se llama “toque en la puerta”, les avisan por teléfono, o aviones tiran papeles, luego tiran salvas y después bombardean, así dan tiempo de correr.
Hamás ha lanzado más de 1,570 misiles en 48 horas y en aumento cada minuto, considerando que la Cúpula de Hierro no es invencible y puede destruir el 90%, confía en que el 10% mate el mayor número de Israelíes posible.
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Do you know why every mauzie on this earth is taught to hate #Jews ?

The richest #Jewish tribe Banu Qaynuqa, who were craftsmen, goldsmiths, money lenders & traders lived in two fortresses in the south-western part of Yathrib, now called Medina.
These #Jews were in close contact with Meccan merchants, supported pre izlamic Arab tribe Khazraj & others in Yathrib in their conflicts with their Arab rivals & hence resented Mohmmad’s attack on the Quraishs of Mecca in December 623, on 17th day of Ramadan (battle of badr)
To get rid of opposing #Jews , Prophet in 624, raided & besieged fortesses of Banu Qaynuqa for 15 days & expelled them from Yathrib…confiscated & divided their property, arms & tools etc among his followers & took for himself, 1/5 share of the spoils.. “
- Ibn Hisham.
3/n Image
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#IsraelUnderAttack En 38 horas, Hamas y Yihad Islámico lanzaron 1,050 cohetes y misiles que pretenden pasar la Cúpula de Hierro el sistema israelí de cohetes interceptores, con capacidad de evadir 90%.
Israel calcula que en Gaza puede haber 20,000 misiles desde el artesanal Qasam de corto alcance, hasta M-302 con capacidad de llevar 170 kilos de carga con 160 kilómetros de alcance, cubriendo todo el territorio israelí.
También cuentan con cohetes Grad sobre lanzaderas portátiles con 45 kg de explosivos y los M-75 con cabeza de 60 kg de explosivos y alcance de 75 km.
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Las grandes mentiras del actual conflicto ISRAEL VS HAMAS.

Sale #hilo

#PalestineUnderAttack #PalestinaLibre #IsraelUnderAttack Israel y Palestina #GazaUnderAttack #HamasTerrorists
ISRAEL COMENZÓ LA ESCADA IRRUMPIENDO EN #ALAQSA. FALSO: Israel incluso prohibe a los judíos rezar ahí (lugar santo judío también), solo entró cuando empezaron los disturbios. Orquestado previamente por los fanáticos palestinos que profanan el lugar llenandolo de piedras y armas.
ISRAEL COMENZÓ EL CONFLICTO EXPULSANDO PALESTINOS DE SUS CASAS EN #SHEIKHJARRAH. FALSO. Se trata de propiedades Israel expropiadas por Jordania cuyos inquilinos palestinos dejaron de pagar el alquiler y están en juicio por eso. Problema de morosidad, nada de nacionalismo.
Read 20 tweets
Understanding #Gaza and #IsraelUnderAttack

1. Gaza strip is narrow sliver of land on the South Eastern shore of the Mediterranean Ocean. It has a 11 km border with Egypt on its South, a 50 km border with Israel on its North and East and of course the ocean on its West

2. It produces nothing and gets its electricity and water from Israel. Food comes partly from Israel and partly from Egypt. The border with Egypt has only once crossing at Rafa. The rest is guarded and patrolled by Egypt. Infact Egypt is building a wall. Yes a wall like the

one Trump was building with Mexico. Why ? Because Egypt does not want these vicious crazed Jihadis to come in. In fact no Arab country does. Thats why none of the other Arab countries close by- Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Saudi, Lebanon have taken in Palestinians since 1947

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Solidaridad con el Pueblo Palestino, que lamentablemente vive hace años bajo el terror y amenaza de una dictadura, liderada por un grupo terrorista: Hamás (abro hilo 1/12)
A raíz de los últimos acontecimientos, las redes se llenaron de comentarios que no son ni pro-palestinos, ni anti-sionistas, son judeófobos completamente. (Sigue 2/12)
En algunos de esos comentarios hay quienes comparan al Estado de Israel con el régimen nazi de la Alemania de los años 1930. (Sigue 3/12)
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Six-year-old killed in Sderot rocket attack, sirens sound in Tel Aviv

IDF soldier killed in Hamas anti-tank missile attack hours after a father and daughter were killed in Lod in rocket attack.…
Wednesday evening sirens sounded in Tel Aviv and throughout the South as Hamas terrorists launched rockets to avenge the deaths of its top commanders by Israel earlier in the day #IsraelUnderAttack
The rockets either fell in open areas or were intercepted by the Iron Dome missile defense system.
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1. #IsraelUnderAttack has taken Israel by surprise - but shouldn't have done. 80% of Palestinians consider PA Chairman Mahmoud Abbas corrupt; Fatah split into three parties to run in the election touted for late May. Things were not looking good for Abbas...
2. In the last elections in 2006, Hamas won a majority of seats both in Gaza and the West Bank, and everyone knew Abbas was about to again lose these elections. And so Abbas just smothered PA democracy and canceled the election...
3. By trampling democracy Abbas' had lost all legitimacy among his own people and popularity was at an all-time low. He needed a conflict to divert anger from him and direct it towards Israel. So he artificially organized the crisis over Jerusalem...
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Schade, dass so viele das Narrativ der Terroristen verbreiten, die Angriffe auf #Israel seien eine „Reaktion“ auf „Enteignungen“ in #Jerusalem. Unabhängig davon, dass selbst dies natürlich keine Gewalt rechtfertigen würde, ist es einfach falsch. (1/8) #IsraelUnderAttack
Hintergrund: Es geht bei #SheikhJarrah um einen Rechtsstreit zwischen mehreren ansässigen Familien. Jordanien hatte 1948 Israel angegriffen, Jerusalem besetzt und die dort lebenden Juden (!) enteignet und vertrieben. Einige von ihnen klagten gegen diese Enteignung. (2/8)
Ein einfacher Rechtsstreit, der von unabhängigen Gerichten (Israel ist ein Rechtsstaat!) geklärt werden kann. Doch stattdessen ließen gewaltbereite Palästinenser die Situation eskalieren und setzten einen ganzen Stadtteil in Brand. So weit so erwartbar. (3/8)
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Wie genau meint ein WDR-Journalist das, wenn er den lieben Gott bittet, die "ollen Philosemiten" doch endlich "tot" (!) zu machen?
Man muss wohl vermuten, wenn es gegen @HGMaassen etc geht, dann darf ein deutscher Gutmensch auch mal so richtig die Totmach-Sau rauslassen.

(Übrigens war besagter Journalist jahrelang für die ARD in Israel unterwegs. Er hat seinen Tweet inzwischen gelöscht.)
Gerade höre ich, dass er den Tweet offenbar nicht selbst gelöscht hat, sondern der wegen Verstoß gegen Twitter-Regeln gesperrt wurde.
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From my daughter in Israel. Terrorists shoot a barrage of murderous rockets at Israeli children every second & the world demands restraint from Israel. If terrorists were shooting rockets at your children, would you be cool w/ it? Or is it ok bc they’re murdering Jewish children?
When these rockets strike. From my daughter in Israel.
Video of murderous rockets over Tel Aviv. Sent by my daughter from Israel:
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Read 245 tweets
Read 126 tweets
#IsraelUnderAttack 10 Rockets fired from #Gaza at Israeli civilians last night. Most shot down by Iron Dome.
- Hamas says wasn't us. Who then? Islamic Jihad, #Iran's proxy?
- Hamas is ALSO Iran's agent, receiving arms, $, training.
- 10 rockets in 2 barrages is no rogue op.
2/ #IsraelUnderAttack
- A volley of rockets from #Gaza requires coordination, civil defense, anti-aircraft crews. #Hamas leaders need time to get into their rat holes.
- Hamas coordinates with PIJihad. Here's PIJ leader Ziad Al-Nakhaleh w his Iranian commander Qassem Soleimani.
3/ #IsraelUnderAttack
- #Hamas has added high-flying UAVs to its arsenal. #Israeli Air Force shot one down last week at 10K ft. - certainly for recon. That's not the standard Iranian-supplied Ababil.
See Hamas monument to drone in #Gaza (& father offering baby to Moloch).
Read 6 tweets
In this Thread I present evidence that Netanyahu is a dictator. Proofs of Israel's crimes against Palestinians: occupied territory, destroys homes/history, kill Palestinian, arrested children (Physical abuse, sleep deprivation, humiliation, sexual assault)
In this Thread I present evidence of the Illegal occupation of Palestine by Israel and the crimes committed by Israel against the Palestinians
Read 149 tweets

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