DEMs announce impeachment charges
IG says FBI was right, Trump apologists were wrong
Barr gaslights America w/o pushback care of @msnbc
Lavrov gets OO meeting; denies RU attack on our 2016 elex.
Pompeo promises ‘action’ if they do it again—lift sanctions?

The Lavrov visit came at a delicate moment in the relationship between Trump & Russia.
There is abundant evidence of Trump’s abuse of power on Ukraine.
Rick Gates should get probation re excellent cooperation Manafort & Stone—superseding indictments in pipeline? 🍿
“Gates received pressure not to cooperate with the government, including assurances of monetary assistance,” the court filing notes.
Trump Stuns the World by Saying DOJ Report on Russia Probe Said the Opposite of What It Actually Says
Putin's plan for America is working better than he could have hoped
Meanwhile in America Republicans -- once the most hawkish of Cold warriors -- are now shamelessly using Kremlin talking points to shield a President whom Moscow helped elect. #Traitors

Slovak Biz’man Charged With Ordering Murder of Journalist Jan Kuciak
Hidden Payments & Costly Plans Dent Teachers’ Retirement Savings
Adm are encouraged to promote higher-fee investments that leave teachers w/ smaller nest eggs than they might otherwise have had.…
There is abundant evidence of the president’s abuse of power on Ukraine.…
Lavrov further complicated the picture by seeming to contradict that assertion.…
“Gates received pressure not to cooperate with the government, including assurances of monetary assistance,” the court filing notes.…
I don’t want to see their little smug faces about how much they care about LE when I’m burying a sergeant because they don’t want to p--s off the NRA. Make up your minds, whose side are you on?"…
Trump's "America First" policies defang the WTO's top court……
Administrators are encouraged to promote higher-fee investments that leave teachers with smaller nest eggs than they might otherwise have had.…
By 2012, the program would be known among its American operatives by a codename: Project Raven.…
Meanwhile in America Republicans -- once the most hawkish of Cold warriors -- are now using Kremlin talking points to shield a President whom Moscow helped elect.…………
Saudi Arabia is reviewing its plan for life after oil with Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman said to be unsatisfied with progress and the government seeking to control spending.…
Fox News' Chris Wallace said on air that the IG report headline should be 'it didn't find the things that Bill Barr and Donald Trump alleged'…
Today was another for the history books. A of I go to mark up Thurs—vote next week.
@HouseJudiciary need to start their outrage abt Trump’s many transgressions w/ bombast & flair.
Pls stop apologizing for doing your duty to our Constitution.
Msg’g is critical.

Apologies in advance if I don’t respond to your reply- my notifications clog & don’t load. DM me or @ me again to get my attn if important. Thank you.
December 10, 2019
Rest well #TeamPatriot #USVIA