Sweden to cut transport emissions by 70% in 2030
Will cost $5bn (1% GDP loss) per year by 2030 if done *most* effectively
Will cut 10.1MtCO₂e, so $500/tonne. Damage reduction is $31/t so
$1 will deliver 6¢ of climate benefits
Doesn't include transition costs + make a number of other, unrealistically optimistic estimates (like vastly increased biofuels won't lead to price hikes) p74
They even call this 1% cost 'relatively low' :)
10.1Mt from report, p8
Estimate of $31 across all SSPs and all damage functions, for 2030 from sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Estimated from 1% of SSP2 Sweden GDP and IPCC estimate of 1,000Gt CO₂ delivers 0.45°C (of 10Mt x 70 yrs)