via @KlasfeldReports and myself.
On Ukr.: "There are 17 witnesses & no rival story at all."
In the majority report, this is unwound.
Constitution & criminal law. Impeachment & criminality must, therefore, be assessed separately.
Located p. 8:…
Full searchable doc here:…

"The facts are the facts," he says.
Rep Ken Buck, R-Colorado, begins the debate and accidentally refers to the obstruction of Congress article as obstruction of Justice.
In 2017-2018, her fifth top donor was Koch Industries.
In 2019-2020, they have moved to spot #3.…
"Mr. Trump is welcome to be here. He was our welcome to participate and his lawyers. If he has any information that would exonerate him about this, he could present it at any time. He has not."
My apologies, regret the error!
Time check, we are into hour 6.
"We do not need permission from the president, we do not need permission from the courts," Rep. Dean says.
It's the Iron Curtain.
"Are you here to defend that as well?"
"When we say, no other president in the history of this Republic has ever defied an impeachment inquiry the way this one has, we mean it."