I’m quite surprised that I haven’t heard more people discussing / breaking down this academic paper re: how the Iraq war, 07-08 financial crisis & Obama’s-
(PDF) AMERICA'S POLITICAL PARADIGM SHIFT | Rachel Wyman, Ph.D. - Academia.edu academia.edu/41157832/AMERI…
Would anyone be interested in my doing a @Shem_Infinite - style breakdown?
It’s a 500 page academic paper so it would be long...but there’s a lot of-

And I’ve got plenty of experience reading & writing academic papers, so I can make it easy to understand.
But this stuff truly is amazing.
“We can identify what paradigm a politician serves by examining the arguments they make...”
(Ex RINOs, corrupt Dems pandering)
And more importantly “...political power grows over time.”
Like when you have the uniparty.

President Trump is the first who both branded himself and outsider and truly delivered on his promises to change things.
But then they’re heralded as geniuses (only after a lot of ridicule).
Seems a lot like what we’re going through with @POTUS

2016 wasn’t just another 4-year election.
It wasn’t a political revolution.
It was political EVOLUTION.
We will never crawl back into the water of the swamp from whence we came. We need @realDonaldTrump
Different administrations may change small things, but don’t typically cause structural changes in the paradigm.
If you’ve read Inside Trump’s White House by @DougWead you fully understand the significance of this administration making structural changes.

Fiancé is going to hurt me if I don’t bask in her awesomeness at all tonight.
If enough ppl enjoy this I’ll pick back up in the morning.
-Do you want me to continue?
I’m going through them and will continue when we get back to the interesting stuff.
2 researchers have best outlined the “centralization of the system” aims of the NWO, who planned to use private bankers to control the money supply and, by nature of money = power, the global political system.

#OperationMockingbird discussions of how the CIA and CFR came to control the media as a means to shaping the narrative and controlling national discourse.
Again, not conspiracy theory - check the cited sources.

95% of our brain function is unconscious, and when they can break past your filters to reach the “lizard brain” they can program you how they see fit.
Except in those of us immune.
I described it in my latest book The Pact Book II but still don’t get WHY some of us see right through it and resist the programming.

This is why #BendedKnee is so important.
The evil ones are using our energy, we need to battle it with good.

These demons & low energy vibrations are why many Satanists are known for S&M and brutalization of victims.
But since Twit got so weird yesterday, I’ll start a brand new thread & link it here.