I know I’m a conspiracy theorist, but I think there will be more to this whole ISIS & Iran Proxies ordeal.
I’d rather be an ‘influencer of thought’ than one of ‘opinion’, so instead of sharing my opinions... I’ll just share some facts.
We had intelligence prior to attack that Iran was organizing it; facts on the ground during/post attack confirmed.
Do searches on foia.state.gov - there is evidence everywhere!
It’s not conspiracy theory - it’s conspiracy reality.
While we’re told al Qaeda is an ideological enemy of Iran... evidence shows that they often work together.
For instance...
This is a HashD Militia Commander; they’re Iran’s main ‘Proxy’ in Iraq... and the most powerful Shiite Militia in Iraq.
• In a war between US & Satan, he’d have Satan’s back
If we are a ‘Greater Satan’ than Satan himself, isn’t it easy to see how al Qaeda & Iran work together... against our interests.
I was told, over and over again, that there isn’t as much difference between the factions as we like to think.
If you can, I suggest you ask people yourself. Unfortunately, most do not...
Example: When our DoD armed militia kicked the CIA militias butts... Schiff called it
“... three-dimensional chess...”
That is probably enough facts to get the wheels spinning - kick it around and see what you think.