Carb-cycling is one of the keys to the holy grail:
Muscle gain AND fat loss simultaneously.
Now, if you're obese, don't worry about this for now.
But in the 15-25% bf range?
This could change your life forever.
Of course, I'm not talking about junk food (more on this in a minute), I'm talking about REAL food.
On these intense training days, carbs are your best friends.
Let's get into HOW:
If you're following my full body training system, then you're training hard 3 times per week.
This means eating carbs 3 times per week.
The other 4 days are either VERY low or zero carbs.
I would never recommend having carbs in the morning - it simply ruins your energy and therefore your day.
Stick to the evening.
They help with recovery, and help you to SLEEP which is #1 for recovery and testosterone.
Now, this depends on:
- Your bodyweight
- Your activity level (biggest)
Therefore, on training days:
Lifting only = 0.5-1g per pound of BW
Lifting + cardio = 0.75g+ per pound of BW
NEVER eat junk food.
People's desire to lable all carbs as junk is ignorant and inaccurate. Almost like they're blindly following a religion.
The carbs I recommend are:
+ Fruit (esp. post workout)
+ Potatoes
+ Rice (any)
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