Joe Biden listens to others and really does choose the best people, unlike Trump who goes rogue and fills the WH with the swamp monsters.…
"An idea that goes back to our founding principle that all men are created equal. It’s an idea that’s stronger than any army, bigger than any ocean, more powerful than any dictator.___ "
#MinimumWage #Medicare
#JoeBiden #ForThePeople
Cuomo and Biden announced a push to make New York the first state in the nation to adopt a $15 per hour minimum wage.
"If you work full time, you shouldn't have to live in poverty - plain and simple,"
#SuperTuesday #DemocraticPrimary…
#JoeBiden2020 #FreeCollege…
#JoeBiden #Biden2020 #DemocraticPrimary
"He has the experience. He knows what needs to be done, he can repair the damage that he would be inheriting, so I think that is what was going on in people’s minds"
#JoeBiden #TeamJoe #Primary2020
In 1995 Biden was willing to at least consider raising the age of eligibility or recalculating cost-of-living increases for these programs for the elderly.Sanders views raising the age of eligibility as a cut.…
They have another shepherd named Champ.
It'll be nice to have a dog loving compassionate president again!
Biden is the complete opposite of Trump!
Here's a clip from the same speech where #JoeBiden is talking about saving SS and revamping our taxes...
#Biden doesn't lie to the voters LIKE BERNIE AND TRUMP DO.!! #Vote4Joe
They all do love to share the same conspiracy theories and lies as we have learned over the past 5yrs
#BernieLIES #TrumpLies
✅ no one should be in jail for marijuana
✅to decriminalize
and reschedule marijuana to a schedule 3..
✅Let states decide.
✅Expunge prior convections.
✅Supports medical marijuana.
#Biden #legalization

Here's a timeline that explains it thoroughly if you truly care about facts…
Joe Biden said he'd veto any bill that delayed people getting health coverage right away. He'd also want to know where they came up with the $35 trillion to pay for it. Here's the video clip: