[To be closed for the public:]
- bars, clubs, pubs etc.
- theaters, operas, concert halls, museeums etc.
- fairs, exhibitions, cinemas, fairgrounds, zoos,
[To be closed:]
- all places for recreational activities (inside and outside), specialized markets, casinos, betting agencies etc.
- brothels
- all sports activities in public and private sports facilities, swimming halls, gymnasiums etc.
[To be closed:]
- all not otherwise explicitly named stores and markets, esp. outlet centers
- playgrounds
[To be banned:]
- Meetings of private associations & in sports and recreational facilities as well as attendance of classes and lectures in adult eductaion centers,
music schools and other public and private non-school educational facilities
[To be banned:]
- journeys by bus
- Gatherings in churches, mosques, synagogues as well as gatherings of other denominations.
[To be decreed:]
- Visitors' regulations for hospitals, reha centers, residential care facilities & other medical facilities to restrict visits (eg once a day, for 1 h, not by children <16, not by visitors w/ respiratory infections etc).
[To be decreed:]
- Facilities mentioned above as well as universities, schools & kindergardens (if not closed) are strictly prohibited to be entered
by persons who in the last 14d visited one of the regions - classified as high risk areas
[To be decreed:]
- Constraints for refectories, restaurants, canteens & hotels to minimize risk of spreading corona virus, eg by changed spacing of tables,
limiting nr of visitors, hygienic measures
[To be decreed:]
- Accomodation facilities are only to be used if necessary and explicitly not for tourist purposes.
- Restaurants and canteens may open only from 6 am and must be closed at latest by 6 pm.
[Explicitly NOT CLOSED:]
Grocery stores, farmer's markets, pick-up and delivery services, off-license and beverage stores, pharmacies, medical supply stores, service stations, banks,postal offices, barbershops
[Explicitly NOT CLOSED:]
laundries (including self-service), paper stores, hardware and gardening stores, pet stores and wholesale trade facilities.
Moreover, these places will be allowed to open on Sundays.
[Explicitly NOT CLOSED:]
Opening the facilities mentioned above is allowed as far as constraints for hygiene are met, the number of visitors is limited and waiting lines are avoided.
[Explicitly NOT CLOSED:]
Craftsmen and persons providing a service can continue to work. All health care facilities will remain open, but need to meet the risen hygienic requirements.