D2 of #50daysofUdacity
I finished up to Lesson 2.25
Also completed lab assignment for a linear regression model to predict the price of taxi in new york city
My notes can be found here for quick reference
D3 of #50daysofudacity
I finished Lesson 2
Also completed lab assignment for linear regression model to predict the price of taxi in new york city
My notes can be found here for quick reference docs.google.com/document/u/1/d…
D4 of #50daysofUdacity
I finished up to Lesson 3.10
Completed 2 assignment on data preparation (transformation, versioning)
D4 of #50daysofUdacity
Key Learning
- Data quality is paramount for ML model performance
- Drift in Data can hamper model accuracy and its essential to monitor it
- Azure dataflow access is easy to use and powerful for data preparation
D5 of #50daysofUdacity
I finished up to Lesson 3.16
Completed a lab on feature engineering and selection with trained model on bike rent prediction using 2 types of model
D5 of #50daysofUdacity
Key Learning
- Feature engineering is crucial to develop the good ML models
- Feature selection is also important to improve accuracy of #ML models to avoid curse of dimensionality
D6 of #50daysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Data Drift needs to be monitored to sustain performance of model
- AZURE ML is machine learning managed services and have many component to support it
D6 of #50daysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Classification is important type of ML task which has 3 sub classes based on output: binary out, one among many output class, multiple among many output class
D7 & D8 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Regression evaluation matrix is different then of classifier. RMSE, MAE, Rsquared and spearman correlation
- Strength in number is a concept to leverage wisdom of many models to reduce biases and improve accuracy
D7 & D8 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key learning
- Ensemble mechanism has 3 types boosting (reduce bias), bagging (reduce variance) and stacking (multiple different models)
D7 & D8 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key learning
- Automated machine learning, also referred to as automated ML or AutoML, is the process of automating the time consuming, iterative tasks of machine learning model development.
D10 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Supervised learning classification generally preformed on tabular data, image & audio and text data (data need to be converted to numerical format)
D10 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Supervised learning classification has 3 types (binary, multi class single label, multi class multilabel)
- 3 main algorithms in AzureML for multi class algorithms (logistic regression, neural network, decision tree forest)
D11 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
I completed lesson 4.16 and also finished 4 labs in total.
Created PseudoCode to understand #AutoML process in @Azure#ML Studio in easier way.
D11 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Supervised learning regression generally preformed on tabular data, image & audio and text data (data need to be converted to numerical format)
D11 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- 3 main algorithms in AzureML for regression algorithms (linear regression, neural network, decision tree forest)
D12 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
I completed lesson 4 and also finished all labs
Here are my notes bit.ly/azmlnote
Key Learning
-AutoML has many options and its worth exploring it
-Supervised regression has 3 algorithms- regression, decision trees, neural networks
D12 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Unsupervised learning learns relationship of data without any labeled dataset
- Semi supervised learning combines supervised and unsupervised approaches
D12 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Clustering algorithms are unsupervised in nature and has 4 types (centroid based, density based, distribution based, hierarchy based)
D13 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
I completed up to lesson 5.8 and also finished 1 labs
Here are my notes bit.ly/azmlnote
Key Learning
- DL is subset of ML which is a subset of AI. All DL is ML but other way around is not true
D13 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- Artificial neural network are inspired from human brain but does not resemble them
- DL is capable of handling large data and learning complex arbitrary function on its own including automatic feature extraction
D13 of #50DaysofUdacity #Ai#ML#Azure
Key Learning
- DL has many applications across domains like image classification, text translation, speech recognition, autonomous driving, etc.
Here are my notes bit.ly/azmlnote
Posting here for people to refer notes. Happy to answer any questions.
D14 of #50daysofudacity #AI#ml#Azure
Key Learning
- Apart from 3 main approaches (supervised, unsupervised, reinforcement) for ML, there are specialized cases
- Similarity learning, Text classification, Feature learning, Anomaly detection, forecasting are specialized cases
D14 of #50daysofudacity #AI#ml#Azure
Key Learning
- #Recommendation system is a special case of similarity learning
- Recommendation system has 2 approaches content based and collaborative filtering
D16 of #50daysofUdacity #AI#ML#AZURE
Key Learning
- #Anomaly detection is a special class of ML algorithm which is difficult to model due to high imbalance of data
- Anomaly works with supervised (#classification) and unsupervised (#clustering) approaches
D16 of #50daysofUdacity #AI#ML#AZURE
Key Learning
- Anomaly detection has many applications (condition monitoring, fraud detection, intrusion detection, outlier detection)
-Forecasting is another special class of ML algorithm which works with orderable datasets (time or events)
D17 & 18 of #50daysofUdacity #AI#ML#AZURE
I completed up to lesson 6.16 and 3 labs
(forgot to update status yesterday but notes are updated)
Here are my notes bit.ly/azmlnote
D17 & 18 of #50daysofUdacity #AI#ML#AZURE
Key Learning
- #MachineLearning Managed Services makes ML development process easier by managing underlying environment, compute and other services
- Compute #clusters to be chosen based on need for training or deployment purposes
D17 & 18 of #50daysofUdacity #AI#ML#AZURE
Key Learning
- To use MLMS effectively, there is a need to understand modeling of work flow and automate it with #MLOps and pipelines (#devops)
D23-29 #50daysofUdacity #AI#ML#AZURE
I have done revision of all notes and completed specific lab exercises to check impact of other options and models on final results. Also started preparing for Study Jam Webinar on topic of Future of #Devops and #Mlops ; #innovation
D33 of #50daysofudacity
Actively participated on slack channel to answer many questions on #AI, #ML, #security and other aspects (close to 4 hr & 60 conversation)
Presented webinar on future of #DevOps & #mlops.
Really enjoyed both session and participants also enjoyed session based on feedback.
D34 of #50daysofudacity
Attended a #hc32 conference tutorial on Scaling #DeepLearning models for training and inference.
The majority of large models are coming from #NLP domain and driving need for larger and Distributed Computing.
D35 of #50daysofudacity
attended #hc32 conference. Lot of interesting work is going on in space of hardware to catch up with #AI & #ML compute demands. Here is an interesting snapshot from @intel keynote "No Transistor Left behind" on topic of generality and performance debate
D35 of #50daysofudacity
attended #hc32 conference. Many groups are working on exciting hardware accelerators to support compute hungry #AI/#ML#algorithms
D36-40 of #50daysofudacity
Revised my notes and redone labs from lesson 3-4- and 5
Until you appreciate what you currently have, more won’t make your life better.
2. It’s Never As Bad As You Think It Will Be
The problem with dread & fear is that it holds people back from taking on big challenges. What you will find — no matter how big or small the challenge — is that u will adapt to it.When u consciously adapt to enormous stress, u evolve.
What #AI lacks, humans can fill in.
What humans lack, who will fill in.
Dual standards of our society and human thinking. #Ethics, #fairness and other values are regulated for AI but same values for humans are not regulated.
Time to do introspection.
If humans are unable to grasp the ethics, morale and fairness values due to deep diversity of humanity, how can we ensure ethical frameworks created for #AI will be universal.
Humans have failed to uphold the values of #ethic across history and geography. Humans have used the technology to gain control and become superior. The weaponisation of #ai is inevitable. We have seen parallel cases from field of #biotech and specific case of #crispr
Security and safety of consumer, product, partners and Algorithm is next set of questions. Again no satisfactory answers. #Algorithms#AI#security
#antitrusthearing very interesting question, how will you ensure that biases of your employees are getting in to the algorithm?
In fact research has proven that algorithms are learning not from the data but the way data was labelled and annotated. #ai#bias
Day 18 update
Completed reading from Robert Cialdini
Started another reading from chapter 2 of Mayer’s book on Social Psychology, completed 5 pages
Day 18 update
Key Learning
- spotlight effect is experienced when we think people are paying more attention to us then needed.
- we also suffer from illusion of transparency that our emotions are easily detectable.
Day 19-20 update
Completed up to page 12/chapter 2 from Social psychology book by Mayers
Key Learning
- We overestimate the visibility of our social blunders and public mental slipups
- At center of our world is our sense of self
#QuantumComputing#quantum#technology#India Panel is packed with eminent and leading members from Science and Academia.
Apoorva Patel (IISc, Bangalore)
R. P. Singh (PRL, Ahmedabad)
Umakant Rapol (IISER, Pune)
Anil Prabhakar (IIT Madras)