THREAD: in summer 2016, Trump foreign policy adviser, Joseph Schmitz, pushed US government agencies to review materials from the dark web that he thought were Hillary Clinton's deleted emails‼️ 1/…
He approached the FBI & other USG agencies about material a client of his had “found” that Schmitz claimed were Clinton's missing 30,000 emails👉🏼actually FAKE‼️2/
Schmitz attended Trump’s first foreign policy meeting in Mar’16 at Trump International Hotel in DC & sat next to Papadopoulos‼️
PapaD *also* tried to get HRC’s emails.🙄 3/

Hacked = STOLEN. This is really shady stuff, and potentially ILLEGAL.🤨 4/
Worse, we *know* that MANY (all?) of these offers of HRC dirt came from the Kremlin/cutouts.🙄 6/
Flynn, KellyAnne & other Trump associates were included on SLIDES that Smith had about the project.🤨 8/
Smells like a ploy to get the government to use this STOLEN info to damage HRC.🙄 12/
The pros in the USG knew better than to use STOLEN info from the DARK WEB in an investigation‼️😎 13/
Schmitz then took a memo outlining his claims & concerns to House Intel. One cybersecurity expert outside government who saw the material on the dark web said the emails appeared to be FAKE, based on his review & where they were posted (dark web's "Reddit").🙄 14/
Schmitz also knows Carter PAGE and attended the Republican National Convention w/him & other advisers.🤨 16/

Peter Clement (fmr top CIA analyst) said Schmitz's ties "would have made him stand out" as a potential target to Russia.🙄 18/
~Jr via the #RussianLawyer
~Peter Smith (allegedly committed suicide)
In Fall 2016, USIC had chatter btwn #Russian hackers hoping to steal HRC's emails & get them to Misha🇷🇺Flynn via an intermediary.🤨 19/
See the pattern⁉️ 20/
Have no fear, friends. Just watch Team🇷🇺Traitor sweat as Mueller circles closer & closer‼️🤗