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Jun 14th 2023
🇺🇸 President Trump made America energy independent🛢️💪

The Biden administration sabotaged that achievement.

Come November 5, 2024, America will reclaim its independence.

(1/21) Image
1/ For the first time in nearly 70 years, the United States became a net energy exporter, unleashing oil and natural gas potential.
America became the world's number one producer of oil and natural gas! 📈🌍 #EnergyIndependence #USA
Read 24 tweets
Jun 1st 2023
#NickFuentes #AmericaFirst 2023

PS: Hey @elonmusk please unban @NickJFuentes already! 🙏🏻 Image
📺 Nick Fuentes on Working With Ye, Meeting Trump, and Being Cancelled (JustPearlyThings Interview | 3/1/23)… #JustPearlyThings #NickFuentes
📺 Interview with Nicholas J. Fuentes | Full & Uncensored (Keith Woods | 3/3/23)… @KeithWoodsYT
Read 7 tweets
May 18th 2023
🧵 President Trump's Agenda 47
His vision for America is so much bigger than you can imagine. The return to Strength, Peace and Prosperity is within our grasp. It's time to take it all back #Trump2024 #MAGA #AmericaFirst #Dilley300 Image
Read 10 tweets
Apr 19th 2023

This topical article goes through the liberties stripped of the Americans in the last few generations, and accelerated in the last 3 years.…


The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @POTUS44, @HillaryClinton, and the @FBI interfering with the 2016 election. Image

The author points out the corruption of the deep state vis-a-vis @BarackObama authorizing the IRS under @LoisLernerIRS to target conservative not for profits such as the Tea Party Movement. Image
Read 25 tweets
Apr 18th 2023
#DESANTISvsTRUMP #MegaUpdate1 #Part1Update

Given the scale of arguments (usually overt lies) I’ve seen leveled against @RonDeSantisFL since originally writing this thread, I’ve decided to add a MASSIVE update to counter *any and all* new and ongoing arguments against DeSantis…… Image
To people claiming “DeSantis is a RINO, Globalist, Neocon!” (Or any other similar argument) : Trump is *far more* “guilty” of this charge than #FreedomCaucus founding member @GovRonDeSantis will ever be. (The freedom caucus is by far the most #MAGA, #Liberty, and… ImageImageImageImage
Honorable mention - this is very old, but #Cult45 love bringing up random extremely old positions so here’s Trump also voicing his support for Hillary Clinton when he was still a democrat. Image
Read 27 tweets
Apr 5th 2023
#CôngTằngTônNữMaiĐệLiênMinhHằng : #IStandWithTrump Stay strong! We love you @realDonaldTrump
Truth will prevail. America has your back. 🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸♥️🇺🇸♥️ <333 . . . ImageImageImageImage
🇺🇸 #POTUS45 — President Donald J. Trump : "The more that a broken system tells you that you're wrong, the more certain you should be that you must keep pushing ahead. You must keep pushing forward." 🇺🇸 ImageImageImageImage
Read 56 tweets
Feb 12th 2023
Oscar James Dunn (1822–1894) was a politician, civil rights activist, and Union Army soldier who served as the Lieutenant Governor of Louisiana from 1868 to 1871. He was the first “BA” to hold statewide office in Louisiana and one of the first to hold a statewide office in the US
He was elected to the Louisiana State Senate in 1868 and was subsequently elected Lieutenant Governor. He served in this position until 1871, when he was replaced by the Radical Republican government. After his tenure as Lieutenant Governor, he…
returned to New Orleans where he was a prominent businessman, civic leader, and Mason. He was also a founding member of the Grand Lodge of Louisiana, a Masonic organization. Dunn died in 1894 and is buried in the Odd Fellows Cemetery in New Orleans.
Read 4 tweets
Feb 10th 2023
Happy FreedomFriday to you all!🇺🇲We hope you enjoy this hype recap from last year's FreedomFest💯🙌and thank you again for your support! @alexstein99 @RealBrysonGray @NickNittoli @Beard_Vet…
#nebraska #america #nebraskafirst #americafirst #ᴅᴀʀᴋᴛᴏʟɪɢʜᴛ
NFC began as a train slowly moving, building momentum & gaining steam & now we're moving so fast that we can't be stopped! Incredible how people are drawn to truth, accountability, & transparency, especially as it pertains to government & our elected officials😎💯🚂 /2
Now, it's time for you to hop on the train with us! We have some big things in the works for this year and we are doubling our efforts! All of this is only possible with the support of you, the people. That's what our mission has always been on behalf of 💪 /3
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Feb 8th 2023
It´s the economy, stupid !
#Arbeitslosenrate 3,4%, 12 Mio. neue Jobs in 2 Jahren, 🇺🇸 wird wieder zum globalen Player im Industriebereich, 800.000 neue Jobs in 2 Jahren. Vom Mikrochips bis Elektroautos ist das Motto #AmericaFirst
🇪🇺und 🇦🇹 wird umfassend reagieren müssen will man nicht zurückfallen. Insbesonders im Bildungsbereich aber auch in der Wirtschaftspolitik um mehr Zukunftsjobs in Ö und der EU zu schaffen und zu halten. EU Chips Act, EU Batterie und PV Fertigung erst Start
Trump hat genau dieses Versprechen eines Infrastrukturpaketes nicht eingelöst und wurde dafür wohl auch abgewählt. Diesen Fehler macht Biden nicht.
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Feb 8th 2023
"A War would be Disastrous"

(...for Russia, Germany, and Ukraine)

#CharlieWilsonsWar Round 2
The Ukraine Impeachment was a Cover Up Operation

Trump was RIGHT

Trump was Right about the Corruption in Ukraine

Trump was Right about Biden Family's Corruption and Links into Ukraine (under Obama)

London has influence in the #DeepState

Q: Who is #FionaHill ? Image
Q: Why did London oppose the Peace Deal in Ukraine?

Maybe someone should ask #VictoriaNuland Image
Read 4 tweets
Jan 5th 2023
🧵PART 1🧵
SELLING-OUT #AmericanTaxpayer's
¬RUSH COAL phase-out
¬PUSH invest in EVs/renewables
¬US commit $100B
¬Honor OLD #ClimateChange Agreements
@WEF @WHO want #Democrat POWER GRAB of #AMERICA
#KlausSchwab of #WEF
Violates #InalienableRights
ForcedGunControl #Biden's
#ExecutiveOrder 14067
Using Race/Bias/Belief/Credit
a Subjective
Read 21 tweets
Dec 30th 2022
So the outgoing co-chair of the #MIGOP wrote a meandering diatribe warning the MAGA faithful of false prophets. She won’t name names, nor is she handing out endorsements for MIGOP chair. I thought I’d do some quick takes: 🧵
Her initial question is if a candidate has run a winning campaign… good question. By this metric all candidates are disqualified; but she keeps going. This must not be a true metric for her. She says there’s a 🐀 among the pack, but won’t name names. 🤔
Her next metric is competence. This should eliminate the entire pack, but again, she keeps expounding. She says the best candidate should be able to tap into an established donor base. That’s all well & good, but she was part of alienating that donor base. It really sounds like
Read 11 tweets
Dec 21st 2022
The US is the lone sovereign state in the world.

This is indisputable.

The fact that ordinary people do not benefit from this is immaterial.

The state services excess capital, & excess capital allows the lone sovereign to dominate the globe.

How is that not #AmericaFirst?
From a purely political-economic point of view, the less state spending finds it way into the consumption of the working-class, that is, into the reproduction of labor-power as a whole, the more unpaid labor-time is realized as surplus value.

Hence, military spending.
CPI, for example, does not factor in military spending. But why not? Though a tomahawk missile is not anything anyone puts in their "basket of goods"; nevertheless, we pay for it.

Labor pays for everything---even the products we never consume.
Read 5 tweets
Aug 29th 2022
Republican Leadership doesn’t want to talk about Biden, the economy, the perversion of the education system, Afghanistan OR Trump!

They’re campaigning on nothing and their polling is faltering accordingly. 1/
Let’s start with Biden. Congressional Republicans are quick to say he’s collapsing the economy and creating dangerous energy shortages. But they’re not willing to impeach him for his mismanagement, creating a disconnect between the stated problem and the GOP’s policy solution. 2/
On the topic of perverting the public education system, Congressional Republicans are willing to talk about girls sports but terrified of re-litigating the wisdom of making LGBT our state religion (Culture War). What’s McCarthy’s view on drag queen story hour? Or Ronna’s? 3/
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Aug 5th 2022
It’s been an insane, amazing, difficult, heartbreaking, character testing year with every arrow we’ve taken during this campaign. We faced relentless attacks from the establishment. We refused to give up the way they hoped. I’m endlessly proud of our team, my wife and my kids.
This clearly wasn’t the result that we wanted but it was always an uphill battle as a write in. I was forced into a political suicide mission in some ways because they knew we’d win if they allowed me on the ballot but I’m proud we gave people a way to make their voices heard.
In the end we beat the majority of the candidates on the ballot. We ran the most successful write in campaign in Tennessee history. The establishment knows there are thousands of fiery Tennesseans who demand more from our government. This isn’t the end for us, this is the start.
Read 10 tweets
Jul 13th 2022
Rabbit hole of the day: 3 websites, 2 PACs, 17 #AmericaFirst candidates running in 16 states


They're all located at the same address...
...which appears to be a mail forwarding location. Also the same address as Jim Marchant's campaign for Secretary of State and another PAC called Lockwood Partnership and PAC contributor "J Marchant for Congress"…
AND Marchant for Congress PAC…

and probably more but I've got a migraine now and need to log off. 😭
Read 6 tweets
Jul 11th 2022
The fiscal case + patriotic case for reparations to descendants of slaves is astounding!

First, let’s be clear that #Reparations to American Freedmen were promised by the federal government & was not fully delivered due to gov’t takeover by Confederates, plus others….

Since foreigners, 1-3rd generation immigrants, and even multigenerational American citizens have something to say against Reparations to American Freedmen, let’s talk about it…

Black Americans are most…
likely to be fired for nonsensical reasons and not hired in the first place due to name discrimination and general anti-Black American bias. This includes ALL hiring managers (white, Asian, Black immigrant, etc)…ALL, EXCEPT Black American leaders

A white convict

Read 17 tweets
Jul 9th 2022

Here's a play by play update from this morning:
8:00am - @IanMSwanson standing guard at the door, refusing to allow duly-elected delegates entry into the convention center with resolutions
8:17am - Samuel Lyon tries to enter Convention with resolutions and @gagetaylor steps in front of him, barring him from entry
Read 76 tweets
Jun 22nd 2022
German delegation at UN laughed at him

Our left-wing media joined in

On social media, leftists endlessly mocked Trump, even added funny music

But #TrumpWasRight about NATO, about EU, about China, about #Trade, about… well, most everything:

(part 1)
President Trump participates in a bilateral breakfast with the Secretary General of NATO

#AmericaFirst #Peacemaker

(part 2)
The other NATO members didn't like Trump's criticism — being told to spend more for the *common* trans-Atlantic defense

But #TrumpWasRight: even now, when Russia has invaded Ukraine, billions are paid for Russian gas, in effect paying for Putin's war!
Read 4 tweets
May 23rd 2022
Thread incoming:
@JackPosobiec @BillSpadea @ChuckCallesto @TuckerCarlson @MattRooneyNJ

It is insane this is the GOP endorsed candidate. Every Republican in this state should be ashamed to be associated with him, starting with you @MorrisGOP
At least people are trying to get the word out on the real @tayfun_selen. Mailer that came in last week.
“I do not consider myself a conservative Republican.”…
Read 12 tweets
May 14th 2022
I have been saying this for years. The problem now is the Dems and the left are so far out of control having a 3rd party split on the Right would be devastating and quite possibly fatal for the country. The #AmericaFirst movement must win and take over within the GOP…
…ranks. It must start at the bottom and work it’s way up. It starts with your local city councils, school boards, county supervisors, local judges. Then it works up to your state house and state senators, then statewide offices: SOS, AG, Governor, etc. then it can finally…
…move to the federal level, Congress, Senate, etc. it will take time. It will succeed with time and patience. The #AmericaFirst movement can succeed where other movements have failed because if we adopt a bottom up mentality it will create the people we need to win at…
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May 10th 2022
RINO @JakeEvansGA blocked me because I called him out for who he really is: a liar, fraud and snake who’s trying to buy an election.

Instead of responding to me with his side of the story, he blocks me. Like a LEFTIST.

What a pathetic coward. The truth triggers him. Image
This is the stuff I exposed about him that led him to cowardly block me.

Here he says plainly that there was NOTHING wrong with the vote cheating that went down in GA, as documented in #2000Mules. He takes the side of Stacey Abrams ⬇️
Here he says the GOP needs to “moderate.” We heard that line before…from RINOs who have nothing but DISDAIN for us hardworking patriots in the MAGA #AmericaFirst movement.
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May 10th 2022
BREAKING: TX college conservative @kelly_neidert has been SUSPENDED by @Twitter for exposing leftists on Univ of Northern Texas campus who vandalized her apartment, threatened/stalked her & demanded she be expelled for standing up to alphabet mafia /woke mob. @elonmusk @GovAbbott ImageImage
CRAZY UPDATE: @Twitter has now locked down Kelly Neidert's @protect_tx_kids account for stating a FACT reported in a PEER-REVIEWED MEDICAL JOURNAL that 78% of gender-confused college students are mentally ill. "Hateful conduct."

Here's the citation:… /2 Image
NEW COLUMN: The hunting of Texas campus conservative @kelly_neidert ==>… "Capitulationist Republicans are the biggest enemy to Christian conservatives who stand up to the woke mob." @GovAbbott @UNTsocial @yct /3
Read 9 tweets

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