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Most recents (22)

Jan 20th 2023
If #AsianPaints went back to its ATH of 3600 by 2033 (28% upside from CMP) + profits tripled to ~12,000 Crs (12% CAGR - Last 3/5/10/15 yr PAT CAGR was on an avg 13%)

The 25 Yr Stock Px CAGR would STILL be 15% and the stock would STILL be trading at ~30x FY33 PAT

If #Fevicol (Pidilite) went back to its ATH by 2033(22% upside from CMP) + Profits tripled to +4,000 crs, (12% CAGR - last 3/5/10 yr PAT CAGR avg was 8%)

The 25 Yr Stock Px CAGR would STILL be 15% & the stock would STILL be trading at 35x FY33 Earnings

Did similar exercise on 5 BAAP stocks with a total Mkt Cap of $110 bn

All of them r trading between 5-12x PEG

DII + Retail are currently holding a Stinky bag worth ~$30bn in JUST THESE 5 NAMES

May the good Lord bless those poor souls for a world of pain awaits them

Read 3 tweets
Jan 6th 2023
#Nifty50 stock chart
👉🏻Support and resistance levels.
👉🏻It can be helpful if you are stucked in any of the following stock.

🔀Retweet- Let the needful can get support.

You can also post your stock charts below.

#StockMarketindia #trading @kuttrapali26

Support : 3751 & 3625
Resistance : 3878 & 4075 Image
Support: 784 | 746
Resistance: 828 | 865 Image
Read 14 tweets
Oct 21st 2022
#MustRead #NIFTY #CostOfCapital
How Does #Rising #InterestRates/ #CostOfCapital/#DiscountingRate Impact Stock #Valuations. A STUDY of large Cap INDIAN Stocks
A long THEAD, pls stay with me...Exercise Shows a #StockWise Impact of Higher Discounting Rates & Implied Long Term Growth
Exercise based on Div Discounting Model (DDM) for Current GSEC vs 8.5% GSEC (Every Justification for it to be 9%).
Starting with #Reliance
Tab 1: Stk px implies 14% CAGR LT Growth (8yr + 8yr) @ 7.45% GSEC
Tab 2: Same Growth (14% CAGR) @ 8.55% GSEC
=>18% Lower Fair Value(Rs2062)
Higher Global Interest Rates to counter Inflation => lower Growth. Past 11yrs, High Growth & Low Interest Rate Environment, RIL growth: Revenues ($ linked) at 9.2% CAGR & EPS at 9% CAGR over FY11-22... So Assuming EPS growth @ 14% CAGR in prev tweet is AGGRESSIVE
Read 9 tweets
Jul 2nd 2022
A mega thread of threads 🧵of business / industry events we have covered so far..!! (Will be contiguously updating as and when)

Events means something of significant nature have strong impact on Co / Sector

Like Retweet Follow Share if you find valuable

#investing #StockMarket
A quick thread 🧵on Single Use Plastic Ban starting from July-22.

What it means for packaging & paper sectors?
Whether its threat or opportunity?

Read 12 tweets
Jun 7th 2022

If cross 232 then 250 will be on screen soon.
Keep a close watch
Intraday if breaks downside then short this counter
Looking weak
Look out for bearish patterns on shorter time Frame
Read 4 tweets
Mar 21st 2022
Investing for long term is always projected as a complex task, reading about the nature of company business, balance sheets, Profit and loss statements etc. Is there any easy way to find the best stocks to invest for long term? That's what this thread is all about.
Many recommend companies like #ITC, #HDFC, #Reliance, #AsianPaints etc. Even people outside the stock market know that these are market leaders in their respective category. ITC controls 77% market share of Cigarettes and more than 85% of their revenue comes from Tobacco.
But when we are investing for long term we are looking for time period of 15 to 20 years. Will these stocks continue to be a market leader even after so many years? What if their competitor catch up? In order to find an answer for that, let's consider the below example.
Read 15 tweets
Dec 20th 2021
Thread On Industrial Progress Of Andhra Pradesh In Last 2.5 Years

#HBDManOfMassesYSJagan Image
కొప్పర్తి సెజ్ - రాయలసీమకు పారిశ్రామిక మణిహారం !

6914 ఎకరాల్లో కొప్పర్తి ఇండస్ట్రియల్ హబ్ ని నిర్మిస్తుండగా.. 3155 ఎకరాల్లో మౌలిక వసతుల నిర్మాణం పనులు శరవేగంగా పూర్తయ్యాయి

ఈ నెల 23న కొప్పర్తి సెజ్ ను ప్రారంభించనున్న సీఎం

#HBDManOfMassesYSJagan ImageImageImageImage
🔸 విశాఖలో రూ. 2500 కోట్ల తో నిర్మిస్తున్న ATG Tyres మానుఫ్యాక్చరింగ్ ప్లాంట్ పనులు శరవేగంగా సాగుతున్నాయి

★ 2014 రాష్ట్ర విభజన తర్వాత ఉత్తరాంధ్రలో నిర్మిస్తున్న అతి పెద్ద ప్రాజెక్ట్ ఇదే


#HBDManOfMassesYSJagan ImageImageImageImage
Read 96 tweets
Nov 4th 2021
🌟Looking forward to #MuhuratTrading?

🙌Check out this thread to see what #Trinkerr Experts chose as their top #DIWALIPICKS! ✨

#StockMarket #stocks
@MoneyMystery's #DIWALIPICKS for #MuhuratTrading🎁


💫Checkout his complete #Trinkerr portfolio:
@MarketScientist's #DIWALIPICKS for #MuhuratTrading🎁


💫Checkout his complete #Trinkerr portfolio:
Read 18 tweets
Sep 22nd 2021

#IRCTC > 100% Market share in Rail Network.

#IEX >90% market share in power trading.

#Zyduswellness >90% market share in sugar free product.

#Eichermotors >85% market share in 250cc bikes category.

#MCX >85% market share in commodity trading.

#Coalindia >80% market share in coal production in India.

#ITC >75% market share in cigarettes.

#HondaSiel >75% in portable power generators.

#HindustanZinc >75% market share in primary zinc industry.

#AsahiIndiaGlass >70% market share in automotive glass.

#NRBBearings >70% market share in needle roller bearings.

#Pidilite >65% market share in adhesives.

#CAMS >65% market share in RTA within mutual fund industry.

#TimeTechnoplast >65% market share in polymer based industrial packaging.

Read 10 tweets
Jul 30th 2021
Mega 🧵 on Tatva Chintan.

What excites me. What is the biz. What am i gonna do about the co.

Now that company is listed with around 💯%+ gains, probably a good time to understand #tatvachintan

Let’s dive right in. Image

First let us understand the types of products the company makes. This is a chemicals company. The primary line of products they are into is called PTC: Phase transfer agents. Before I explain what that is, let us do a small dive into chemistry.
The basic building blocks of matter (everything around you) are atoms. They come in 118 flavors, called elements. The water you drive is made of 2 Hydrogen atoms & 1 Oxygen atom: H2O. Image
Read 36 tweets
Jun 24th 2021
Low-risk, High-return stocks are what we look for relentlessly

But many of them we know but ignore
some of them don't grab financial headlines

Here are 10 low-risk, high return stocks (that we ignore):
What I mean by “high-return”?

These stocks have OUTPERFORMED the market:

💹Chart with upwards trend Since IPO
💹Chart with upwards trend Over the last 5 Years or since IPO

These are all long-term winners that will keep on winning
What do We Mean by “low-risk”?

A combination of:

❣️Great management
❣️Broad moat
❣️Financially strong
❣️High ROCE
❣️Low Disruption/Dilution/Volatility
❣️Consistent Organic Growth
❣️Assorted Customers/Suppliers
❣️Low debt
Read 14 tweets
May 23rd 2021
Thanks for sharing 🙏. Loved it. Much to learn from both camps.
Reminds me of an anecdote which happened recently. Wanted to share some knowledge on how I value #lauruslabs
#Valuations by their nature are subjective so some of these will be opinions.
Someone recently asked me following:
#lauruslabs has publicly stated guidance of doing 1B$ revenue in Fy23, with 30% EBITDA margins. They calculated profits to be 2340cr in Fy23. So P/E based on Fy23 earnings would be 14.
Question: Is this cheap?
My Answer (Rest of the thread):
Philosophical: Valuations lie in the eyes of the beholder & are most difficult part of any investment thesis; personally. There is no single “valuation”. Each investor must make their own decision on how to value, what's cheap, what is expensive.
Read 22 tweets
Sep 26th 2020
Weekly NIFTY50 analysis thread.
September Week4.

All posts are for educational purposes.
Adani enterprises
Read 53 tweets
Sep 6th 2020
Will be posting TA of all #nifty50 stocks in this thread. Any comments, suggestions are welcome!
Read 52 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
India is a land of unique monopolies....
Even though there are so many "competitors" in every sector, there is a consistent market share #monopoly/#duopoly in most sectors or particular segments of those sectors!
Some very prominent examples are...


Organized Paint Industry
Duopoly - 59%

Asian Paints - 42%
Berger Paints - 17%

(appx values)

Telecom Industry
Duopoly - 62% & rising

Jio - 34%
Airtel - 28%

Vodafone has 28% as of now but every month it loses out subscribers at a fast pace to Jio & Airtel

(appx values)

Read 9 tweets
Oct 3rd 2019
#TweetStorm - Expensive or deserves to be Expensive ? 1)One thumb rule for screening expensive companies is Market Cap to Sales or Enterprise Value to Sales. A 10x or more is generally expensive unless the company can grow sales rapidly or has extremely high Net Profit Margins.
2)Another way to look at expensive is if the Market Cap is equal to the Total Sales of the Addressable Market Size. This would lead to company having to launch different products in the future.
3)May not be the approach to take a Sell Decision or a Short Sell Decision. Very few companies can command such high valuations. Thumb Rule is just to review the investment thesis and the quality of the business. If doubts on quality , get out.
Read 9 tweets
Aug 6th 2019
1/ So interestingly, a third of respondents don’t like real estate as a space. Though from a business model perspective I agree with the conclusion that bldg materials (BM) is the best way to play this because —>
2/ BM has renovation demand and ‘trading-up’ demand which takes away some of the cyclicality, has the ability to build distribution which if done right adds to the “moat” and lends itself to the optionality of being asset light
3/ In contrast, Devs and financiers are by and large capital hungry. When you are capital hungry you open yourself to two risks. That of regularly raising capital and the price at which you get it. If caught in a bad cycle you could wipe out years of return
Read 8 tweets
Mar 20th 2019
#Theunusualbillionaire #Asianpaints "‘Champakbhai used to say that “Gareeb apni dahleej zaroor rang karega, poora...
Mangesh Pathak, a former employee of #AsianPaints, told me in, ‘Within six months of joining Asian Paints in 1996 as a management trainee, I was given independent responsibility to manage one of the six regional distribution centres.’" #TheUnusualBillionaires #SaurabhMukherjea
Jalaj Dani, member from one of the promoter families of #AsianPaints, also told us, This firm has had a culture that has allowed the professionals to do what they like to do, which results in people delivering great ideas and doing great things.’" #TheUnusualBillionaires
Read 36 tweets
Oct 11th 2018
Starting this thread on the handpicked videos about investments & life I found intriguing. Looking forward to knowledge & Goodwill compounding
#gyanwithsatwik #ValueInvesting
1) "We should be a little more sceptical about our ability to build Excel models, calculate margins of safety & give more focus to think about people"Rob Vinall
Of RV Capital in an eye opener on mgmt. quality judgement
Courtesy @abhymurarka
"Participation in price movement is not same as ownership of business"- Anthony Deden
Amazing insights into capital preservation, fallacies of #WallStreet , seeing #stocks as participation by @RealVision
These 145 mins will leave you thinking for days
Read 32 tweets

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