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#LGBTQIA friends affected by Anti-Trans legislation in red states - NY is not a perfect state, but head to #Buffalo. We have a thriving LGBTQIA community. Housing is midrange, w lots of options for older adults & those w special needs. Arts, culture, music, food, sports.
We aren't perfect. There are a lot of MAGA here, but there is also a lot of diversity & progressives trying to mend fences. If you want info about Buffalo, post below. I will do my best to answer. We can be your refuge. ❤️🫂🏳️‍⚧️ #TransRightsAreHumanRights
#Jobs in #Buffalo - Mostly education (union), manufacturing (union/midpay), restaurants (low pay) & a large medical corridor. If you work in any medical field - the best-paying option. Unions here, too. #SUNY has some of the best health insurance in the country. #TransRights
Read 11 tweets
🚨#BREAKING: Multiple firefighters are battling Massive commercial fire with reports of one firefighter unaccounted for

📌#Buffalo | #NewYork

Currently, dozens of firefighters are battling a massive four-alarm commercial fire in downtown Buffalo were heavy thick smoke is……
🚨#UPDATE: More terrifying video shows An explosion that knocks several firefighters over as try to battle the massive 4 alarm commercial fire in downtown Buffalo New York
🚨#UPDATE: The massive 4 alarm commercial fire took place at a rent out costumes warehouse to local theatre’s
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The @BFLO_CC this week passed two resolutions that would stall implementation of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).

This is a crucial time to push back against the fossil fuel industry as it tries to control the climate narrative in #Buffalo.
The Buffalo Common Council is considering voting against New York's Climate Action Plan that was developed out of grassroots action to pass NY's Climate Law – the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA).
The CC passed resolutions that would stall the implementation of the CLCPA.

Keep in mind, the Council adopted Resolution 17-392 in 2017 "Supporting the NYS Climate & Community Protection Act." You may be asking yourself:

So why is the Council going back on their word now?
Read 11 tweets
🔔#Earthquake (#sismo) M3.8 occurred 5 mi E of #Buffalo (New York) 52 min ago (local time 06:15:49). More info at:
Get our free LastQuake app for real time #earthquake info! Share your experience and read others:
#Earthquake 5 mi E of #Buffalo (New York) 1hr 25min ago (local time 06:15:49). Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience via:
Read 4 tweets
Very bad #snowstorm in #BuffaloNY.
We have to fix our American infrastructure instead of funding Nazis in Ukraine!
Trapped in the #Buffalo snowstorm.
Read 7 tweets
Hopefully this upcoming briefing isn't yet another attempt to double down on the tired "trust first responders and stay home, the chaos is the fault of irresponsible individuals" talking points we've been hearing from authorities since Friday.

A lot of people are dead and the city is traumatized. Neighbors are taking major risks in severe weather to help each other and many lives have been saved as a result. No one needs gaslighting right now.

Telling folks to trust authorities after years of doing next-to-nothing to build that trust is tone-deaf and arrogant. There were serious planning failures - things that should've been done *before* the storm, but weren't.

Read 45 tweets
I see no justification for a police response to looting and burglaries that don't threaten anyone's immediate safety.

People are literally freezing to death in their homes and cars right now. Go rescue them!! No one cares about a 7-11.

#BuffaloBlizzard #BuffaloNY
This is really gross. People are taking basic necessities like toilet paper and water. In a neighborhood where most residents can't afford to stock up on those things.

And the cops' attitude is just...🤢🤬Zero empathy for what people are going through.
First responder heard over the scanner just now,

"There's a lotta refugees on this street. You'd think we live in freakin' Africa or something."

Who's recording the scanner? I need an audio of that clip immediately.

#BuffaloBlizzard #BuffaloNY #Buffalo #Blizzard
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HOCHUL: There is a complication with utilities -- there is a storm challenge, keeping workers from doing their jobs

State Police launched "Strike Team" to go into high impact areas -- nursing homes, etc -- to clear snow and restore heat
Working on bringing emergency provisions to people

Social service orgs are coordinating with Red Cross and agencies on the ground.
SAFETY MESSAGING: Condition in #Buffalo are treacherous and dangerous. It is "far too cold to be outside."

If you are without power, it's safer inside than outside.

Wear loose fitting, layered clothing.

Stay in one room - huddle together to maintain warmth
Read 8 tweets
NOW: six people have died in the City of Buffalo as a result of this #Buffalo Blizzard - the mayor says the number of deaths is expected to rise.

Mayor says many roads in Buffalo are impassible and is asking you to stay home and off the roads. There is still a driving ban in place.
City is working with Nat Grid to get power back on and working to get to stranded drivers.

Focus now is plowing mains and secondaries -- especially those hospital routes.
Read 12 tweets
You know who I hope has an absolutely terrible Christmas?

The Buffalo landlords whose tenants are currently freezing to death in shitty, criminally inadequate housing units not fit for purpose.

Fuck every single one of you.

On top of the subzero temperatures and lack of heat, people are dealing with blizzard-like conditions INSIDE their houses thanks to broken windows, poorly sealed frames, etc.

And the city's probably gonna bail landlords out w/ subsidies instead of the consequences they deserve.
For the record, I'm a small landlord and my property isn't exactly luxurious. But I arranged for my tenant to go stay somewhere with a generator because I knew that house wouldn't be safe in an extended power outage.

Landlords getting rich off sub-par housing = scum.
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#buffalo #buffalowx #wnywx #buffaloblizzard #BuffaloNY #Elliot #Elliott #BuffaloBlizzard2022 #BuffaloStorm2022

This is a feed to centralize the list locations where people get warm in WNY.
Read 43 tweets
Instead of blaming trapped motorists, try:

- asking why a ban wasn't implemented sooner. A lot of people were stuck at work when the storm hit.

- asking why city and county emergency announcements are English-only in a multi-lingual city.

#Buffalo #BuffaloBlizzard
The whole "I'm from Buffalo, I don't fear snow, catch me hauling ass down the I-190 in a Blizzard with a super mighty in my hand" persona is a fun joke for locals but a terrible disaster preparedness plan for the government.

How does the city not have snowmobiles?!
Read 5 tweets
Le représentant républicain conservateur des banlieues de #Buffalo, Chris Jacobs, avait déclaré après les tueries dans son district et à #Uvalde vouloir bannir les armes semi-automatiques. 7 jours plus tard, il est contraint de retirer sa candidature de réélection
2. Cette décision contrainte du représentant républicain Jacobs de l'Etat de NY de renoncer à sa réélection pour avoir soutenu 1 interdiction des armes semi-automatiques démontre- au moins- deux points essentiels...
3. D'1 part, le parti républicain US est devenu celui, non pas de la défense du droit à avoir 1 arme à feu, mais de la sacralisation de toute arme- même semi-automatique- en défiance d'1 Etat conçu en puissance nécessairement attentatoire à 1 liberté individuelle illimitée...
Read 10 tweets
HAPPENING NOW: @rweingarten talks to @ABCNewsLive about gun violence, educator stress, and more. Follow along in the thread below.
.@rweingarten: There are some great aspects of technology, like me joining you from Buffalo after visiting an amazing elementary school. We’re headed to a unity rally next. We must lift up the victims of this senseless tragedy and not forget #Buffalo.
.@rweingarten: We know as educators that there are ways to #EndGunViolenceNow. When other countries have had mass shootings, they made common sense changed to prevent them from happening - in the name of the students and teachers in a Uvalde, shoppers in Buffalo, and more.
Read 7 tweets
May was a month of heartbreaking stories from around the globe – from shootings in #Buffalo and #Uvalde, to shocking reports from the #SBC.
An explosive report from the Southern Baptist Convention found hundreds of cases of abuse since the 1960s.…
The most damaging part of the report may be allegations that former SBC president Johnny Hunt sexually assaulted another pastor’s wife in 2010.…
Read 9 tweets
They should still be here. #Buffalo 🕊 Each of the victims of buffalo
They should still be here. #Uvalde 🕊
They should still be here. #Orlando #Pulse 🕊🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
Read 20 tweets
A list of #GunControl bills Democrats introduced after shootings, which Republicans blocked:

#SandyHook, 2012. 21 killed.

Congress proposed bipartisan bill expanding background checks, a ban on assault weapons and high-capacity gun magazines.

Blocked by Republicans.
Charleston, South Carolina, Dylan Roof kills 9 people in a Black church.

Democrats tried to eliminate what became known as the "Charleston loophole," which allows people with incomplete background checks to purchase guns after three days.

Blocked by Republicans.
#SANBERNARDINO, 2015: 14 killed, 22 injured.

One day after the shooting, Senate Republicans blocked two gun control proposals introduced by Democrats on background checks.
Read 10 tweets
Notice which Christians say we need gun reform. Notice which ones simply say they grieve what happened in #Uvalde, #Buffalo, #LagunaWoods, etc. The ones who simply say they lament are the ones who walk by the person on the side of the road that the Samaritan man helped.
The Christian leaders who have congregations/constituencies where political idolatry and an idolatry of the second amendment have been allowed to flourish will say nothing about the need for #GunControlNow. #Uvalde should never have happened.
You cannot obey the second commandment to love your neighbor as the Bible defines neighbor and idolatrously defend the second amendment and resist gun reform.

The two are at odds with each other.
Read 6 tweets
My timeline (and my heart) is FULL OF GRIEF.

We need God to intervene and His people to stand against gun violence by pressing for stricter gun control measures.

This is out of hand.

#GunViolence #GunControl
If you care about the victims of gun violence like we have seen in #Uvalde, #Buffalo, #LagunaWoods, #Dallas, etc. then you need to push for policy change. The fact that this many people have access to guns (there are more guns than people in the US) tells a lot about who we are.
The standard responses people give about how guns aren’t the problem & how individual rights will be threatened is tragic.

My heart breaks for the families that will be left without their loved ones because we continue to fail to keep deadly weapons away from deadly people.
Read 5 tweets
Back from a break to finish my Ph.D. focused on violence and instability of non-state actors at @WPI. Looking forward to share as its relevant to both #RussiaUkraineWar and the recent #Buffalo terror attack. Here is a blueprint of my dissertation. Links to papers in the 🧵. /1 Image
Chapter 1:
“Profiles of Violent Radicalization: Analysis on key criteria of over 4,600 terror incidents in Western Europe and the United States from 1995-2018,” doi:…. /2 ImageImageImageImage
Chapter 2:

“Root Causes of Violent Radicalization: The Terror Contagion Hypothesis,” doi:…. 3/ ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
🧵Gauland nutzt es, Orban nutzt, Zemmour nutzt es. Tatsächlich erlebt die aus der Nouvelle Droite stammende rassistische Verschwörungstheorie vom "#Bevölkerungsaustausch" seit Jahren zunehmende Verbreitung. Normalisiert wird sie durch rechte Parteiführer. Am Ende sterben Menschen Image
Der "große Austausch" ist ein Buch des französischen Rassisten und Verschwörungstheoretiker Renaud Camus aus 2011 und wurde in viele Sprachen übersetzt. Der neurechte Antaios Verlag übersetzte diese toxische Schrift ins Deutsche. Sie wurde damit zur zentralen Erzählung der IB. ImageImageImage
Eingedampft bedeutet Camus´ rassistische Verschwörungstheorie nichts anderes als der neonazistische Zahlencode "14 words", als deren Autor der US-Neonazi David Eden Lane gilt. Es geht um den Erhalt bzw die angebliche Bedrohung der "weißen Rasse". Image
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.@TheJusticeDept announced they are investigating the #Buffalo shooting as an act of "racially-motivated violent extremism."

11 of the 13 victims were Black.

This shooting is an unfortunate reminder that domestic terrorism is a very real threat across America. #DisarmHate 🧵
Just last year, Attorney General Merrick B. Garland + Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro N. Mayorkas said the greatest domestic threat facing Americans came from “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists.”…
Domestic terrorism has been a growing issue across the country for quite some time and it’s not going away anytime soon.

According to @washingtonpost, domestic terror incidents have surged.

Adding guns into this mix should worry Americans.…
Read 10 tweets
My heart is heavy with the news that a white supremacist gunman took the lives of 10 children of God in #Buffalo on Saturday. I grew up walking distance from the scene of this hateful crime, and my friends and I used to ride our bikes around the neighborhood. 🧵
Buffalo’s Black community raised and formed me. I grieve with the city and people I love.

The loss of any human life is tragic, but there was deep racial hatred driving this shooting, and we have got to turn from the deadly path our nation has walked for much too long.
Bigotry-based violence—any bigotry at all—against our siblings who are people of color, Jewish, Sikh, Asian, trans, or any other group, is fundamentally wrong.
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The mass shooting in #Buffalo, right wing extremism on guns, and the takeover of the judiciary by leveraging abortion (per last week's thread) are connected. The connection is money. It fuels the complex right-wing network that captured the Court and props up politicians.
The network is complex and confusing by design. It makes the "All the President's Men" mantra of "follow the money" really hard. But here are just a *few* of the threads we do know about, and how they connect to #RoeVWade, #GunViolence, #SCOTUS, and white nationalism.
Start with Leonard Leo, who sits at the center of many more overlapping right-wing groups than even he can count (literally: "I have no idea how many groups I’ve been involved with over the years”).… Here's a tiny portion (h/t @EXPOSEDbyCMD):
Read 18 tweets

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