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Apr 1st 2023
Each #SARSCoV2 infection increases your long term health risks #COVID
Reinfections increase your risk of #LongCovid and moving forward the Tories are no longer offering vaccines to most of the population, including a lot of clinically vulnerable.
There is no lasting immunity to #COVID
Please remember that catching the virus puts you at risk from #Cardiovasculardisease #Bloodclots
#Strokes #Braindamage #Lungdamage
Read 11 tweets
Mar 24th 2023
@CMO_England Why hasn’t the Public been informed clearly about the long term risks from #COVID of #BloodClots #Braindamage #HeartAttacks #LongCovid The Biobank study and several studies in Nature have highlighted these risks. The Public are filling the information gap by blaming
This on vaccines. CEV are dying in hospitals from HAI of #COVID. This is an airborne virus and is people need protection.
Why are vaccines being stopped going forward? Already vaccines are clearly not enough alone.
Read 11 tweets
Apr 14th 2022
@MB_MD_FAAP @Bob_Wachter @ImmunizeUnder5s @AmyDashTV 💯 @AmyDashTV! @Bob_Wachter US law requires people to wear seatbelts on planes, when the chances of needing 1 are tiny compared to catching Covid in flight. The law also prohibits people from congregating by the cockpit to prevent the remote possibility of hijacking. (Cont...)
@MB_MD_FAAP @Bob_Wachter @ImmunizeUnder5s @AmyDashTV (...Cont) Masking isn't hard! Since you asked asked when the right time will be to remove masks on planes. When 1) Under 5s can be vaxed @ImmunizeUnder5s 2) There are no babies under 2 on a flight (who can't mask) 3) NIOSH has a N95 mask standard for kids (Cont...)
@MB_MD_FAAP @Bob_Wachter @ImmunizeUnder5s @AmyDashTV (...Cont) 4) Airlines & airports are required to keep CO2 levels low (<700ppm) all times 5) PrEP & therapeutics are widely available for all ages to prevent infection, #longcovid & #braindamage described by @UniofOxford @FischerNeuroLab (End)
Read 3 tweets
Apr 2nd 2022
This is HUGE! Brain damage “was observed in all infected animals, regardless of disease severity, suggesting reduced brain oxygen may be a common complication of infection.” Folks this is your brain we are talking about protecting! #LongCovid #BrainDamage…
I have been concerned about this since the “loss of smell” effect. It’s dead brain. They found microemboli (CLOTS) & tiny bleeds all throughout 3 very important parts of the brain. These are PERMANENT. The damage will worsen with each new infection. #LongCovidBrainDamage #Covid
Funny thing about brain damage. It’s additive through life. So it’s hard sometimes to see in kids, but will show up later in life (or now) as serious deficits. Why is it people are willing to trade not wearing a mask & filtering air, for thousands of mini strokes?! #LongCovidKids
Read 3 tweets
Mar 10th 2022

'Endemic Delusion' in Denmark - coming to a continent / country / city / town / village / house near you, if it isn't already in your living-room.

#ElastomericBulletproof ImageImageImageImage

Q & A.

Not sure why anyone would focus on one particular continent when this happens to be a global pandemic.

When Pi?

#ButtonUp #N95 #FFP3 #GoElastomeric #P100 ImageImageImageImage
Read 272 tweets
Mar 18th 2021
Read 126 tweets
Feb 12th 2021
A #Thread

Let's look at some common-sense q's on #PAIN & #ChronicPain

1) If pain is so benign (not harmful), why is it used in torture?
2) If chronic pain is something people can get used to, why is it outlawed in the Geneva Conventions? (Rule 90)
3) Is addiction so terrible that it's worse than a terminal disease?

3a) If is is worse, why do we imprison addicts & not send to hospice?
Read 13 tweets
Feb 20th 2020
Date: 15 March 2019

Veterans' Affairs Minister #auspol .@DarrenChesterMP announces $2.1 million in the federal budget for "comprehensive health assessments" for veterans affected by tafenoquine and other drugs.
ie "comprehensive health assessments" for the #drugtrial #HumanGuineaPigs suffering the horrendous impact of neurotoxic #braindamage as a result of being #HumanGuineaPigs

Think of them like this generation's #AgentOrange Victims
Here is the press release.…
Read 14 tweets
Oct 31st 2019
When Europe bans something that Africans have mastered (like ganga), our puppet leaders are quick to adopt it & disadvantage us. But when they ban something truly dangerous, like aluminum cooking utensils, our leaders will ignore it, because they really don't GAF about our health
If you have never thought about it, pls do so today.... Where is the other half of that aluminum ladle or spoon??? Unlike the "dad3s3n" which was a cast iron pot (still inferior to the Clay pot, but more later) these aluminum cooking pots are a serious health hazard.
The proof is very simple. Break (so there is no metal contact) fresh kontomire into 3 cooking pots containing water. One clay, one cast iron (or stainless steel) and one aluminum pot. Boil for 10 mins. Remove samples from each & place on a clean white cloth to inspect ...
Read 8 tweets
Jan 1st 2019
So, ini ongoing thread untuk film2 horror dan semua subgenrenya (film lama/baru) yang ditonton sepanjang taun 2019. Diupdate tiap kali gue kelar nonton

Untuk yg kelewat utas taun lalu, bisa cek di link ini

Oke, let's get it on folks!
Assassination Nation (2018)

Punya komentar pedas pada brmacam penyakit sosial dan potensi destruktifnya saat bersinggungan dgn internet, medsos, hacking, hoax & persekusi, ini mestinya bisa menjadi film violent-satir yg fun & lebih meledak kalo aja pnyajiannya ngga over-stylish Image
However, gue suka sekuens 'invasi rumah' yang memakai teknik long one-take disini. Sangat impresif!

Read 157 tweets

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