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Most recents (24)

1. invito #Schlein a ringraziare #Molinari per suo editoriale di oggi,che è una bussola: #Molinari le consiglia di andare nella direzione di #KeirStarmer,per quanto riguarda #guerra?Lei faccia esattamente il CONTRARIO. Lui dice nord,lei vada a sud,lui dice bianco, lei faccia nero
2. #KeirStarmer è leader del Labour Party inglese,subentrato a #Corbyn che il complesso militare-industriale UK (e quindi US e alleati) disprezza così profondamente che i reparti speciali UK si addestravano a sparare a un poster con la sua foto[ARCHIVIO] :…
3. #KeirStarmer è stato anche capo del #CrownProsecutionService(CPS) negli anni cruciali del caso #Assange:mio #FOIA ha rivelato che è stato proprio #CPS ai tempi di #KeirStarmer a creare pantano legale-diplomatico che ha tenuto #JA detenuto arbitrariamente a Londra fin dal 2010
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Doubtless you've heard that "we all get the same 24 hours in the day." Of course it's not true: rich people and poor people experience very different demands on their time. 1/ A waiting room, draped with cobwebs. A skeleton sits in one
If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this thread to read or share, here's a link to it on, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:… 2/
The richer you are, the more your time is your own - not only are many systems arranged with your convenience in mind, but you also command the social power to do something about systems that abuse your time. 3/
Read 33 tweets
FACT: The problem with Liberals is they've never been called out on their BULLSHIT and have never been forcibly sat down in their place and scolded for being idiots and wrong about everything. They have been coddled for way to long. Not offending them, this REAL PANDEMIC.
They have been treated like spoiled brats by incompetently stupid parents is what is wrong with them. They have been told for way too long they are such good little angels and this has led to their severe Mental Delusion Disorder.
The @DNC #DemocratParty is full of idiots who have been brainwashed into thinking that i.e. killing babies via Abortion is such a wonder and moral, and ethical thing to do. They've been told that it is okay to flaunt their #LGBTQ-ness in front of children in public is a Godly.
Read 12 tweets
¿Qué tienen que ver los Special Air Service (SAS), las fuerzas especiales del Ejército Británico, con el #CPS? ¿Surgió ese cuerpo a raíz de un problema complejo?
Hoy me gustaría compartir una reflexión (opinión personal) al respecto
Abro hilo 🧵
Este hilo surge de casualidad. Buscando contenido, me topo con un podcast sobre #SASRogueHeroes. Miniserie 6 episodios,creada por Steven Knight (Peaky Blinders) que trata los comienzos de este cuerpo de fuerzas especiales. Disponible en HBO. Allá que vamos
Situación de partida: 1941. Rommel dando estopa en África del Norte. A punto de perder Canal de Suez. Tobruk bajo asedio. Las fuerzas aliadas ya no saben qué hacer. Demasiadas aristas, demasiados aspectos a resolver. Muchos de ellos interrelacionados formando una maraña
Read 25 tweets
#潜水艦隊 - #海上自衛隊🇯🇵⚓️

📸 국방부 - 18 avril 2022 : 2 tirs successifs d'essai (20 sec. d'intervalle) du #SLBM Hyunmoo-4.4 par le ROKS « Dosan Ahn Changho » (2021) - programme KSS-III.

Un 🧶 car le 🇯🇵 met à l'étude un Système de Lancement Vertical (#SLV) pour sous-marins : Image
📚 « Experiment vessel plans in works as Japan looks to possess submarines carrying long-range missiles », The Yomiuri Shimbun, 30 octobre 2022,….
➡️ Le budget dévolu à la FY2024 contiendra les crédits nécessaires au lancement de la construction d'un sous-marin lance-missiles expérimental - pour reprendre un vocable français - devant servir à étudier l'intégration d'un
Read 12 tweets
@juliasm18659356 @JohnWest_JAWS @PennyMordaunt @RishiSunak This follows on from Brexit Coup in 2016, which our #UkSecServices #Police #ElectoralCommission #DCMS #Parliament #Cps #Politicians all ignored because they were too cowardly to stand up to Tories. Some LabourPolitians were complicit: Hoey /Lexit ; for example.
@juliasm18659356 @JohnWest_JAWS @PennyMordaunt @RishiSunak So even though people like @carolecadwalla @IanCLucas @BylineTimes @ByDonkeys @Heidi_Cuda @RealBristolNews kept on providing the receipts- they were hounded / ignored. In USA Trump launched Jan6th and all the same names came up in Court again and again. In U.K. it’s ignored.
Read 16 tweets
#Sexsomnia: Case Closed? with @jadeblueLDN exposes the @CPSUK failings to protect women from out of date laws on consent. Something we know a thing or two about…

A 🧵thread about #spycops #consent #CPS

@jadeblueLDN @CPSUK In 2018, the High Court dismissed a challenge to a decision by @CPSUK not to prosecute former #spycops Jim Boyling under Sexual Offences Act 1956 & for Misconduct in Public Office re. his deceitful sexual relationship with ‘Monica’.…

Part of the @CPSUK reason for saying that #spycops had no case to answer was because (they said) ‘genuine feelings’ were involved.

Listen to the brilliant @MPeakeOfficial voice our reasons for saying this is wrong.

We did not consent.

Read 6 tweets
We need to go through what has taken place ignored by the professionals who failed this family, as @ukhomeoffice @pritipatel allows @IOPC_Help Mr Lovett who was the line manager to #CindyButts and Butts manager to Jennifer Gillian.

@CPSUK @MaxHillQC has been involved ImageImage
in just about everything in reference to @BarCouncilChair @thebarcouncil @barstandards @sra_solicitors #RuleOfLaw , am I correct in assuming this is the case @factchecknet?

@MayorofLondon @SadiqKhan am I to assume you meant what you said surrounding @KidsMatterUK ImageImage
as I am assuming the @EduPolicyInst would also agree it's your jobs #MayorofLondon #MaxHill #cps to ensure the @VictimRightsLaw @GoodLawProject @JolyonMaugham who had a hell of a lot to say in the @grenfellinquiry as @DLawrenceOBE has who both are a strong team
Read 55 tweets
LEAVES ME WHERE @DavidLammy #TheresaVilliers @clarehjohns @UKMissingPerson IN @MPSColindale REBECCA BIRD LEFT ME ON #SaturdayMorning 24/1/2015 IN THE #freezing COLD AT @OurTottenham MARSHES WHILE @MPSBarnet @MPSHendon @MPSEnfield @MPSHaringey WERE ALL BUSY COVERING UP #TheTruth
Read 13 tweets
[THREAD] I start my report on the second day of the #JulianAssange extradition hearing with this reminder:

The court will have to decide whether to send #Assange to the country that plotted to murder him, or whether to protect his life.

The court starts.
These are the Defence arguments submitted to court.
Read 87 tweets
1. Day 2. Julian #Assange #ExtraditionHearing #UKHighCourtOfJustice.I'll report on it. In this extradition proceeding, the #USDoJ acts through the @CPSUK, challenging psychiatric evidence used by the judge Baraitser to deny extradition.There's an important info you have to know.
2.#CrownProsecutionService(#CPS) putting in question Julian #Assange's mental health: don't forget #CPS contributed to create the legal& diplomatic quagmire which kept #Assange arbitrarily detained 9 years and finally resulted in his arrest.This is how they looked at #JA's health
3. what I am trying to tell you is: when the Crown Prosecution Service (#CPS) tries to argue that the Julian #Assange's health is not in such a bad shape, hence he can be extradited, just consider how #CPS looked at his health. This is an official document from my #FOIA
Read 51 tweets
In 1 hour, I'll watch and report on the Julian #Assange extradition hearing at the London #HighCourt. I am watching it via videolink:it was impossible for me to plan to attend in person: the UK authorities granted access to journos just 18 HOURS before the hearing
3. Day 1: the Julian #Assange #ExtraditionHearing before the UK #HighCourtOfJustice starts now
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representing #TheQueen, am I right in saying this?

So it is the representation of the @RoyalFamily that needs to reassure us that what is the #RuleOfLaw is followed by the guidelines and process that follows, am I right in saying this @wabbey ?
Just as @BBCCareers have a process they have to follow as set out by @Ofcom, right?

Just as #CPS has a process they have to follow when investigating a #CrimesAgainstHumanity carried out by anyone be it a member of the #civilsociety or a #PoliceOfficer as
Read 8 tweets
showing his #abuseofpower as #historyrepeats itself in #EpsteinFiles @TheDukeOfYork while allowing @metpoliceuk to #coverup the mistakes made by @MetTaskforce to continue onto #cps followed by @IOPC_Help to continue to block, ignore, humiliate and disrespect the one person who
has only ever asked to be acknowledged and hear her truth.!AvZjxd6thq…
Read 4 tweets
En su libro "Good Strategy/Bad Strategy", Richard Rumelt explica qué es una buena estrategia y qué no lo es.

Os resumo los 7 conceptos que me han parecido más interesantes.

Hilo 🧵.
1/ Buena Estrategia

Así la define Rumelt:

Una buena estrategia hace más que impulsarnos hacia una meta o una visión. Una buena estrategia reconoce honestamente los desafíos que se enfrentan y proporciona un enfoque para superarlos.
2/ Características de las buenas estrategias:

1. Las acciones y políticas son coherentes entre sí.

2. Se define a partir del descubrimiento de fuentes de fortaleza o debilidad para conseguir ventajas u oportunidades.
Read 11 tweets
En su libro "Como fracasar en casi todo y aun así triunfar", Scott Adams (creador de Dilbert) explica sus sistemas y modelos mentales para alcanzar el éxito.

Os resumo los 7 modelos que me han parecido más interesantes.

1/ Metas vs Sistemas

Una meta es un objetivo específico que alcanzarás o no en el futuro. Un sistema es algo que haces regularmente y que aumenta tus probabilidades de tener éxito a largo plazo.

La mayoría de personas que tienen éxito tienen sistemas y no metas.
Adams llegó a la conclusión de que su ventaja competitiva era la creatividad. Su sistema sería probar una cosa tras otra hasta que algo creativo calase entre el público. Entonces lo reproduciría a saco.
Read 11 tweets
En su libro Problem Solving Estratégico, Giorgio Nardone explica algunas de las técnicas utilizadas en esta importante disciplina.

He recopilado las 5 herramientas que considero más interesantes.

Hilo 🧵.
1/ Investigar las soluciones intentadas

Investigar todo lo que no ha tenido éxito nos permite centrarnos en la dinámica concreta que mantiene un problema, su comportamiento y nos puede dar pistas de otras soluciones que podrían tener éxito.
2/ Cómo empeorar

Consiste en preguntarse "Si quisiera empeorar más la situación ¿cómo lo haría?", y enumerar todas las posibilidades. Esto nos dará claridad para evitar los elementos que nos hacen fracase y mejorará nuestra creatividad en la búsqueda de soluciones.
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👨‍👩‍👧‍👧#GénérationsSorciers c’est
#PogScience et l’équipe #CestPasSorcier qui organisent une semaine de stream sur Twitch pour jeunes, étudiants et jeunes travailleurs.

📝du 26/04 au 03/05, 8 jours, ~ 20 streams, autant de streamers, et des Sorciers 🧙‍♂️🧙‍♀️

#projetS #twitch #cps @GénérationsSorciers événem...
@Rivenzi @Hycarius @CastorMother @AuxaneLefevre @BienDansMaThese @EloScicomm #GénérationSorciers : Vu que c’est son idée, évidemment @Sabine_Quindou sera là (pas 24h/24)
🧙‍♂️ Et avec #sorciers dans le nom, il va y avoir bien d’autres acteurs de cette émission un peu connue : @Cestpassorcier 🚛

#projetS #twitch #cps
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En el hilo turras del sábado, vamos a reflexionar sobre este tema que llego a #preguntaalrecu y de paso copio a @TITONET que fue el que lo trajo a la mesa. Vamos allá.
Antes de empezar, indicaré que @profgalloway es uno de mis ídolos intelectuales, pero es obvio que no le compro todo el pescado. Esta en general es una sana práctica que os recomiendo encarecidamente, y que sugiero que empecéis por mi mismo.
Para empezar, efectivamente, "follow your passion" es muy mal consejo. Y efectivamente, como dice Galloway en "The four" - La narrativa de la que te rodeas y donde has hecho tu dinero en realidad suele divergir de maneras dramáticas.
Read 43 tweets
1. Let's try to bring some perspective to this tragic death.

First, if anyone ever wanted a better illustration of the #doublestandards applied to cases where a police officer is injured or killed, compared to when a #Police officer injures of kills ...…
2. ... a member of the public, look no further. The investigation was not even complete (and still isn't) when, within hours, @CalgaryPolice, presumably with the agreement of the Crown, laid 1st degree murder charges against the driver AND the passenger. #Cops and jail ...
3. ... guards were given special status by deeming murder to be 1st degree if they were the alleged victims but still the prosecution has to prove each of them intended to kill or meant to hurt him, knowing it would likely kill him & despite that acted recklessly. That's ...
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En el hilo coñazo de hoy, como prometí, hablaré de cómo Van Halen se deshace como banda por falta de un orquestador cognitivo. #CPS #ciaoeddie
Para los neófitos en la importancia de la formación de los equipos CPS y la orquestación de los mismos, os recomiendo que os enganchéis al hilo donde hablaba de ello:
No quiero repetir argumentos de aquel hilo, así que es posible que me vaya refiriendo a cosas que mencioné en el mismo. Así que es preferible, si no lo leíste en ese momento, que os lo leáis y volváis luego aquí.
Read 40 tweets
Here's what you might've missed from the @chitribopinions pages of the @chicagotribune #cps #judgetoomin #freetrade #joebiden #donaldtrump #cutepup / thread follows
... not every child can handle remote learning, writes a parent of a CPS kindergartener. And then what?…
... Judge Patrick Murphy asks if the Cook County Democrats' move against Judge Michael Toomin is a shift back to the (not-so-)good ol' days.…
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In political strategy literature, a politician is typically anyone that has contested any election (won or lost) AND/OR anyone who is a member of a ruling or opposition political party (irrespective of whether or not the person has any designation in the party) 😁

#WO #CPS 1/5
However, in anti-money laundering (AML) world, a politically exposed person (PEP) is an individual with a high profile political role, or who has been entrusted with a prominent public function.

The above means that a PEP might not necessarily be a politician.

#WO #CPS 2/5
In political strategy literature, however, you may have significant political influence by being a PEP (as described in the earlier tweet), OR by being “connected” (if one has a relationship or related) to an individual with a high profile political role.

#WO #CPS 3/5
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9 yo #sophielong is being sexually abused by her mother's boyfriend #JACOBWAYNEBELLINGTON of #frisco, Tx. Sophie has disclosed to #CPS, healthcare, and leo that she and her 2 younger brothers are being sexually abused by boyfriend and other unknown males at home. #SaveSophie
#saveSophie was given a diagnosis of sexual assault by bodily force at @dellchildrens Hospital in #austin. She has stated that #JACOBWAYNEBELLINGTON has nude porn of children on multiple devices in the home.
@DanCrenshawTX @tedcruz
#SaveSophie was shown pics in an effort to intimidate and silence her. She stated that it was a young boy whose "nose and penis were decomposing".
Her father #MichaelLong was forced to return her to her mother on 8/25/2020, putting her and brothers back into hands of abusers.
Read 7 tweets

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