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Mar 10th 2023
The #biodiversity of the #Danube #Delta is not affected by dredging works on the Bystroye Canal, and the water flow on the river Danube did not report any significant changes compared to statistics published in recent years, says Environment Minister @BarnaTanczos. (1/4)
The statement came after the 1st measurements conducted by RO on the branch of Chilia&RO sections of the Danube. He said Ukrainian authorities must provide a written consent before the 3 RO ships can finalize depth measurements across the entire section of the Chilia branch (2/4)
Authorities from Romania&Ukraine have agreed to measure the depth of #Danube River canals after Kyiv started #dredging the Bystroye canal. The Ukrainian Infrastructure Ministry said that, once dredging works were completed, the depth of Bystroye grew from 3.9 to 6.5 meters. (3/4)
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Mar 1st 2023
🔴 Le plan de la base militaire américaine dans le delta du #Danube est secret en #Roumanie mais public aux #USA. Le canal de #Bâstroe fournira des armes pour le nouveau front en #Transnistrie !

Klaus Iohannis se tait à nouveau et n'informe pas les Roumains de ce que leur 🔽
réserve le "partenaire stratégique". Les Américains veulent une base militaire dans le delta du Danube afin de contrôler directement la région d'Odessa, ainsi que la Transnistrie grâce à un accès direct du canal de Chilia aux régions d'Ismail et de Cahul dans le sud de 🔽

Ziuanews rapporte depuis un certain temps que les États-Unis veulent une base militaire dans la région du delta du Danube qui fonctionnerait "en tandem" avec la base de Kogalniceanu. Elle abriterait un armement de pointe, y compris des missiles nucléaires 🔽
Read 17 tweets
Feb 28th 2023
🚨 Green Deal : le sabotage de #NordStream a provoqué un massacre environnemental
Stefan Constantinescu

Alors qu’on fait manger aux gens des insectes et de la viande en plastique pour sauver la planète, les dirigeants politiques font de leur mieux pour la détruire. 🔽
Les quatre explosions qui ont fait sauter les pipelines Nord Stream en septembre dernier ont fait remonter 250 000 tonnes de sable et autres sédiments contaminés du fond de la mer Baltique.

C'est suffisant pour détruire plusieurs espèces de la Baltique, notamment les 🔽
marsouins et les cabillauds, dont les lieux de reproduction sont proches de la zone d'explosion.

Cette conclusion est le résultat d'une étude menée par des scientifiques du Danemark, d'Allemagne et de Pologne, rapporte le Copenhagen Post.

L'un des chercheurs, Hans 🔽
Read 12 tweets
Jan 29th 2023
(1/16) Today again a more theoretical thread about #Germanic #history. It is about a theory of the origin of the first Germanic major #tribes:
the #Iron and #Amber theory!

(Many used images are from external sources, which I will gladly share if needed.) ImageImage
(2/16) But let's start from the beginning. What is a #Germanic "major #tribe" anyway?
Around the year 0, hundreds of small #tribes lived in #Germania. About 400 years later, however, they were seemingly replaced by a few large tribes, such as the #Goths, #Franks, or #Alemanni. Image
(3/16) #Researchers therefore asked themselves early on how this development had come about. It was usually assumed that #Germanic #tribes living near the #borders of the #Roman #Empire formed #raiding parties, in order to be able to undertake more successful #raids. ImageImage
Read 16 tweets
May 23rd 2022
🧵THREAD on #Hungary, ever-expanding

Impressions by a Hungarian artist living in 🇭🇺, so that you can have a glimpse of how our life is like: #photos, #videos, #music, #food, #events, #culture, #traditions, #architecture, #sports, #people, #tourism, etc.

No politics.

Enjoy! Budapest, 2022.04.26.  Koss...
A May Monday in #Hungary, 2022.05.23:
1: #Dunakanyar #DanubeBend,
2-3: #Budapest, Szt. István (St. Stephen's) Park,
4: Deák Ferenc utca (also called Fashion Street)

#Magyarország #travel ImageImageImageImage
A signature #Hungarian food to try when visiting #Hungary:
lángos (laan-gosh)

Deep-fried bread dough, often eaten with any combination of garlic, sourcream & cheese

(Not for the #health conscious, but I'd also have it occasionally)

#travel #gastronomy
Read 43 tweets
May 22nd 2022
🧵We are a group of volunteers exploring existing and non-conventional options for moving #Ukrainian #grains, #wheat and #agricultural products into the #European #Railway Network for distribution to EU #Export terminals, primarily, but not exclusively on the #Danube Waterway.
Why, what's stopping this?

Similar to @Apple, @Microsoft or @Android Operating Systems, #Ukraine's and #Europe's #trains, #locomotives & #wagons operate on physically different track widths.

While having similar functionalities, they don't "play well with each other".
Specifically, a Ukrainian train cannot travel on a European railway (track) and European trains cannot travel on Ukrainian railways.

The width, called "Gauge", between rails is different. Ukrainian is 1520mm wide, while European is 1435mm.
Read 21 tweets
Nov 13th 2021
Rivers carry the living impressions of civilisations that have settled on their banks since the dawn of time, are home for unique flora and fauna. How can we better understand and protect them? #Vigilife has launched the #30sentinelrivers program with #eDNA. A thread 1/n ImageImage
By building an international network of partners and sharing #eDNA know-how, #Vigilife is establishing long term #monitoring programs, which will become a precious tool for safeguarding freshwater biodiversity.
1. The #Amazon: born out of the drying up of an inland sea, I am one of the longest rivers in the world. Together with my tributaries, I contain nearly 20% of the #biodiversity of all the rivers on earth and play an essential role in the global water cycle. Image
Read 33 tweets
Jul 22nd 2021
Finally, after 2 years, we were able to spend some time with my Zeide, Chief Moshe Lieberman of Antwerp... Ill share here some insights here in the coming days... Image
Zeide is a great scholar, just look at these much used books at his home office... Image
There books all over the house "my best feiends" he calls them... Image
Read 71 tweets
Sep 19th 2020
@myESMO #ESMO20 as a #trainee can be #overwhelming! So many good studies, some more #practicechanging then others, if you missed some and want to understand (albeit at a simplistic #trainee level), sit back, relax and enjoy as we go through some great data #ESMO20 @OncoAlert
1. #NSCLC: 2 major studies #ADAURA #CROWN for adjuvant #EGFRmNSCLC, and advanced #ALK+ experts can provide better perspective @JackWestMD @n8pennell @StephenVLiu @AMansfieldMD @CharuAggarwalMD @NarjustDumaMD @GlopesMd @DevikaDasMD @OncoAlert
1. A) #ADAURA: Stage IB-IIIA #resected #NSCLC with #EGFRm treated with #Osimertinib vs #placebo [SOC prior to this was adjuvant chemotherapy [cisplatin-based doublet based on #LACE metanalysis-] showed improvement in #DFS @NEJM…
Read 19 tweets
Dec 26th 2019
Around 3000 BCE in eastern #Europe, a Proto-Balto-Slavic #language started to diverge from #ProtoIndoEuropean.

The #Slavic branch of the #IndoEuropean #languages began about 2,000 years later when Proto-Slavic deviated from Proto-Balto-Slavic.

[Image:…] Source: The Indo-European L...
As the #Slavic-speaking area expanded during the first millennium CE (striped area on map), Proto-Slavic transitioned to Common Slavic. The #language underwent minor changes that occurred mostly uniformly across eastern #Europe, thereby maintaining mutual intelligibility. A map of eastern Europe sho...
Around the year 1000 CE #CommonSlavic began to split into the South, West, and East branches to which all modern #Slavic #languages belong.

Roughly 315m people speak a Slavic #language, mostly in Eastern #Europe (including the #Balkan peninsula), #CentralAsia, and #Siberia. A map of Europe highlightin...
Read 359 tweets
Jul 29th 2019
1/ #EUsupergirl heading to Paris for the start of my first Interrail Adventure 😍🇬🇧❤🇪🇺🚆 1 of the wonderful benefits of the EU is opportunities for young people to travel! You can support my #EUsupergirlTour 👇🏻…
I'll keep you posted on my journey! ❤🇪🇺✊🏻
2/ I'm visiting 9 countries over the next 2 weeks:
Paris, France🇨🇵
Vienna, Austria🇦🇹
Bratislava, Slovakia🇸🇰
Ljubljana, Slovenia🇸🇮
Zagreb, Croatia🇭🇷
Budapest, Hungary🇭🇺
Bucharest, Romania🇲🇩
Sofia, Bulgaria🇧🇬
#EUsupergirlTour #TheFutureisEurope
Supported by @ECF_tweets
3/ A little French boy dragging a bag full of baguettes through the Eurostar is literally the best thing I have seen today 😂🇨🇵🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🥖🚆#LoveEurope #ViveLaFrance #EUsupergirlTour
Read 45 tweets

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