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🧵1/ "Milo" from MTV's 2016 documentary "Transformation" is detransitioning. "I feel like I've kind of suppressed a lot of trauma...from when I was a teenager going through puberty & I was bullied at school by other girls for being kind of weird & stuff." Image
2/ "Also, just feeling like I was going to be an object for men if I kept my body the way it was. Which I know now isn't true."
3/ "This whole time, I've kind of thought less of women, as much as I hate to say it. I've always kind of thought of women as 'less than'."

"This whole time, I've been a woman- & all of these thought that I had as a teenager were thoughts coming from a girl's mind."
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Watch the first ever Q&A panel discussion with 7 detransitioners filmed on Detrans Awareness Day 2023. 7 Detransitioners speak publicly and answer questions from the audience at a film screening of documentary Affirmation Generation; The Lies of Transgender Medicine. #DeTrans
Discussed: Medical ethics of the gender affirmation model of care for gender dysphoria, and the untold harm personally endured by notable detransitioners @ChoooCole @onedonebun @BriWag91 @OfTheFutureArt @ShifterofShapes and myself. It was hosted by @OurDutyGrp, @2022affirmation
We answer questions from concerned parents about the relationship between gender distress, social contagion, trauma, and familial relationships, and panelists give advice about maintaining and repairing relationships with children & who are experiencing identity issues.
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1/n Depaywalled link for the good opinion piece from Julie Szego, on the disgraceful cancellations of Barry Humphries and Germaine Greer.
2/n Julie Szego has written other good articles:…
3/n and this on #detrans:
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A small #lesbian #detrans 🧵
One of the things painfully obvious now after detransitioning, is that being transmasc/trans was the ONLY acceptable way to be anywhere CLOSE to gnc lesbian in presentation. Butch has all but vanished, subsumed in the queer landscape...
Lesbian becomes subsumed by pseudomaleness, and in some cases, sterilized, for ANY scrap of legitimacy. It suits patriarchy pefectly to have lesbians transed into pseudostraights.

This is why lesbian visibility matters so much now, possibly more than ever, in lesbian history.
If there had been anywhere near the lesbian rep I saw at @FiLiA_charity just ANYWHERE in mainstream, I wonder if I would have called myself trans in the first place. I liked women, wearing 'male' clothes, liked tech & science, &all of this has gone from visible to pathologised...
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🧵US child transitioner Layla Jane is suing Kaiser #detrans #SeeYouInCourt
1/ Age 6-11: Layla experienced "anxiety issues, extreme mood fluctuations, self-harm, problems at school resulting in suspensions, social issues, oppositional behavior, defiant behavior, anger"
2/ Age 11: " Layla heard about transgenderism, did extensive “research” online, and self-diagnosed that she was actually a “boy”, and that transitioning would be the solution to all of her mental problems."
3/ "Layla’s Drs falsely stated that she presented an increased suicide risk if she did not transition, contrary to important and reliable clinical research demonstrating the poor mental health outcomes with transition"
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This documentary is dear to my heart for several reasons, and not only because I am featured as 1 of 6 public de-transitioners speaking out about medical harm. This film features beautiful and amazing men and women vulnerably sharing their darkest life experiences, leading……
In full disclosure, this film is hard for me to watch. It features self-portraits taken during some of my most confused and suicidal times before and after the medical process of testosterone and having a double mastectomy, when I was only 20 years old. Although I speak often on……
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My Detrans Story:

2010: questioning gender due to exposure to feminist, Leftist, and Marxist texts at university. Taught that women are victims, not worth being a woman, so I'd be better off as a man. I hated myself and my body. Started masturbating due to porn book at uni.
2011: Gender Dysphoria increased, a lot of questioning, started to think about transitioning. Started self-harming (cutting). Started to see a psychologist. She didn't know what to do with me. Had a meltdown on New Year's Eve. Parents worried.
2012: Joined Queer club at uni. Socially transitioned. Came out to parents. Cut off my hair. Started binding breasts. Chose male name 'Basil' and he/him/his pronouns. Already a tomboy so didn't need to change to masculine clothes, except for men's underwear.
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One very cool thing about the #detrans community is that they have totally confounded researchers who tried to use them to support anti-trans propaganda.
Remember Lisa Littman? Her study of parental attitudes established that anti-trans parents think ROGD exists. She tried to follow that up with a study of anti-trans detransitioners, but even that very cherry picked group didn't give her answers that fit the ROGD framework.
Littman's second paper made very little splash. It's a pretty fun read if you dislike Littman and ROGD. You can feel her trying to make the results fit the framework and they just don't.
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🦎Hey friends, I'm pleased to release my De-trans Awareness collection available in my Etsy shop.… I'd love your support of de-trans awareness, and myself as a de-transitioner and artist. Consider grabbing a shirt, hat, or stickers in solidarity🦎 #detrans
De-Trans Awareness Day is coming up on March 12th, and we're working to organize events around it during the whole month. Please check out these designs and more in the shop. There are a wide range of colors and designs available! Please re-tweet and spread if you can 💜
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So I tweeted about my voice pain and my rib pain. I have one last chronic pain related to transition and it is intimate. Basically testosterone weakens and dries out your vaginas mucus membrane. I also had a total hysterectomy leaving an small incision scar in my vagina where my
cervix was when the surgery was performed. I am sure you can imagine where I am going with this and how it affects my sex life with my partner. I never really got to have a sex life with someone I am attracted too with a healthy vagina so I don't really know what I lost.
But I know I lost something. I am blessed to have an understanding and loving partner who loves me as I am.
None of my complications were covered in "informed consent".
#detrans #posttrans
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I talked to my therapist about the chronic pain I live with post-transition. #Binding my breasts from 2015 to 2019 fucked up my ribs. I started crying when I talked about how when I am hugged too hard it hurts or if my nieces jump on my lap and they accidently press into my ribs.
How the chronic pain I live with from breast binding affects my relationships and quality of life. For the first year I wore a binder I bought a handmade one I wore occasionally on @Etsy and than I had #G2CBbinder that I wore daily to work. My breast amputation in 2019 did
Improve my quality of life. The true cause was no longer wearing a binder. All the benefits of so called top surgery were explained by no longer wearing the constrictive garment and having a flat chest.
The real questions should be: Why do young females feel alienated from their
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In einem kürzlich erschienen Artikel steht mal wieder, dass es nur 0.5-1% detrans gäbe (Leute die die geschlechtsangleichung bereuen). Diese Behauptung stützt sich zum grossteil auf einer 20 Jahre alten schwedischen langzeit Studie.
Allerdings gab es vor 20 Jahren keine so hohen transitions Zahlen und Psychologen und Ärzte in Schweden vermuten, dass nun eine ganz andere Patientengruppe transitioniert und zwar nicht mehr die der klassisch transsexuellen.
Kaum eine geschädigte Person wendet sich an ihren schädiger (Behandler) zurück, wenn sie erkennt dass die Behandlung eine fehldiagnose war und ihnen nichts ausser Leid gebracht hat oder ein Irrweg war. #Detrans
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Lesbische Frau: "Heute bereut Rosie wie etliche weitere ehemalige Patientinnen und Patienten, sich den Gender-Therapien unterzogen zu haben." #Detrans #Lesbe #NewHomophobia #KonversionsTherapie…
"An der Schule wurde sie aufs Übelste gemobbt. Sie sei schon immer ein «maskulines Mädchen» gewesen und habe nie traditionellen Geschlechtermustern entsprochen, erzählt sie." #Detrans #NewHomophobia
"Im Alter von 12 Jahren wurde sie im Internet auf das Thema Transsexualität aufmerksam: «Ich dachte: Wenn ich als Junge lebe, werden mich die Leute wie einen normalen Menschen behandeln.»" #Detrans #NewHomophobia
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Falls ihr es noch nicht wisst:

Heute Abend bei #ViertelNachAcht auf Bild-TV!

@detrans_de 💜
#detrans Image
Habe gerade den Beitrag gesehen. Das Format ist ja auf Geschwindigkeit ausgelegt, aber @detrans_de hat wunderbar transportiert, wo die Probleme mit #Selbstbestimmungsgesetz und #detrans liegen 💜

Danke auch, dass du dich gegen Herrn Frank behauptet hast von wegen "leises Thema"!
Solche Statements brauchen wir öfter. Bisher wird ja fast ausschließlich die bunte, heile Welt des Transitionierens beschrieben...

Seit Juni ist #nodebate Geschichte.

Auch dafür danke ich allen, die NICHT die Klappe halten, sondern mutig informieren und Fragen stellen 💜
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Yo "Diego" a los 16 consumida por la disforia

y yo "Victoria" a los 22, feliz y con la disforia controlada

Soy detrans y en este hilo les contaré mi historia y como la misoginia me hizo sentir que no servía como mujer y que no era una.

#RompeElGeneroNoSuCuerpo #detrans ImageImage
Todo comienza desde que era pequeña, siempre fui la niña tosca, machorra, lesbiana, grosera, poco agraciada, nada femenina, varonil, masculina, diferente, rara, torpe, "vato", "medio niño".
Crecí recibiendo ese tipo de comentarios y más por mi personalidad y mi forma de ser.
Puede parecer exagerado, pero todas esas palabras me hacían sentir muy mal, yo no era capaz de comprender porqué no podía ser como las otras niñas.
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@CILIPinfo 1/?

I notice you didn’t support #DetransAwarenessDay again this year.

Is that because you don’t know anything about Desisted & Detransitioned people, or you don’t think they merit the same support as people who are happy with their medical Transition?
@CILIPinfo 2/?

The Conversion Therapy Ban proposals for “Gender Identity” run the very real risk of preventing future kids like Keira Bell from getting the Explorative Therapy they actually need.

@CILIPinfo 3/?

To their shame, well funded & influential groups like Stonewall have refused to give Detransitioned people any public support.

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Hello world, I wish I could show my face, but the truth is I'm more ashamed of how I look now then ever before.

We place flowers at scenes of heartache and loss, which is my profile picture will be a Tulip or a Rose.

I have immense loss I'd like to share my story.
I'm in my later 30's now and I transitioned when i was 25.

I have been on hormones for all that time, and had penile inversion with scrotal graft nearly 5 years ago.

Im mildly incontinent for life now, and though i had a decent result. Its nothing like the real thing.
As a kid, I was highly sensitive and gender non-conforming. I wasn't flamboyant or overtly gay, but I knew deep down from a young age I was gay and deeply terrified of it.
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Zum #DetransAwarenessDay hier ein Aufruf an alle, die eine #detrans Erfahrung gemacht haben. Wir möchten eure Erfahrungen sichtbar machen. Vollständiger Text:🧵 Aufruf: Die niedersächsische Landesfachstelle Trans* sucht
War meine geschlechtliche Transition das Richtige für mich?
Wenn du dir diese Frage derzeit stellst oder in der Vergangenheit gestellt hast, könnte es sein, dass du in einer ähnlichen Lage bist wie wir. Vielleicht hast du von dem Begriff „detrans/Detransition“ auch schon gehört:
gemeint ist, dass eine trans* Person ihre medizinsche, rechtliche und/oder soziale Transition rückgängig macht, verändert oder nicht weiterführt. Manche detrans* Personen leben mit dem bei Geburt zugewiesenen Geschlecht, andere lehnen die Kategorie Geschlecht für sich selbst ab
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Komischerweise haben die, die behaupten, dass "Frauen abgeschafft" werden, kein Interesse daran, zu hören, was #detrans Frauen wie ich zu sagen haben. Die Schnittmenge AfD/"genderkritisch" interessiert sich ohnehin nicht für feministische Themen, das ist bekannt.
Wer Frauen allgemein nicht für Menschen mit subjektiver Erfahrung und eigener Meinung hält, wird bei auch bei denen, die trans sind, keine Ausnahme machen. Vor etwas "geschützt" werden soll auch hier nur die fiktive Gruppe der guten, richtigen, oder gar "eigenen" Frauen:
Wir kennen diesen "Schutz der Frauen" schon als argumentative Rechtfertigung für Rassismus oder (welch Ironie) mit umgekehrten Vorzeichen als Victim Blaming bei sexualisierter Gewalt. Und NIE kommen die Frauen zu Wort, um die es eigentlich geht. Sie sind niemals Subjekt.
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#Suicide by Clinic-Referred #Transgender #Adolescents in the United Kingdom. Great piece here urging us to reflect upon & think about, if evidence based #science is still your thing. Biggs (2022) conclusion asks us to question #medical responsibility.…
How do we know if we are acting responsibly when we are offering ‘information’? What information are we offering? What if that information is on risk for #selfharm & #suicide? As a part of our daily #dutyofcare part of the #safeguarding process?
What about if that information is relied upon when we obtain parental consent for intervention with #children & #adolescents? What if that information isn’t true, is inaccurate, exaggerated, inflated, distorted? #science
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Autistic Women & medical conditions thread 🧵 RE: Common #Medical symptoms and conditions in #autisticgirls #autisticwomen
By @sbaroncohen et. al I feel this research study has implication on #autisticgirls #gender #ROGD #trans #detrans In my #Autism clinic it has
been common to hear about #puberty #Dysphoria
Menstrual problems, #PMDD #PCOS & #endometriosis What is really nice for clinicians is when we see research that backs up our clinical work. In consideration Of #gender distress #dysphoria #ROGD we should be considering this research ImageImageImage
In making clinical decisions that impact #autisticgirls #autisticwomen with #ROGD #trans #detrans This July 2021 study looked at common medical conditions in #autistic females.
For some time, researchers have been investigating #sexbias in #autism diagnosis. #Medical
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Thread: 1/ We are pleased to present our newest resource: A Guidance for Colleges and Universities!…
2/ In this guidance, Genspect encourages colleges and universities to strive for “an authentically supportive space for everyone”. Genspect’s advice is to preserve single spaces & sports… and provide a third, “mixed sex” option.
3/ Genspect reminds colleges and universities that adolescence is a time of identity exploration and formation- a process which is deeply personal & individualized- a process in which colleges and universities really need not intervene.
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Attending the NAPP National Association of Practicing Psychiatrists Gender Dysphoria In Young People Webinar 2 hours now. Will live tweet #live
This is a medical condition because it involves medication and surgery
Presentations by 5 different psychiatrists all experienced and working within the area of gender Dysphoria @dianna_kenny is speaking about intake assessment which is called “gatekeeping”
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