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Remember when I asked you about the messages you got about teaching? Here is what we learned! BUCKLE UP. (Thread) #AcademicTwitter #AcademicChatter #digped 1/
First, thanks to all of you (such a huge response!) who responded and began to create community around this painful experience so many of us endured. I appreciate you. We learned A LOT about the discourses of #Teaching and #Pedagogy in #Highered last week. 2/
Here are some common words/phrases y'all used last week: focus, distraction, job, too much time on teaching, too good, evals, tenure, teaching awards, unspoken, career suicide, grad school, kiss of death 3/
Read 30 tweets
Hey all, here is my report (THREAD) about my first #Ungrading semester, part 2 (pt. 1 can be found here:ā€¦) #ContractGrading #Pedagogy #DigPed #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter 1/
The biggest takeaway from this semester how easy it felt. Not ease of work--there was work, but how it helped conversations about student writing, which is literally my job, easier. #Ungrading #AcademicTwitter 2/
Hereā€™s how it worked! Materials: my 1101 syllabus, project rubric, semester ā€œsnapshotā€ template, portfolio assign. sheet, class grade agreement, & list of grade items is here: . #Ungrading #AcademicChatter #WritingTeaching 3/
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UNGRADING report! Halfway through my first ungraded semester (comp 1) and I find Iā€™m saying the same things when people ask how itā€™s going: 1/18 #Ungrading #ContractGrading #Pedagogy #DigPed #AcademicChatter #AcademicTwitter
My students report feeling ā€œrelievedā€ they donā€™t have to worry about grades, and I feel relieved, too: as I mentioned to a colleague, I feel more ā€œsettled in my soulā€ about how much freer I am to focus on giving constructive feedback. 2/18
Responding to work has been easier and quicker-- in the past, a not insignificant amount of time was given over to dithering abt letters and numbers (is this an A? Is this a B?--Thank god we donā€™t have pluses and minuses). 3/18
Read 21 tweets
Critical Digital Pedagogy, a new edited collection just released in print, Kindle, and open-access versions. Gathering articles from the last 10 years that have helped shape the field of critical digital pedagogy.ā€¦ #digped
Critical Digital Pedagogy: A Collection was edited by @Jessifer @chris_friend and @slamteacher, features a foreword by @ruha9, and chapters by @allistelling, @hrheingold, @audreywatters, @CathyNDavidson, @bonstewart, @dorothyk98, @readywriting, @Bali_Maha, and more! #digped
@Jessifer @chris_friend @slamteacher @ruha9 @allistelling @hrheingold @audreywatters @CathyNDavidson @bonstewart @dorothyk98 @readywriting @Bali_Maha Note: the book will be available internationally and at stores other than Amazon. Just takes a bit more time to appear in their catalogues and with other distributors.
Read 3 tweets
This week on faculty of @DigPedLab has been rich. Planning and facilitating a course that participants experience as welcoming, encouraging and worthwhile has led me to some deep thinking about what we mean when we say 'teaching and learning.' #digped 1/
Often the folks who decide to become teachers are people who enjoyed largely positive school experiences. Raise your hand, if you were 'good at school', teachers. šŸ™‹šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøGiven that, we may see many practices (grades, exams, standardized outcomes) as necessary and/or desirable. 2/
It can be hard for us to imagine school without the rituals and habits we grew up understanding as central to being able to determine our 'readiness' for college or work life. Perhaps better said: readiness * could be determined.* 3/ā€¦
Read 13 tweets
"Digital Tool Parade" at #digped today. @Jessifer suggests these questions for evaluating tools: 1. What assumptions does the tool make about its users? What kind of relationships does it set up between teachers / students? School / the world? Humans / technology?
2. What assumptions does the tool make about learning and education? Does the tool attempt to dictate how our learning and teaching happen? How is this reflected in specific design and/or marketing choices?
3. What data must we provide in order to use the tool (login, e-mail, birthdate, etc.)? What flexibility do we have to be anonymous? Who owns the data? Will others be able to use/copy/own our work there?
Read 6 tweets
Back to proofing ā€œCurating *Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities,*ā€ final section on structure & approach. Had forgotten that tho we have 59 keywords, weā€™ve got 84 curators ā€” ZOWEE! We had an eye towards diversifying #digped convo #curateteaching
DPiH: We had repetition of 16 artifacts, but the divergent uses of the artifacts were integral to demo variance in use, e.g., from ā€œPlayā€ to ā€œFiction,ā€ from ā€œArchiveā€ to ā€œIntersectionality,ā€ from ā€œCurationā€ to ā€œCommunityā€ #curateteaching
DPiH: Yep - "Identifying digital pedagogy keywords allows us to document nodes of activity and to promote dialogue across domains and between silos by creating a shared vocabulary.ā€ #curateteaching
Read 14 tweets
Iā€™m proofing our manifestoā€¦erā€¦intro ā€œCurating *Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities* today while sitting in 3hrs of virtual office hours & recalling all the good stuff we pt to in the collection #curateteaching #citepedagogy
DPiH: If you and your colleagues are overwhelmed w/how to overhaul your classes carefully & purposefully for an eventual Fall semester/quarter, take a look at what we recommend to do first (hint: learning goals!): #curateteaching #citepedagogy
DPiH: When youā€™re done there, check our key concepts that mt embed into yr online/dig curr. Weā€™ve identified 5 & provided accompanying ped artifacts & keywords: openness, play, practice, identity, student agency, collaboration #citepedagogy #curateteaching
Read 12 tweets
Just finished up another workshop on *Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities* w/ @sjsucfd - looking for Engineering ethics materials & found a boatload of artifacts on ā€œethicsā€ that can be revised/reused/remixed #curateteaching #citepedagogy
@sjsucfd DPiH: Then a ? abt how to teach tools - instead, we looked at the ā€œButā€¦this all sounds daunting!ā€ section that leads instructors thru constructing learning goals, outcomes, and THEN, AND ONLY THEN, selecting the tool #citepedagogy #curateteaching
@sjsucfd DPiH: despite a few hiccups, we also learned abt creating Collections (ie favoriting) artifacts & explored key concepts for engaging in #digped : openness, collaboration, play, practice, student agency, identity #curateteaching #citepedagogy
Read 8 tweets
So much of my DH is STILL #digped & daily DH editorial duties on *Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities* (59 authors, people!) and a forthcoming Syllabus Journal special cluster (yay for pushing out almost-done pubs for our authors when e/t is getting severely delayed) #dayofdh2020 cover of digital pedagogy i...
That means a lot of my DH is stuff that doesnā€™t get seen - *Digital Pedagogy in the Humanities* goes a long way to correct that with #digped & one of the key reasons @mkgold @FrostDavis & I wrote the intro w/a history of the project #DayofDH2020
@mkgold @FrostDavis Itā€™s also why we begin at the beginning ā€” 2010 ā€” by chronicling 1st convos about this project bw me & @jenterysayers that produced a bunch of #digped workshops & a (not accepted) book proposal (w/the response from publisher that DHers wonā€™t be interested in #digped ) #DayofDH2020 text of introduction to dig...
Read 23 tweets
#100daysofCPD is where @UoB_HEFi will be beaming a spotlight onto #teaching and supporting #learning in #HigherEducation #CPD opportunities especially for #Beacon #HEAfellowship applicants & @uob_pgche participants during #COVID19 times & beyond Image
#100daysofCPD: #Day1 is the @UoB_HEFi #Learning and #Teaching Gateway. Full of self-paced online courses on a range of #technology and teaching topics. #BestPractice #CPD Go toā€¦ Image
#100daysofCPD #Day2: @matt_tel_brum shares this Resource - How to Keep Uninvited Guests Out of Your Zoom Event containing all you need to know about Zoomā€™s #settings when using for #teaching, #meetings or #socializing during #COVID19 & beyondā€¦
Read 106 tweets
Dear my #HigherEd peeps (THREAD):

As you prepare for remote-ness c/o #COVID2019 #coronavirus, my years as an #InstructionalDesign nerd are finally paying off ;)

But srsly: here is a THREAD of things you may find useful.

I will share/update as our Digital Learning team preps.
Dear my #HigherEd peeps (THREAD):

As you prepare for remote-ness c/o #COVID2019 #coronavirus:

You need to make/borrow your own "support kit" - there are many: Whatever works for your HEI. Your kit needs to be malleable - here's our lib-guide thus far:
Dear my #HigherEd peeps (THREAD):

As you prepare for remote-ness c/o #COVID2019 #coronavirus:

Need forum help? Well HT @uoregan for this (dated and blackboard focused) "Generating and Facilitating Engaging and Effective Online Discussions"ā€¦
Read 12 tweets
I started teaching composition online in 2008. Here are some things I've learned over the years (a thread). #onlinelearning #digped #teamrhetoric #WPAlife
There are REASONS why online courses have higher DWF (drop/withdraw/fail) rates. One huge reason is that these courses can feel impersonal. Another is a lack of feeling accountable. Anything we as instructors can do to the improve the affective element of the course is critical.
I make many choices in my online courses to humanize the student experience. One key element of my #pedagogy is to respond to students' work via screencasting. Screencasting allows students to hear my voice and see my screen as I am grading their papers/digital projects.
Read 56 tweets
So Iā€™m seeing a lot of ā€œoh so now online learning is where itā€™s at?ā€ tweets (some of which Iā€™ve rtā€™ed). Look, I get it, itā€™s frustrating. But what if, and hear me out, this is our chance?
The people on the ground who are trying to help faculty deal with this uncertainty and change are really good at their jobs, but also now completely overwhelmed. What was once optional is now required.
Weā€™re working with faculty who barely knew we existed. Who have never ever used an LMS. Who have possibly not thought about their pedagogy, not really, for years. And we are doing that now. Itā€™s not ideal at all but it is happening.
Read 19 tweets
If you suddenly find yourself teaching online as part of your schoolā€™s response to COVID-19, here are some helpful ideas (a thread):
Online doesnā€™t mean you need to change how you teach. You are still just as human, and so are the students on the other side of your screen. Email, text messages, phone callsā€”these are all ways to sustain a human connection.
Be honest about what this transition means for you and for students. The rest of the school year will not be the same. You will need to improvise and be patient. Students will need to improvise and be patient.
Read 10 tweets
I'm sitting down to work on my Income-Based Repayment recertification for my student loans. I decided to live-tweet the process.
I've been told and seen people defend the annual recertification requirement, saying itā€™s "easy," just log in, spend a quick few minutes, and done. I want to talk about what "easy" has looked like for me.
Iā€™ve been in the IBR program since January 2012. I graduated in May 2010. I didnā€™t know IBR existed until 18 months after I graduated.
Read 19 tweets
#digped I'm hanging out here at the airport, and have time to share some of the great work the Inclusive Design track did. The culminating project was a Manifesto for Inclusive Design, and WOW did these folks deliver amazing things. So Imma do a MANIFESTO THREAD y'all
Not only did @learnteachwin wear one of the best T-shirts I've ever seen, but her video manifesto is a thoughtful and beautiful set of committments.ā€¦
@learnteachwin For her manifesto, Toni Wall Jaudon @twjaudon wrote a set of principles which she wanted to center in her practice and y'all, it was EVERYTHING. I'm going to be re-reading it as one of my semester intentions, I know that.ā€¦
Read 11 tweets
I'm really excited to hear @ruha9's talk. DPL2019 is off to a great start! #digped #feedyourhead
There is a theory of power that is well evidenced today, but we can--must-- conceive of alternative theories of power, @ruha9 challenges us
#digped @ruha9: don't let the conversation plateau at just "diversity in tech." Plantations were diverse places too, she notes. We have to confront *power*
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Opening words from @slamteacher #digped We are here to imagine
@slamteacher Moving into our cohorts now. This week, I'm on the Inclusive Design track, which is headed up by @TheTattooedProf #digped
@slamteacher @TheTattooedProf So @TheTattooedProf gave us a writing prompt to do, but (PLOT TWIST), we could only use our left hands. Then we had to assess based on criteria given us afterwards (penmanship and word count) #digped
Read 24 tweets
Just got my course feedback. My students hated my online classes They really wanted me on Blackboard, I wish they knew how much of their data got sucked up. More importantly I want them to understand why they need to #ownyourdata #digped
This is such an importance #literacies lesson, such an important skill for educators to model. We have to #teachtheweb just as much as any "Big Five" they are missing this take away. It is essential to our civil society
And I thought I really nailed the navigation. I removed a third party chat app, removed an annotation app, got it down to just two websites, theirs and mine
Read 63 tweets

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