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Jun 15th 2023
[#VeilleESR #LPPR] Investissement dans les start-up et PME innovantes : les recommandations du rapport du député Midy
par @NewsTankEduc

Modifications en vue des dispositifs CIR et JEI (pour ouvrir les vannes).…
« Soutenir l’investissement en crypto-actifs »
En ouvrant le statut de Jeunes Entreprises Innovantes aux startups spéculatives qui ne font pas d'innovation.

Parce que pourquoi pas ?

Ca parle « web 3.0 », ce qui inquiète sur le sérieux des rapporteurs.… Image
La mission propose donc que les startups spéculatives dans la crypto soient des JEIC « Jeune Entreprise d’Innovation et de Croissance » (elle ne font pas d'innovation, mais de la croissance)

Et donc de leur filer le #CIR avant un an d'avance. Image
Read 15 tweets
Jun 11th 2023
[1/n] Friday’s night crash was very interesting because there was no big news at this moment and some of the instruments fell about 50% within two hours. I would like to break down the microstructure behaviors and do an overall analysis from that day. 🧵

#trading #cryptocrash Image
Firstly, let’s take a look at the macroscopic view of the market. On the histogram, we can see the changes from the highest price to the lowest price within the first couple of hours of June 10th (UTC). Big moves around the whole crypto space. Image
Some of the instruments fell about 50% and GTC fell over 73% due to the fact that during such crashes, liquidity is poor. This example can show you how liquidity is important when there is huge volatility in the market. Unfortunately, this move happened during the weekend.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 11th 2023
In #Crypto, everything happens at lightning speed, and sometimes we miss very important news that could affect our portfolio.
So, here is a list of all the important news of the past week, which I have compiled 📰🗞️

#CryptoNews #cryptocrash Image
🚨Nigeria regulator says local Binance operations 'illegal'.

🔔 #TUSD temporarily stopped issuing TUSD through Prime Trust.

🔔 #Robinhood will no longer support #Solana, #Polygon and #Cardano after June 27, 2023.
💥 #OKX burns 5.5 million #OKB exchange tokens — worth roughly $244 million.

🔔 Binance_US suspends all USD deposits following SEC lawsuit.

💥 #Kraken launches its NFT marketplace on #Polygon.
Read 11 tweets
Jun 10th 2023
🚨Pourquoi parler de "SOLDE" lorsque le prix d'une crypto baisse est DANGEREUX 🚨

Je vais encore être à "contre-courant", mais désolée il faut vraiment en parler 👇

#cryptocrash #SEC Image

Inutile de rappeler le contexte, la guerre de la SEC contre les cryptomonnaies fait rage et le prix de nos cryptos préférés en paient le prix fort :

🔴 -23% sur Cardano
🔴 -15% sur Cosmos
🔴 -25% sur Matic

(ça fait mal au portefeuille)😭 Image

En bourse on dit "qu'il ne faut jamais attraper un couteau qui tombe".

Le marché des cryptomonnaies reste un marché jeune et volatile.

Mais surtout IMPREVISIBLE.
Read 9 tweets
Mar 11th 2023
USDC Stablecoin Cash Reserves at Failed Silicon Valley Bank Come Under Scrutiny #USDC $USDC $QUACK #RichQUACK #Cryptocrash

1/ The USDC stablecoin is facing intense scrutiny after a Silicon Valley bank that was holding around $11 billion in cash reserves failed. This has raised serious questions about the safety and transparency of the stablecoin's cash reserves. $QUACK
2/ For those unfamiliar with it, USDC is a stablecoin that is pegged to the U.S. dollar and has become increasingly popular in the cryptocurrency space. It is managed by Circle, a leading crypto financial services company. $QUACK
Read 11 tweets
Mar 5th 2023
Are you interested in the #Cryptoworld? Do you know what a fair launch in crypto is? This Twitter thread will explain the concept of a #FairLaunch and its benefits in the #Crypto Space. $QUACK #RichQUACK #cryptocrash

- THREAD - 🧵👇 Image
1/10 💡 Have you heard of the term "fair launch" in the crypto world? It's a term used to describe the process of launching a new #cryptocurrency in a way that ensures equal access and opportunities for all participants. $QUACK
2/10 🔍 So what exactly is a fair launch in crypto? In simple terms, a fair launch is when a new cryptocurrency is launched without any pre-mining, pre-sale or early access for select individuals or groups. $QUACK
Read 12 tweets
Feb 27th 2023

🔸#Coinbase Jan '23 attestation missed and delayed
🔸Justin staked 150.000 #Eth and use stETH on DeFi
🔸SEC targeted #Paxos
🔸#Busd deplete mode on
🔸#crypto pumped on "security risk rumors"
🔸Vitalik Buterin missed
🔸#ETH2 Shanghai soon

🔸#WBTC here and there
🔸#LIDO used in a way you should be worried
🔸#MAKERDAO high risk loading
🔸#DJI too high
🔸#US30 too high
🔸#SP500 too high
🔸Us Gov Treasury Total Default before July
🔸Inflation high
🔸Interest rate low

Few understand the risk, But they will feel it
If you are a #crypto enthusiastic, risk sits on
🔸Wrapped tokens, mostly #wbtc #weth #stEth
🔸Real risk is if Vitalik lied on #ETH2 and Rug Pull #ETH

Without #ETH almost all #crypto will blow
Wrapped tokens are perfect for laundering
Un- #stablecoin issuers will blow
Read 6 tweets
Feb 3rd 2023
Why do I agree w/ #CharlieMunger? Crypto supply isn't regulated by govt. How much of our inflation bubble was caused by massive unregulated infusion of weird M2 infusions of bitcoin into the economy? And how much recession fear is from an unregulated bust?…
#M2= Money in circulation on Federal Reserve statistical tables. The Federal Reserve uses the indicator to control of the supply of money. #Crypto wreaks havoc with the reliability of this number. On the front end, it created explosive growth that helped trigger inflation. (2)
On the back end, with the #CryptoCrash, it helped to cause an un-measured contraction in the supply of money (M2). Are you happy that a chunk of this key economic tool is now in the hands of con artists, gamblers & dark money launderers? (3)
Read 4 tweets
Jan 30th 2023
more #cryptocurrency talk. it seems that there may be (another) #cryptocrash developing; there's been so many of them.

to reiterate my earlier point: the allure of #cryptocurrencies is instant #money in vast volumes, and that's why $BITC and @ETH have a million copycats.

#cryptocurrency (and the related #blockchain money-making gewgaw, the #NFT) are in a sense nothing new. there have been untold millions of #investment scams and #business tricks and other shifty clever ways that at least *pretend* they can guarantee an effortless #profit.

this is an artifact of the extreme #wealth inequality encouraged by #capitalism: once you've got a bunch of elite capitalists *hoarding* all the #money, that means you've got big enough piles to *steal*. all get-rich-quick schemes are ultimately acts of disguised _theft_.

Read 25 tweets
Dec 4th 2022
1- Crypto Winter everywhere @Bybit_Official Crypto Exchange Layoffs
#layoffs #cryptocrash $BTC $ETH…
2- After $UST incident, everyone is talking about “Crypto Winter” because of the liquidity crunch that’s why Exchange reduced its workforce today’s #Bybit announced layoffs workforce to survive the bear market. #Bybit previously cut its workforce by an unspecified number in June
3- @benbybit, the CEO, and co-founder of the Singapore-based crypto exchange, previously worked for XM, one of the world’s largest forex and CFD trading brokerage firms. made the announcement on Twitter at 12:32 a.m. ET.
Read 7 tweets
Dec 3rd 2022
1- #FederalReserve hikes 75bps interest rate? Stocks Analysis After US jobs report.
2- Stocks went up sharply on Wednesday after Fed chair Jay Powell gave a strong hint that the central bank would slow its interest rate hikes later this month. That’s why on Wednesday, S&P 500 surged 3.2% in one day, while bitcoin strongly holds the $17,000 range.
$SPX Image
3- And here on Thursday, December 2, US jobs numbers were hotter than expected, which added to the pressure on the Fed to maintain its tough stance on inflation. After the report, $SPX slipped 1.2% because of fear of tightening.
@financialjuice Image
Read 15 tweets
Dec 2nd 2022
1- Crypto Winter is here Cryptocurrency Exchange fires 1,100 global workforce
#cryptocrash #cryptowinter…
2- The world’s third-largest cryptocurrency exchange laid off more than 1,100 employees and declared a crypto winter. The company said in a blog post that the weakening in crypto markets was caused by slowing macroeconomic and geopolitical factors.
3- Kraken, which is the world’s third-largest cryptocurrency exchange by volume, is letting go of about 30% of its staff, according to the company’s CEO.
Read 8 tweets
Nov 28th 2022
Increases in #Stablecoins Net Buy Value indicate traders are swapping #alts for safe-haven assets, which usually reflects the start of a crash.

Eg, $USDC & $USDT Net Buy on #Polygon simultaneously recorded buying power surges at 23:05 UTC. (P1/P2)

👇… ImageImage
At the same time, the number of $USDC & $USDT buyers on #Polygon increased sharply. (P1/P2)

Live Signals - Free to access this chart👇…

#crypto #TradingSignals ImageImage
Check the $WMATIC Net Buy Value Indicator
- a large red peak representing selling power showed at 23:05 UTC on Nov 27. (P1)

The #cryptomarket also retraced from then on. (P2)

Set up Alerts to monitor #cryptocrash signals👇 ImageImage
Read 4 tweets
Nov 19th 2022
I own this thesis: two months ago, an article was released reporting on a white house investigation into $TWTR and $META. The downfall of #meta this year had a reason. It's not for the #zuckconfusion. #cryptocrash exposed the deep state domestic and foreign psyops
This year alone #fakeaccounts and #fakemedia exposed over 150 and counting accounts through #facebook and #twitter was disclosed.
Total News Sources 26
Leaning Left 9
Leaning Right 9
Center 4

41% of the sources lean Left, 41% of the sources lean Right

Conspiracy? You decide.

$FTX - a dark pool for foreign psyops
Read 8 tweets
Nov 11th 2022
A very interesting #perspEctive on #cryptocrash and #SBF_FTX:

1/ A true scandal is opening for the Biden administration.

April 25, 2019: Biden announces his presidential campaign.

13 days later, Sam Bankman-Fried, son of Barbara Fried
2/ ( Stanford Professor and co-founder of political fundraising organization "Mind-the-Gap), launches #FTX crypto exchange.

The exchange is magically an overnight success. SBF becomes biggest donor to Biden.

Election day, FTX implodes completely.
3/ If you think this scandal is done, it goes even deeper.

Gabe Bankman-Fried, brother to Sam (also a former Jane Street trader), is founder of “Guarding Against Pandemics”
Read 7 tweets
Nov 10th 2022

#Bitcoin #Ethereum


11k 6k #Btc

Macros target
14.8k 10.5k

6 months duration then UP

Before anyone on CT I did
-Predicted Ftx
-Theter (coz it's will rip and let place to busd in future)
-Macros crash
-Stocks & #Crypto
.. ImageImageImageImage
2/ I wanna say thanks for those that came on E.w and been my kids this year

They wished to learn the Truth
How makers are acting and why price doesn't do what t.a most of time show them

Thanks to you, also to the real followers that followed here every tweets, saw and know

6 Months Capitulation with a Bottom coming in during $BTc

*14.8k macros term , we will also scalp offering micros rebounce in short term on our macro keys that Makers use to rip all

*bottom btw 11k - 6k

*despair in a cascade can panick sell off spread to 3k btc

#BTC ImageImage
Read 37 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
Is .@FTX_Official a preview of US economy and dollar?

.@SBF_FTX did what the .@WhiteHouse does and look.

Will #BRICS cause liquidity crunch in #USA ?

#Putin #XiJingping & others will sell their #dollars & buy BRICS currency.

Could we see real hyperinflation?

#Russia #China
My #cryptocurrecy friends know that when you remove liquidity, the #cryptocrash

The #USD about to have $34B of liquidity pulled.

This does not include what they sell to buy #BRICS $.

BRICS need liquidity too. #Crypto is programmed to do what money does.

What will USD do...
Like #Crypto & the #cryptocrash the USD will drop in value when liquidity is pulled or their is a liquidity crunch. Who else provides liquidity for the USD?

What if they all work together to dump USD & buy BRICS?

Just how much liquidity do they own?

#Russia #China #India #USA
Read 5 tweets
Nov 10th 2022

¿Por qué no deberías tener tu dinero en esta stablecoin?

🧵 (1/10)

Tiempo de lectura: 2'

#cryptocrash #criptomonedas #USDT
Debemos entender el funcionamiento de $USDT.

Explicado de manera sencilla, tú le das 1$ y ellos te dan un token $USDT para operar en el mercado. Así, supuestamente el 100% de los tokens están respaldados por $.

O eso al menos es lo que dicen...
Tether tiene respaldo en activos, pero no en efectivo.

Se llegó a saber que sólo el 12% aproximadamente era en efectivo o depósitos bancarios.
Read 12 tweets
Nov 10th 2022
The #crypto cult has to come to terms with the #cryptocrash

The ecosystem is completely fucked

Confidence is now destroyed as it should be

Regardless of what exchange you are on and how many imaginary dollars you might have in a digital wallet. Just know it’s all bullshit
These crooks have taken in your funds and engaged in swaps with tether and other stable coins. They gave the sealed ‘Comercial paper’ and spent your money on rent, advertising, computers, salaries, and likely hookers and blow.
This is what happens when you piss about with unregulated exchanges run by grifters and excons

I tried to warn people. Hope some people got money out cause I’m certain few will now. They’ll let you buy some bullshit stable coin but you won’t be able to off ramp from ecosystem
Read 5 tweets
Nov 8th 2022
Here is the story of @cz_binance overtaking @SBF_FTX

How @SBF_FTX and @AlamedaResearch lost today

Total Surrender

One of the fastest wars in business history

🧵A thread for those who missed it

#cryptocrash $bnb $sol

#BNB ImageImage
Fuck around > Find out


@milesdeutscher wrote a great thread about Sam Bankman Fried and Alameda

Here is the gist of it:

SBF was hailed as a hero in the past

Moving the blockchain space forward, doing a service to the industry @linkchainlink
Sam Bankman Frieds net worth grew close to $15 Billion

He started to invest in companies (@Aptos_Network and @SuiNetwork e.g)

and had enough fire power to bail out Blockfi and considered even helping Celsius.

He also heavily got into politics and started donating

Read 28 tweets
Jul 6th 2022
Ayer @RipioApp presentó su libro de Educación #Cripto "Una guía al mundo de las #Criptomonedas" en el @CCKonex.

Un lujo conversar sobre #EducacionFinanciera con los genios de @capitanintriga, @juanjo101 y @martin_ens, moderado por la gran @chulkinet.

¡Gracias por la invitación! ImageImageImage
1/ No es joda, el libro es realmente un espectáculo.

No solo en contenido, sino también en diseño, lo cual le da una pedagogía digna de acompañar a cualquier rango etario.

(Es para todos/as, pero por ejemplo, lo imagino IDEAL para escuelas secundarias) ImageImage
2/ Como dije en el panel, considero tiene un ENORME valor simbólico en este contexto económico y del sector.

Mientras el #Cryptocrash difunde pánico y lleva a muchas firmas a raspar el fondo de la olla descuidando su responsabilidad financiera, @RipioApp apuesta a la educación. Image
Read 6 tweets
Jun 17th 2022
This is my geometric $BTC price forecasting model. Which is being processed.
(I named it: STEP BY STEP MODEL)
The explanation below 👇

#Bitcoin #BTC #Crypto #Cryptocrash
#cryptocurrency #CryptoMarket Image
1. The first cycle of #Bitcoin after Halving: we saw the top on 25/11/2013 and below, 59 weeks later, on 12/01/2015.
On 17/08/2015 we had a retest of support but because the price went down by 4$ we keep it as low
#Bitcoin #BTC #Crypto #Cryptocrash
#cryptocurrency #CryptoMarket Image
2. I created this step (orange rectangle) from the top of the 2013 $BTC value to the top of 2017 and cloned it.

#Bitcoin #BTC #Crypto #Cryptocrash
#cryptocurrency #CryptoMarket Image
Read 10 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
اس وقت کرپٹو مارکیٹ کیوں نیچے جا رہی ہے؟

ایک تھریڈ:🧵
سٹاک مارکیٹس اور کرپٹو مارکیٹس بہت زیادہ باہم مربوط ہیں۔

وال سٹریٹ کو سی پی آئی ڈیٹا کے بعد جنوری کے بعد سے سب سے بڑا ہفتہ وار نقصان اٹھانا پڑا۔

ٹیک مرتکز نیس ڈیک انڈیکس 3.5 فیصد گر گیا۔ ٹیکنالوجی کمپنیوں نے بازاروں میں دھوم مچا دی ہے۔
امریکہ میں افراط زر کی شرح 8.6 فیصد ہے، جو 1981 کے بعد سب سے زیادہ ہے۔

برطانیہ میں افراط زر کی شرح 9 فیصد ہے۔

اس بات کا خطرہ ہے کہ آنے والی کساد بازاری 2008 میں عالمی معیشت پر پڑنے والی کساد بازاری سے کہیں زیادہ گہری اور دیرپا ہوسکتی ہے۔
Read 7 tweets
Jun 15th 2022
The #cryptocrash reminds me a little bit of the day Wirecard announced €1.9bn of its money was "missing".
(June 18, 2020, two years ago this week)
All the investors, long and short, knew a day of reckoning was coming. Publishing audited results could be put off no more. The big unknown was if EY would be duped, again, and sign the accounts for the tenth year in a row.
If EY signed, Wirecard was going to the moon 🚀🚀🚀

If it didn't, game over. 🤮🤮🤮
Read 12 tweets

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