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May 4th 2023
回顾 #Fed 2022-23年十次加息会议周的一些机会——以一个在web3基金又稍微喜欢一点宏观的 #degen 打工人视角出发。
🧵本周FED完成了2022-23年度第十次加息,并且暗示本轮加息周期已达到一个相对阶段,市场随机预测最早的降息可能于今年9月开始,相较于20-21年度的狂暴大牛市,过去的一年半无疑是一个相对低迷的bear market,然而市场仍然以每个月2-3个的速度产生一些有意思的 #ALPHA 热点。
Read 16 tweets
Feb 1st 2023
2023 Ocak Ayı Değerlendirmesi

1) Göz kamaştıran 2022 yılı performansı özellikle yurt dışında yüzde 20'lere varan kayıplar yaşanırken son derece değerliydi. Dolayısıyla Ocak ayında #BIST için bir kâr realizasyonu normaldir. Özellikle de yurt dışı cazipken.

Detaylara bakarsak:
2) Yukarıdaki sıcaklık haritası bir aylık ve sektörlere göre getiri değişimini göstermektedir.

Bir iki şirket dışında (ki TUPRS yüzde 10'luk performansıyla pozitif ayrışmıştır) tüm sektörlere yayılan ve ortalama yüzde 15'ler civarı düşüşler yaşanmıştır.
3) Aralık ayı kapanışı ile Ocak ayı kapanışı açısından #XU100'deki değişimse sadece eksi %9,67'dir.

Sadece diyorum, çünkü %10'luk bir geri çekilme olağandır. #AyıPiyasaları %20 ve üzeri düşüşleri ifade eder ki bu konuda kapsamlı bir çalışma paylaşmıştım.…
Read 9 tweets
Jan 27th 2023
1) In the @WSJ, last year @Justinbaer utilised a very useful perspective to historical declines and S&P #BearMarkets.

Following @naterattner's chart, I've applied the similar methodology to #BIST and let's have a closer look to the results. Image
2) In the study, I selected #XU100 Index as a proxy and worked with 6.386 daily observations (Range is from 02/07/1997 to 20/01/2023).

Below is history of #drawdowns from All Time High (#ATH) levels to the lowest values for the #BIST. Left scale shows the percentage declines. Image
3) As you can see, maximum drawdown is minus 67.03% and there were more occasions for 50% drops in the past.

Black dotted line represents #BearMarket territory with more than 20% declines from the peaks, and it looks more common and recursive to drastic declines.
Read 7 tweets
Jan 3rd 2023

1/4. Nối tiếp thành công từ collection đầu tiên vào đầu năm nay với mức #ATH lên tới 8 ETH
#FRIENDS in the Place They Love là Collection NFT thứ 2 của @Fwenclub được tạo ra bởi @HanaiYusuke một nghệ sĩ đương đại nổi tiếng tới từ Nhật Bản.
2/4. Bộ sưu tập thứ 2 sẽ giới hạn ở mức 500 Friends NFT được vẽ tay hoàn toàn bởi @HanaiYusuke, được thiết kế đặc biệt với nhiều thuộc tính, đặc điểm khác nhau. Friends in the Place They Love được cho là sẽ ra mắt vào tháng 2 năm nay.
3/4. 📝 Điền Google Form bên dưới trước ngày 4 tháng 1 ,join discord ,follow Twitter của #FwenClub để biết thêm nhiều thông tin và #event hơn 👇

Form :
Discord :
Read 4 tweets
Jul 25th 2022
Tomorrow a new market analysis will be out, followed by updates on the new macro data. This week will be huge.

meanwhile today I'm watching at something no one is looking at.

#Whales are accumulating they say.

A short thread 🧵

#onchain #BTC #Bitcoin Image
So let's take in consideration for a minute the fact that we can divide the cohort and call them as we want.

@glassnode divide the 2 cohorts we are gonna talk about today like this:

#Whale (1,000-5,000 BTC)
#Humpback (>5,000 BTC)
Meanwhile here we are looking at:
#Whale (1,000-10,000 BTC)
#Humpback (>10,000 BTC). ImageImage
Read 8 tweets
Jun 16th 2022
1/10 Tonight question was about #TVL on #DEFI, and i just asked myself is there any TVL leakage from DEFI since the turmoil we are all facing the past 6 months? Let's dig into some data here as parf of my 2nd 🧵and see where the #smartmoney has been going ?👇
2/10 TVL on @Defilama is now sitting below 100b, decreasing by almost 28% in a week and divided by 3 since $BTC #ath. Image
3/10 On the other hand, #crypto total market cap is sitting at 898b, and as the DEFI TVL, "just" decreased also by 26% in a week and divided by 3 since $BTC #ATH. Image
Read 14 tweets
May 8th 2022
A great day to enter the #crypto market, everything is on sale!

What will you be buying today?

Here's my list.


My 🐻 strategy.

1. Revisit your investment theses
2. Find conviction in strong picks
3. Sell if fundamentals change
4. Portfolio consolidation (≤ 10)
5. Rotate #altcoins into #bluechips
6. Dollar cost average on red days
7. Market ⬇️ = Accumulation ⬆️
8. Enjoy the discounts

My 🐻 picks.

1. $LUNA
2. $UST
3. $ETH
4. $RUNE
5. $NEAR
6. $AVAX
7. $GLP
8. $FTM
9. $SOL
10. $BTC
Read 13 tweets
Mar 27th 2022
#raportzportfela #sezon2 #portfeldywidendowy
Zapraszam Was do zapoznania się z najnowszym raportem z portfela :
💫 saldo początkowe ▶️19 472,33 pln
💫 suma dopłat w 2022 r. ▶️ 17 766 pln
💫 rentowność w 2022 r. ▶️ +0,92%
💫 gotówka ▶️ 58,15 pln
📄 Poniżej wyciąg z portfela.
Do portfela wrócił pakiet akcji #voxel. Cena zakupu 39,90 pln.Decyzję o zakupie podjąłem 23 marca. Wtedy to pojawiły się większe obroty. Technicznie walor jest mocno schłodzony. Do tego #voxel posiada politykę dywidendową.
Kurs konsoliduje się pomiędzy 38,5 pln-40 pln. Na wykresie tygodniowym RSI jest już wyjątkowo nisko. Jeśli #analizatechniczna ma jakieś atuty, to najbliższe dwa tygodnie są okresem, w którym #AT ma szansę to udowodnić.
#ike #ikze
Read 20 tweets
Mar 22nd 2022

Hoy vamos a profundizar en una de las #altcoin en la que, ya os adelanto que voy bien cargado. Lo haremos fácil, para todos los públicos😏

👉Deja tu RT y tu like que nos vamos de caza juntos 🦅👇
🌚¿QUÉ ES Terra $LUNA?

Es un protocolo blockchain que busca crear un ecosistema centrado en generar aplicaciones DeFi, sobre una blockchain de gran velocidad y con facilidad para crear stablecoins, ancladas a las principales monedas fiat
🔎Según su Whitepaper:

Combina la "estabilidad de precios y la amplia adopción de monedas fiduciarias"
✅ Protocolo y blockchain propia que no depende de otras como #Ethereum o #Solana
➡️ Esto significa que su infraestructura funciona de manera AUTÓNOMA a otros proyectos
Read 10 tweets
Mar 11th 2022
#DeFi is changing the game at a massive scale and is evolving each day💸

Here's how three cognitive biases are holding you back from realising #DeFi's full potential and how to conquer them.

A short thread🧵, that will enable you to make all the right decisions.
1/ Ever felt like your personal belongings were more valuable to you, than they're objectively worth?

That's the "endowment effect" playing tricks on your mind.
2/ Ever doubled-down on a wrong decision from the past? Congrats, you've become a victim of the "sunk cost fallacy"⚓😳

The sunk cost fallacy makes it hard to abandon ship when you've already spent time and/or money on something. Sound familiar?
Read 9 tweets
Mar 9th 2022

#Cryptocurrency like #Bitcoin are known for being volatile. Here's an overview of how $BTC price fluctuated over the years:

Read our previous thread about Bitcoin here:

#Bitcoin has seen significant growth since its start in 2009 with some major price drops. $BTC price remained below US$2, for the first few years but in June 2011, the price shot up to US$31, before it plummeted down to a single digit. 📈📉

In April 2013, #Bitcoin’s price grew to US$200, and by November, it was valued at more than US$1000!
From this, the price skyrocketed to US$10,000, in November 2017 and in just 4 years, $BTC price rose to around US$68,990, in November 2021.

Read 5 tweets
Mar 9th 2022
#DeFi Daily 09/03/22

$BTC rose 4% during Tuesday’s Asian trading hours, and traded near the upper bound of a widening channel during US trading hours. Hourly, BTC has been making higher lows without higher highs – a strong resistance on its downward trend line.

Read more: 🧵👇 BTCUSD Graph
$ETH shows a similar price pattern to $BTC. It is now at a critical crossroad with price near its yearly support. For now, ETH has found support from the line on the daily as yesterday’s daily candle closed above the line.

/1 ETHUSD Graph
#DeFiTVL A small uptick to 195.4bn from yesterday as users gain confidence from the small boost in #crypto markets last night. @wavesprotocol and @terra_money led this rise. Liquid staking platform @LidoFinance contributing a 1.3bn increase in #Terra overnight.

Read 7 tweets
Feb 15th 2022

Vous êtes vous déjà dit : "J'ai acheté trop tard" ou "J'ai vendu trop tôt"! 

Rationalisez votre stratégie d'investissement grâce à la plateforme

Venez découvrir cet outil d'aide à l'investissement et rendez vos positions lucratives sans stress Image

Les méthodes et #outils présentés dans ce #thread ne constituent pas un conseil en #investissement.

Par ailleurs, s'appuyer sur cet outil ne vous dispense pas de réaliser des recherches sur les fondamentaux des projets. Image

Investir dans les #cryptos, c'est être prêt à y passer du temps et à vivre du stress au quotidien.

La volatilité, les rebondissements sur le marché chaque semaine, les nouveaux #projets prometteurs.

Tous ces facteurs demandent un investissement personnel important. Image
Read 21 tweets
Feb 8th 2022
1️⃣ Uzun vade yatırım yapmak isteyip hisse ya da coin alan arkadaşlar bazen uzun süre zararda kalmaktan dolayı usanıp satmaya karar veriyorlar. Saygı duyarım. Kaliteli hisselerde ne kadar sular altında kalırsanız kalın bir noktada kara geçeceğimizi hepimiz biliyoruz.
2️⃣ Ama bazen size de oluyor mu “ya bu hisse hep sular altında oluyor, hiç gün yüzü göremiyoruz” dedirtiyor mu size de? Hadi şimdi önce birkaç yabancı hisse örneği üzerinden başlayıp sonrasında da Türk hisselerinden birkaç örnek üzerinde bu konuyu incelemeye çalışalım.
3️⃣ Ele aldığım örneklerin tamamı temettü ve sermaye artırımlarına göre düzeltilmiş veriler olacak. Hisse zirveyi görüyor herkes hevesle giriyor, sonra bir düşüyor bir gün yüzü göstermiyor dediğimiz sinir bozucu hisseler var mı aklınıza gelen? Bir ona bak bir de S&P500’e bak.
Read 43 tweets
Jan 5th 2021
The latest #OCC guidance allowing settlement through #stablecoins is exciting but with many side effects. There are threads that link it to the #Bitcoin price and ATHs, #Tether ,#Libra , #JPMorgan #WallStreet , #DCEP. I'm watching out for 6 aspects 👇1/n
1 - What most have caught on to is that stablecoins getting linked to banks will eventually make them more regulated and justify full AML/KYC disclosures. This will eventually be required everywhere, not just in the US. Another impact would be on reserve management..2/n
2 - There are few credible audits on the reserves of stablecoins. This will have implications for the #Bitcoin price. Many are aware that Bitcoin rice pumps are often correlated to heavy #Tether minting and movements from whale wallets. 3/n
Read 12 tweets
Sep 7th 2020
Round 2 of weekly Reliance Ind fund raising? This time for Retail?

BofA: RIL has offered all 13 investors of Jio Platforms (including Facebook, Google etc) the option to invest in its Retail unit. Image
Round 2 has started for Reliance Industries

This time for Retail

Private equity firm Silver Lake to invest Rs 7500 crore in Reliance Retail for 1.75% stake… Image
Mukesh Ambani:
Read 5 tweets
Aug 15th 2020
Hello Traders, Below is our trade plan for upcoming week. It will be a buy & hold portfolio with time frame of 30 trading sessions #NIFTY #BANKNIFTY #fmcg #INFY #TCS #GranulesIndia #Bayercorp #SBIcard #Cipla #tataconsumer #Alltimehigh #Dhoni #DhoniRetires #ThalaDhoni #CSK Image
Below is the link to chart where we have tried explaining the idea behind buy on Granules #Granules #API #momentuminvesting #alltimehigh #ATH…
Below is the link to chart where we have tried explaining the idea behind buy on Tata Consumer #TataConsumer #fmcg #Nifty #banknifty…
Read 9 tweets
Aug 4th 2020
1/ When I post I expect grind & easy money has been made I’m not joking or just flaming perma-bears. I’m serious. Let’s use IBD as a metric. Here is a pic of the current IBD signals, or I should say signal. It’s unbelievable really. 82 consectutive sessions on “Confirmed Uptrend”
2/ Here is a pic of 2009. 42 Sessions off the “CUp”. Then mixed signals started in...and they are coming real soon now to 2020. No more all clear! IBD is as easy as it gets really. Since 4/6 it’s been basically an all clear. What furu gave you that? Again, just IBD as a metric.
3/Since 4/6/20 it’s been an all clear essentially. And now with $SPX within less than a 100 points from #ATH many have missed this & now it will get dicey as “Uptrend Under Pressure” signals come in due to high distribution, chop, undercutting lows will make buying more difficult
Read 5 tweets
Jul 21st 2020
🟢NEW #GEM (2.0)🟢

It's time!

Let's talk about one of the most #underrated and #undervalued projects in the whole cryptomarket.

Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce the $LTO @LTOnetwork.

1/ What exactly is $LTO?

It's a hybrid blockchain for securing, verifying and exchanging business critical information.

In short: businneses use $LTO blockchain to cut operating costs. Image
2/ Examples of $LTO USE CASES

Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure use LTO Technology to save $7 million annually by sharing data and business logic with competitors and governments. Image
Read 22 tweets
Jul 12th 2020
Hello Traders, Below is our trade plan for upcoming week #NIFTY #BANKNIFTY #RELIANCE #INDIANCHEMICALS #TRADING #FNO #SENSEX #relianceagms2020 #FMCG Image
The list of stocks mentioned in the above list have recently crossed their All Time High #ATH #Momentum #Chemicals #Agrochem #FMCG #Telecom
Below is the link to chart where we have tried explaining the idea behind buy on Tata Consumer #Tataglobal #Tataconsumer #FMCG #Breakout #Momentum…
Read 8 tweets

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