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Human #intestinal #spirochetosis:
✔️#sexual #transmitted infections
✔️of the large intestine by anaerobic spirochetes of the genus Brachyspira spp.

🖊️A De Gea, @alfredomaldo ,@clarapath, @MarianaDazAlmi1, @alirri, Raquel Escudero, et al.
👇… Colonoscopic biopsy. In rou...
@alfredomaldo @clarapath @MarianaDazAlmi1 @alirri Gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, proctitis, or chronic diarrhea are the most common manifestations.

Most cases with accompanying symptoms show improvement with metronidazole antibiotic therapy.

Routine staining methods (haematoxylin & eosin & Warthin-Starry) can identify spirochetes on the surface of enterocytes.
Histologically, characteristic findings include a decrease in microvilli &a predominantly eosinophilic inflammatory infiltrate.

#Pathologists #pathology Colonoscopic biopsy compare...
Read 12 tweets
@DrTedros "As you know, just under three weeks ago I declared an end to #COVID19 as a public health emergency of international concern.

It was a moment of relief and reflection.

It’s encouraging to see life return to normal – to be able to hug a friend, to travel freely, and to meet…… Image
@DrTedros "But at the same time, many of us continue to carry grief in our hearts – grief over those we have lost, grief at the terrible toll the pandemic has taken on families, communities, societies and economies, and grief that it didn’t need to be this way"-@DrTedros #WHA76
Read 56 tweets
LIVE: Opening of the 76th World Health Assembly with @DrTedros. #WHA76…
@DrTedros "In 1977, Ali Maow Maalin was a 23-year-old working as a hospital cook in the port of Merca, #Somalia.

In addition to his duties in the kitchen, Maalin had worked as a vaccinator in WHO’s #smallpox eradication programme, which had hunted down the last remaining cases of smallpox……
@DrTedros "In October of that year, two children with #smallpox from a nomadic group were sent to an isolation camp near Merca. The driver who was transporting them stopped at the hospital where Maalin worked to ask for directions.

Maalin offered to accompany them. The driver asked if he……
Read 51 tweets
Wenn du zwischen #MECFS und #HIV 'wählen' müsstest:

Als jemand, der sowohl an #HIV als auch an #MECFS erkrankt ist, kann ich sagen:
#HIV mich im Vergleich zu #MECFS nicht 1/100 behindert hat.

Mit #HIV habe ich an drei Triathlon-Weltmeisterschaften teilgenommen und drei
Ironman-Triathlons absolviert.
Mit #MECFS kann ich nicht einmal Schnee schaufeln oder Rasen mähen.

Für #HIV gibt es in den USA jährlich etwa 8 Milliarden Dollar an Forschungsgeldern, für #MECFS sind es gerade mal 13 Millionen Dollar jährlich.
Mit #HIV liegt die Lebenserwartung bei 80 Jahren, mit #MECFS bei 58 Jahren.

Bei #HIV zögere ich nicht, Ärzt:innen meinen #HIV-Status mitzuteilen.
Bei #MECFS dagegen verberge ich meine #MECFS-Diagnose oft, um mich vor weiterer medizinischer Schädigung zu schützen.
Read 4 tweets
🦴 Bad to the Bone 🦴

The 2020 SARS2/HIV research of University of Alberta scientist Shokrollah Elahi portended this. >

Teen boy died from leukemia just a day after diagnosis via @MailOnline
Want to understand SARS2?
Read Elahi.…
Read 7 tweets
🚨"Lymphocytopenia is most often due to #AIDS, and recently #COVID19,... "

🚨"Patients have recurrent viral, bacterial, fungal, or parasitic infections."

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⚠️The most common causes for acquired lymphocytopenia include:

👉Protein-energy undernutrition
👉#HIV infection
👉Certain other viral infections

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Patients with #COVID19 frequently have lymphocytopenia (35 to 83% of patients).
Lower lymphocyte counts portend a poor prognosis and an increased likelihood of requiring ICU admission and of dying from the disease.
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How are you so prepared for COVID?

I buried my lover in 1993 due to HIV AIDS after spending six years helping out with activism, drugs and policy.

So I knew to do a few things in January 2020 to now. 🧵1/6
1. Started wearing masks, because protection from infection is rule one.

2. Started stocking up on food, and medical supplies, because it wouldn't be there (and it wasn't during the early stages)

3. Started informing my friends and family to be safe. 2/6
4. Built a system to keep my neighborhood supported with volunteers, skills and supplies.

5. Started researching alternative meds, supplements.

6. Got vaccinated day 1 I was allowed. 3/6
Read 21 tweets
⚠️Worrisome—“These findings suggest that #SARSCoV2 infection damages the CD8+ T cell response, an effect **akin to that observed in studies showing long-term damage to the immune system after infection with hepatitis C or #HIV**.” ~@NIH study! #LongCOVID… Image
2) The magnitude and quality of a key immune cell’s response to vaccination with two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine were considerably lower in people with prior SARS-CoV-2 infection compared to people without prior infection, a study has found.
3) In addition, the level of this key immune cell that targets the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein was substantially lower in unvaccinated people with COVID-19 than in vaccinated people who had never been infected.
Read 5 tweets

Dr. Laura Braden, a molecular immunologist working in Prince Edward Island during the #pandemic , describes in lay terms everything wrong with the #COVID19 'injenctibles'.

Full Video (skip to 7:17):…


Dr. Braden describes what happened when she noticed significant similarities between #coronavirus and #HIV.

Braden: "I wanted to talk about it but I was silenced by my peers."

Dr. Braden criticizing Public Health for its endorsement of masking.

Braden: "If you're working with viruses, you need negative pressure rooms, flow hoods, full body suits, and proper respirators. Not a bedazzled cloth mask."

Read 33 tweets
💉 And The Band Played On 💉

Nick, @pizzapicklespur is one of the most knowledgeable researchers on a subject I've found. Follow him to understand the HIV origin propaganda.
"And the Band Played On" by Randy Shilts documents the silencing of AIDS patients and doctors by government bureaucrats, including Fauci. It is eerily similar to today's response to COVID, early treatment and COVID vaxx-injured. #TheyKnew…
Film based on the book:… Image
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"It’s been at least a year since @Stanford PASC clinic began prescribing LDN for some of their #LongCovid patients.. 'For some it has really changed their lives, & even if that’s a few people, that’s encouraging sign that needs to be investigated further'"…
"Since there’s little incentive for pharmaceutical companies to invest resources into LDN, some experts, including Geng, believe that the best chance of large-scale randomized control trials taking place in the United States is with federal dollars." #LongCovid
“It would be great if the @NIH could fund randomized controlled trials, because that would really give [the drug] a boost in credibility and rigor and reputation behind a scientific study in this area.” — Linda Geng, MD, PhD, co-director of the @Stanford #LongCovid Clinic
Read 23 tweets
🧌 Its Alive! 🧌

Working theory, "Show replies" at the end for all.

Is SARS-CoV-2 a lab-created chimera?

A Frankenstein virus created from the genetic material of other lethal organisms, creating similar pathophysiological mechanisms in the body?

Gene sequences say YES >
The SC2 spike protein contains gene sequences that are homologous to those found in HIV, SEB, animal venoms, herpes, malaria, rabies and more.
The sequences from these organisms could release toxic peptides and pathophysiological mechanisms in the body similar to those found >
in the original lethal organisms.
Mechanisms are chemical recipes, like baking recipes.
A list of instructions from the genes that, when followed, produce a unique product like micro clots or a cytokine storm.

Just as a recipe for 🎃 pie produces 🎃 and not 🍎 pie. >
Read 35 tweets
A decade into the #PrEP era, efforts to leverage the prevention pill's power to curb #HIV have stagnated, I report for @NBCNews. Among gay men, who account for 70% of new cases, Blacks and Latinos have the highest HIV rates, but use PrEP the least. 🧵⬇️…
Only 1 in 200 PrEP prescriptions are for the new injectable PrEP, Apretude, which is vastly superior at preventing HIV in gay men on a public health level. But it's so expensive, few insurers will cover it, while generic Truvada is now very cheap. 2/…
In a clinical trial of Apretude vs daily oral Truvada as PrEP, the injectable drug, which is given every 8 weeks, yielded a 72% lower HIV rate in Black gay men and trans women than the daily oral drug. So if Apretude were covered, it could do much good. 3/…
Read 8 tweets
▶ Evidence is growing about the link between untreated #HIV and more severe #mpox symptoms highlighting the importance of ensuring that
✅prevention and
✅treatment services
for both #HIV and #mpox reach all people in need – a 🧵👇 Dr Francisco Silva is a general practitioner who also works
Worse #mpox symptoms have been reported in people who are severely immunosuppressed. This group includes some people who do not know they are living with #HIV and who are not benefitting from antiretroviral treatment. The MPOWER Programme at HIV Ireland works with members of th
People on effective #HIV treatment are not at any higher risk of severe #mpox - highlighting the urgent need to increase access to HIV prevention, testing and treatment services.
#HealthForAll LGBTQI+ march in Lisbon, Portugal, and one man and a woman h
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Le thymus pourrait être la clé pour comprendre le #covidLong ?
Une étude récente parle enfin du #Covid et du thymus.
C’est une première étude, il en faudra d’autres pour confirmer ou infirmer les découvertes.
D’ailleurs pourquoi les scientifiques ne s’intéresse pas plus ⬇️
…à cet organe essentiel dans la réponse immunitaire adaptative : Réagir à une nouvelle infection et s’en souvenir.

- Le thymus est une des cibles principales du #HIV, en affaiblissant le système immunitaire ce genre de virus induit une maladie chroniques qui dure ⬇️
Le covid touche donc aussi cet organe, d’après l’étude.
On fait le tour des conséquences d’un thymus affaibli :

- Déjà les atteintes au thymus sont visibles même chez les sujets peu symptomatiques. Un thymus affaibli = une immunité moindre (je rappel sans immunité : ☠️) ⬇️
Read 19 tweets
A bombshell article by @writingblock challenges claims by activists that the science supporting the treatment of gender dysphoria in minors is "settled" and that the use of puberty blockers and hormones in transgender kids is "evidence based." 🧵⬇️… Image
Many argue that giving puberty blockers and hormones to trans minors is uncontroversial & backed by high-quality science. Block's reporting disputes this. Swedish health authorities, for example, say the risks "currently outweigh the possible benefits". 2/… Image
@glaad, in its recent protest before the @nytimes building, echoed a common refrain: that "the science is settled" regarding giving puberty blockers and hormones to trans-identifying minors. @writingblock's peer-reviewed reporting challenges this claim. 3/… Image
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It's been a long day at #CROI2023, but I'll attempt to live-tweet @MichaelPelusoMD's presentation on #longCOVID. Though mainly an #HIV meeting, CROI also includes the hot infectious diseases of the day. (Thanks Dr Peluso for providing advance slides & permission to share.) 1/
@MichaelPelusoMD .@MichaelPelusoMD & colleagues' SCOPE cohort at @UCSF + international collaborators have now studied more than 700 people with #longCOVID 2/
.@MichaelPelusoMD at #CROI2023: #LongCOVID is many things. 3/
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Mpox (monkeypox) can devastate people with advanced HIV disease, leading to severe skin and genital lesions and causing death in perhaps as many as 1 in 4 of those with a highly compromised immune system, I report for @NBCNews @NBCOUT. #CROI2023…
At #CROI2023 today, @profchloeorkin described the especially devastating case of a young man with advanced HIV and a very low CD4 count who had severe lesions and lung disease. He died following a bowel perforation 113 days after his first mpox symptom.…
Check out Dr. Orkin's thread on her presentation.
**MAJOR trigger warning**
If you look at @TheLancet paper to which she links, p. 8 has devastating photos of mpox lesions. But she feels they're important for clinicians to see.
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.@MonicaGandhi9 presents promising results from @ZSFGCare @SF_DPH SPLASH program to treat disadvantaged safety-net population at Ward 86 with long-acting injectable antiretrovirals -- even if not virally suppression at outset. #CROI2023 1/
Among those without viral suppression (ie, outside FDA indication for Cabenuva), 55 out of 57 achieved undetectable VL after starting monthly injectables -- comparable to rates seen in pivotal clinical trials. 2/
.@MonicaGandhi9: We need innovations in #HIV treatment for this population. "If used creatively & used boldly, long-acting ART could really make a dent in the HIV epidemic." #CROI2023 3/
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Susan Buchbinder (@SF_DPH @BridgeHIV) & Larry Corey (@fredhutch) discuss where we are with #HIV vaccines after Mosaico trial failure. Buchbinder says it's "a very vibrant time" in HIV vaccine research. Corey adds that the science is "terrifically fascinating." #CROI2023 1/
I think his characterization of sophisticated novel HIV vaccine approaches as "a little bit more complicated" & going to "take a little more time" is an underestimate. It's certainly a lot more complicated to explain versus traditional vaccines! 2/…
But it's good to hear they're optimistic. I've been kind of discouraged about the #HIV vaccine research field since doing this @pozmagazine overview a couple years ago. #CROI2023 3/…
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.@profchloeorkin presents disturbing data on #monkeypox/#mpox among HIV+ people w/low CD4 counts. High rate of complications & death. Concludes mpox is an opportunistic pathogen & severe necrotizing form is an AIDS-defining condition, @CDCgov & @WHO should include. #CROI2023 1/
Concern about IRIS for people who start antiretrovirals once severe symptoms are underway -- can make worse. But unclear whether ART would be beneficial if started at beginning of mpox symptoms. 2/
The good news is no #HIV+ people with a CD4 count >200 died, nor did anyone who received #mpox vaccine. 3/
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Auf der Jagd nach verborgenen Erregern bei #LongCovid und #MECFS - Teil 2

Die Herpesviren, sagte er, seien von "großem Interesse".
EBV und seine Cousins, die Herpesviren, seien die nächste "tief hängende Frucht", die er untersuchen wolle. EBV-spezifische Antikörper…

müssen erst noch entwickelt werden - offenbar kein einfacher Prozess, aber wenn es soweit ist, würden Heinrich und sein Team die Chance nutzen, sie bei Long-COVID, ME/CFS und anderen Krankheiten einzusetzen.
Heinrich, Dr. Stephen Deeks und Dr. Michael Peluso vom UCSF-Team haben
COVID-Patienten im Rahmen des LIINC-Projekts (Long-term Impact of Infection with Novel Coronavirus) verfolgt. Sie begannen schon früh während der Pandemie mit der Sammlung von Proben. Im Mai wussten sie bereits von COVID-Patienten, die keine Viren mehr ausschieden, aber immer
Read 22 tweets

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