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Supongo q ya has marcado en tu calendario 2⃣1⃣-0⃣7⃣-2⃣0⃣2⃣3⃣, día estreno #Oppenheimer (Christopher Nolan):
Buen momento para repasar su filmografía como director en formato #hilo, ordenadas de manera creciente, según mi ránking: Image
Puesto número 1⃣1⃣: #Insomnia (Insomnio) (2002)
Puesto número🔟: #TheFollowing (1998)
Read 14 tweets
Est-ce que j’ai une procédure CADA en cours visant le ministère de la Culture ? Oui, j’ai-une-procédure-CADA-en-cours-visant-le-ministère-de-la-Culture… sur fond de redevance #copieprivée bien entendu. Explications. [Thread]
La démarche est née suite aux débats autour de la loi du 15 novembre 2021 sur l’empreinte environnementale du numérique.…
Cette loi a étendu cette redevance aux smartphones, tablettes et autres supports reconditionnés ou d’occasion vendus par des pros.
Read 17 tweets
Tema: #riduzione #consumi #gas #Energia #Elettrica in vista dell' #inverno

Dato che si parla molto dell'importanza della #domanda nel contenimento consumi,come spingerla a farlo?

Divieti/obblighi chiaramente non funzionano per impossibilità (tecnica e politica)di controlli seri
Si potrebbe quindi fornire ai clienti, specie domestici e para-domestici, qualche incentivo "positivo" e apprezzato per convincerli ad agire (tipo #INCEPTION).

Incentivo principe, in questo caso, è chiaramente il vil denaro (anche in forma di risparmio).

Come fare, però?
Alcune soluzioni potrebbero essere:

-Aumentare consapevolezza clienti finali,fornendogli strumenti per stimare, in tempo reale, costo proprie scelte di consumo. Le bollette,che contengono l'informazione sul costo della scelta, arrivano infatti molto dopo che questa è stata presa
Read 6 tweets
🎉 Pues yo he creado el Observatorio de los Observatorios Públicos, @SEDIAgob.

Aquí lo tenéis:…
El observatorio anunciado hoy por la @SEDIAgob llueve sobre lo mojado por el Observatorio de Emprendimiento Digital del año pasado. Que en realidad es —ojo— un observatorio creado por otro observatorio, el @ONTSI. #inception
He aquí otro observatorio alumbrado por la SEDIA.

Y yo, desde el mío, comienzo a «observar» un patrón: que unos ministerios son más «de observatorios»…
Read 7 tweets
Thank you for reporting on the difficulties faced by the #NoOutsiders project team ("Gay education in primaries climbs back into the closet" (TES, October 17)

The project's aim to challenge homophobia & transphobia in & thru primary education was always likely2 be controversial
The project's aim to challenge homophobia and transphobia in and through primary education was always likely to be #controversial, but we have no intention of being stopped in our tracks even by the #extremity of #opposition to this #groundbreaking work from certain groups
but we have no intention of being stopped in our tracks even by the extremity of opposition to this groundbreaking work from certain groups.

It seems that there are some people who will stand out against equality whatever the changes in the law
Read 9 tweets
1) Welcome to a new #accredited #tweetorial about an important complication of #pulmonaryembolism (#PE): chronic thromboembolic pulmonary hypertension #CTEPH. Follow this thread to earn 0.75h CE/#CME #physicians #physicianassociates #NPs #nurses #pharmacists.
2) I am Jason Weatherald @AlbertaPHdoc of @UAlberta and you may recall my previous tweetorial in this feed. It's still available for credit at @cardiomet_CE is your ONLY home for earning CE/#CME entirely on Twitter! Howdy to @vic_tapson @lauralynndonah1 Image
3) This program is intended for #healthcare providers and is supported by educational grants from Actelion, Bayer, Chiesi, & AstraZeneca. Faculty disclosures are listed at Prior programs, still available for credit, are at
Read 49 tweets
Mon papa est un écolo de longue date. Mais c'est aussi un ingénieur, physicien, spécialiste de l'énergie. Il a souvent un point de vue iconoclaste sur l'écologie et aujourd'hui il m'a transmis son débunkage du discours de la SNCF. Je le reproduis ici. Thread.
Ainsi, mon papa m'explique qu'ayant réservé un billet sur le site de la SNCF, il se trouve obligé d'aller le chercher e gare suite à un bug (merci SNCF Connect).
Le guichetier lui remet son billet dans une belle pochette avec moult communication, genre t'es pas venu pour rien.
Mon papa se prend au jeu de lire ce document et, durant son trajet de retour, l'annote pour l'approfondir.
Le document en question :
Read 11 tweets
Abrimos hilo sobre efectos de cine/TV que parecen digitales, pero no, son (casi) todo efectos especiales prácticos y reales. ¿Os parece?
Empezamos con la intro de #TheRingsOfPower que hasta fue inicialmente criticada por el uso del CGI.
#VFX #HiloDeCine #TLOTR #EfectosEspeciales
Así fue cómo lo hicieron, todo práctico: madera, metal fundido, llamas, humo, vapor de agua... cuidando muchísimo la luz y el detalle. Por supuesto lleva postproducción digital, como todo, para la integración y el montaje. Pero lo que veis es real.
#VFX #EfectosEspeciales
Seguimos con #Interstellar (2014) y los robots gemelos TARS y CASE, de peculiar diseño anguloso y cuadrangular que caminan de esta forma tan peculiar. Tienen importante presencia en la película y se mueven entre los actores en diversos sets y entornos.
#EfectosEspeciales #cine
Read 22 tweets
1/ Early morning #McAfee #Afterlife telegrams today 👇:

1106 812 814 1005 807 1111:

... and MUCH MORE. Go to:…

2/ We've seen this vault password before 👇 Image
3/ The Clown Show Ends This Week ...



John McAfee.

Read 56 tweets
Vous connaissez les célèbres façades avant des grandes gares parisiennes.
Toutes, sauf UNE !
Fouillez votre mémoire et décrivez moi la façade de la Gare d’Austerlitz.

Petit thread explicatif.⤵️⤵️⤵️
Je vais vous spoiler direct la fin du thread, voici la face avant de la Gare d’Austerlitz.
Et pourtant personne ne la voit, personne ne la connaît.

Et cela pour une bonne raison.
La Gare actuelle d’Austerlitz date de 1867.
Sur cette image on voit bien la façade avant de la gare, au fond.

Mais côté rue, c’est une autre histoire.
Read 16 tweets
Bon, une fois la pression retombée, un petit bilan de ma première com au sein du monde universitaire depuis... la thèse.
0- Je suis pas content de moi. Brouillon, hésitant, en panique.
1- Je suis toujours pétrifié par les assemblées académiques. Rien à faire je me sens minuscule face au moindre prof.
Read 30 tweets
🇬🇧💚✈️ Today, with our partners @beisgovuk and @innovateuk, we have announced investments of £84m in new research programmes to power green aviation. The Govt funding, matched by industry, supports three ambitious projects with partners across the UK… /1
@Gary_Elliott_ , ATI CEO: "This announcement shows how the ATI, through its long-term funding, is stimulating research in technologies to deliver future zero-emission flight. We're focused on innovation & sustainability: keeping the UK at the forefront of next-gen technology" /2
"And we are delivering vital support for companies both large and small – securing thousands of jobs across the country and generating strong economic return to the UK.” #ATIProgramme #UKaerospace #innovation #sustainability /3
Read 6 tweets
yesterday was an important day for all females, and nobody knows how or why yet.
if u happened to be paying attention, there is a way for me to show u, how everything works.
Iam censored + isolated on Twitter, so iam waiting on other things.
problem is, I have2duet2day
People think they know what iam up to, but that is actually not possible, because I do knot pre plan anything, and just work with the flow.
that doesn't mean iam not affecting things, but I never challenge who is, + if u have been paying attention, u know:
If I wait any longer2give u this gift, I risk missing this deadline, and won't ever be able to use this way again.
Today is special because:
#Numerology Is the most prominent #Religion existing.
#Numerology dictates what is #Universal #Law because so many accept it.
Read 32 tweets
Daily Bookmarks to GAVNet 08/03/2020…
From ‘brain fog’ to heart damage, COVID-19’s lingering problems alarm scientists | Science | AAAS…

#problems #alarm #heart #damage #Covid19 #brain
Carl T. Bergstrom on Twitter--My interview with Tim Adams in The Guardian

Read 6 tweets
Alright, people, this is @BilgeEbiri. They have foolishly given me control of Vulture's Twitter account again. Our INCEPTION live-tweet starts in 9 minutes.
Oh, and since I've already gone mad with power, before we start allow me to share this thing that has pretty much nothing to do with INCEPTION, but is one of the most beautiful things I’ve heard.
#VultureMovieClub #Inception
Alright let's do this! BRRAAAAHM
Read 59 tweets
A friend needed an easy way to accept online payments. The existing tools weren't suitable & her hosting didn't support custom code, so I threw a dozen lines of code onto a Cloudflare Worker, connected to Stripe's beautiful Checkout — job done.

But it got me thinking…
With how easily you can deploy code nowadays (@Cloudflare), accept payments (@stripe), design an app (@tailwindcss)…, how quickly could I spin this into a fully-functional SaaS anyone could use, not just that friend?

If I shared the entire process here would you follow along?
OK, so this is the checkout flow that the SaaS generates links to… as in, this is what the SaaS customer's customer would see when they click their link.
Read 69 tweets
Abrimos hilo sobre increíbles #maquetas de sets de #cine, un arte tan antiguo como actual y fundamental en el 7º arte.
Comenzamos con esta recreación detallada de Manhattan para #EscapeFromNewYork (1981) del maestro John Carpenter, para la secuencia inicial y tomas aéreas.

Esta es la maqueta escala 1:4 que se construyó para la escena en que el tren atraviesa la vidriera de la estación en #Hugo, de Martin Scorsese (2011), cuyo entorno se completaría después digitalmente.
#LaInvenciónDeHugo #cine #maquetas #HiloDeCine #rodaje

Algunas de las impresionantes maquetas construidas para el rodaje de "Star Wars: Episodio I - La Amenaza Fantasma" (1999).
#cine #StarWars #maquetas #ThePhantomMenace #LaAmenazaFantasma #HiloDeCine

Read 68 tweets
still — seongjoong au.

where hongjoong transfers into the same school as his friends, only to realize that park seonghwa, his new classmate, was the same person who confessed to him during grade school. ImageImageImageImage
— hello! this is my first ATEEZ au! so please don't expect too much :((
— english is not my first language so there will be some grammatical errors and typos (i'm sorry 😭)
— the pictures i will be using here are not mine. ctto.
— QRTs are deeply appreciated! ❤️
— pls enjoy reading! ❤️✨
Read 230 tweets
#KarunaKumar's #Palasa1978 is made with a lot of conviction. The detailing of Slang & Language used and groundedness aspect of the movie is something that needs to be lauded. Very good Music & good Direction supported by very good performances. Powerful ending. Do watch.

7/10⭐️ Image
#ChintuKaBirthday is just fine. It has its moments. The trailer looked very promising, but the film did not have much to offer. Few decisions look forced & the "emotional punch" the makers were aiming at did not land for me. Nevertheless, makes for a good family watch.

6/10⭐️ Image
#ArunKarthick's #Nasir breaks your heart so quickly, you'll take a lot of time to recover. Beautifully shot and edited, the film will resonate with you for sure. It only takes a second for things to go out of hands and Arun pulls that off with such perfection. Must watch.

8/10⭐️ Image
Read 83 tweets
Nous avons repris depuis zéro @ProptechList, pour créer la version 2.0 de cette plateforme leader dans les ressources et services tech pour l'immobilier 🏢🏠
La mission était d'obtenir une structure de données beaucoup plus flexible, pouvant agréger de multiples sources de contenu 📡

Sans entrer dans les détails techniques, la base de données permet désormais d'ajouter et éditer des sources, et de compléter aisément la data.
Le référencement #SEO est particulièrement soigné, et le site a gagné plusieurs places dans les moteurs de recherche 🔎

L'accueil des visiteurs après une recherche les incite à s'inscrire pour débloquer plus de contenu, l'objectif final étant d'obtenir des prospects 💼
Read 8 tweets
(1/25) - Thread: Here’s list of some movies by genre!!


1. #Atonement (2007)
2. #SavingPrivateRyan (1998)
3. #FullMetalJacket (1987)
4. #HacksawRidge (2016)
5. #Valkyrie (2008)
6. #WarHorse (2011)

#StayHomeIndia #StaySafe #StayHomeStaySafe
(2/25) - WAR MOVIES (7-10):

7. #EnemyAtTheGates (2001)
8. #TheThinRedLine (1998)
9. #TheEnglishPatient (1996)
10. #DownFall (2004)

1. #TheGoodTheBadAndTheUgly (1966)
2. #OnceUponATimeInTheWest (1968)

#StayHomeIndia #StayHomeStaySafe
Read 25 tweets
And here we are...
#10yearsofTESD in #TESDquotes!

Happy birthday and 10 years #TellEmSteveDave!!!
¡Feliz cumpleaños!

[opens thread] 👇🏻🐜🎧💜🎉
Walt (about the podcast) "Once it became important to you, it became important to me."
Bry "Oh, you're so full of shit!"
Walt to Bry "We can close the show with a little Steve-Dave rant."
Read 459 tweets
You can find my journeys by train in Europe earlier this year here. #springoftrains

You've got to hand it to Eurostar: it takes a lot of self confidence and optimism to claim you have WiFi time and time again despite all evidence to the contrary. We could all learn a thing or two

(My first tweet was initially sent in London. It didn't make it up until Calais!)
Read 320 tweets
A lot of people have been asking if I’ve had any free time in Paris and what I’ve been doing with it. Well....
Read 10 tweets

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