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#lockdown2021 I've really lost count of the number in TN; as I watch it , the present lockdown, the municipal administration , headed by a young , but intelligent and sincere lady ,here, has done wonders; she , no doubt, has built an excellent team around her, this in spite of
handicaps, of malfunctioning of the state machinery. Literally every grievance is attended to ,and, the manner in which she has carried the message across to people , on safety measures, it's really remarkable, indeed. The over pricing of essentials is not very high , comparative
scale used here. Ably helping out is her MHO , the vaccination process has not stopped, but regulated and more numbers are turning in. She really has her office open, literally 24/7, she takes into confidence - the people too. Common man issues are addressed. Roped in volunteers
Read 4 tweets
“Menyesal aku tak belajar ni awal2. Dah masuk alam kerja baru rasa rugi, struggle nak hidup.”

Selalu sangat aku dengar statement ni. Menyesal kenapa?

Sebab tak belajar ilmu pengurusan kewangan. Jadi, jom explore ilmu kewangan!

Day 3 #lockdown2021 di rumah, let’s go 👇🏻
Ilmu kewangan ni penting walaupun kau bukan budak finance. Hari2 kita lalui kehidupan yg memerlukan duit.

Lainlah kalau kau punya duit tu sentiasa ada tak habis2. Jatuh dari langit kot.

Mana nak mula explore ilmu ni? Meh aku share 4 cara untuk belajar pengurusan kewangan.
1. Buku

Belambak buku2 yg bagus pasal kewangan yg boleh membuka minda kita.

Antara yg aku boleh recommend?
Rich Dad Poor Dad.

Mungkin ada yg tak setuju buku ni, tp buku ni antara yg mula2 expose aku explore more.

Buku dalam BM pun banyak di pasaran. Start read one.
Read 11 tweets
Lockdown dah mula.

Insya-Allah, dlm 2 minggu ni aku plan nak share peluang2 yg terbuka luas untuk korang explore.

Aku tak janji semua ni dpt pulangan ribu riban, sbb kita semua tau, siapa usaha dia berjaya.

Sedia nak explore untuk upgrade diri?

Be sure to RT & bookmark this.
Day 1 #lockdown2021 di rumah

Sebelum explore 1001 perkara baru, make sure kita sediakan persekitaran yg baik serta minda yg tenang terlebih dahulu.
Day 2

Idea-idea side hustle yang kalian boleh cuba.

Mula dengan buat duit tepi, lama-lama boleh jadi sumber pendapatan utama kalau buat dengan serius dan bersungguh-sungguh! 💪🏻
Read 15 tweets
Maharashtra government has extended COVID-19 related restrictions till June 1 to curb the spread of the virus. In addition to the earlier restrictions, it is now mandatory to carry a negative RT-PCR test report for all those coming into the state. #covid19… Image
According to the order issued today, activities such as collection, transportation and processing of milk may be allowed without restrictions. Personnel engaged in the movement of cargo related to medicines or equipment for COVID-19 management will also be allowed to move freely. Image
Moreover, the Disaster Management Authority (DMA) has been asked to ensure that COVID-19-appropriate behavior is followed in rural markets. The DMA can now ‘decide on a case-by-case basis to shut or impose further restrictions,’ on the markets. #Maharashtra #COVIDEmergency #covid Image
Read 4 tweets
My plumber who applied for an e-pass to fix some sanitary works at my parent's home, but Police rejected his application!

Why should promise that plumbers and electricians are allowed when Police outrightly reject the applications?

#Kerala #lockdown2021
I have helped him to register for e-pass and looking It every hour and today morning seen his application rejected.

It is true that more than 2 lakhs people applied for e-pass, but the rejection looks so arbitrary considering the exempted people who are denied the e-passes.
lt is difficult for these small plumbers, electricians, home makers to prove that their request is genuine as they have no documents to prove that they are engaged in the respective profession. They have other IDs but that does not indicate their profession.
Read 4 tweets
Appeal: The lockdown last year hit the underprivileged the most

#KhaanaChahiye spearheaded the movement to eliminate hunger in #Mumbai by serving lakhs of migrant workers, daily wage labourers & the homeless with, food & other basic necessities during last year's lockdown

The impending lockdown this year is a lot more severe. But this time, we are better prepared.

We have built a strong volunteer network and have integrated technology into our distribution process through the hunger map project.

#lockdown2021 #khaanachahiye #mumbai (2/4)
But the 1 thing that we need to meet the challenges of the current lockdown and to serve those in dire need of food, is funds.

Like last time, we hope that lakhs of samaritans will stand by us and help us fullfill our mission of eliminating hunger.

#lockdown2021 #mumbai
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Ciao Bernie...l'unica differenza con MarioD... è che lui poteva creare liquidità dal nulla e tu no...👽

Colui che è responsabile primo della morte di migliaia di persone...con la sua gestione criminale a base di "tachipirina e vigile attesa"...non solo deve essere rimosso ma deve finire la sua vita al gabbio

Read 490 tweets
Twitter thread . #RedevelopmentScam #HousingSocietyScam .
Scam explained
1. A shady builder's lady accomplice purchases a flat in Stone Castle CHSL, Borivali.
2. She makes friends with corrupt people in society and they all become committee members since no one knows of their devious plan. The lady becomes Chairman and starts execution of their plan to handover redevelopment DA to her builder.
3. They are all promised huge gains by shady builder
4. For demolition and giving building to this shady builder, In 2019 corrupt committee calls for Structural audit of building.
Read 19 tweets
Hinter jeder Zahl verbergen sich Menschen und ihre Schicksale! Diese Pandemie ist mehr als "Er muss doch mal wieder seine Freunde in der Schule sehen können". #lockdown2021 #SchulenKitasBuerosZu
Read 4 tweets
Gujarat High Court CJ Vikram Nath: I have taken a round of the High Court. The staff is working and I am thankful for them. The staff is under stress and under pressure of increasing cases of Covid 19.

We fail to understand how to control. The mortality rate is increasing.
AG Kamal Trivedi: The State Government considered the option of lockdown. There were divergence of views as lockdown brings other kinds of miseries.

Government is in Catch 22 situation. We encourage people to get vaccinated.
CJ Vikram Nath: Gatherings have to be cut down. Government has to take a decision. The wedding size is currently 200 people and it should be cut down to 50 people.

HC staff between 8 - 10 people daily are being infected. Previous Registrar General is in serious condition.
Read 9 tweets
IMP: New Restrictions in #Maharashtra #Mumbai starting tomor:

Except for essential services: all shops, malls, restaurants, markets, cinema halls, beaches, parks to remain CLOSED till 30 April

Takeaways, e-commerce allowed between 7am-8pm

#lockdown2021 #breakthechain #COVID19
More: Strict #nightcurfew from 8pm-7am. All non-essential activities shut and section 144 imposed

All salons, swimming pools,auditoriums, sport complex, clubs etc to remain CLOSED till 30 April

Hawkers allowed for takeaways

All religious places to remain SHUT
#Mumbai #Covid19
More: Restrictions till 30 April

All private offices except financial services (banks, insurance etc) to remain CLOSED, WFH mandatory

All Govt offices to function at 50% capacity

All schools, colleges CLOSED except 10th & 12 exams

#breakthechain #Covid19 #Maharashtra #Mumbai
Read 7 tweets
Korpi -projektin Al-Holista tiedotuskontrolliin, täyshiljaisuuteen, totaalinen #lockdown2021 valmisteilla.
- #AstraZeneca lahjusvirrat ryöppyävät koskena.
- Saikut pyörii perustuslakivaliokunnassa ja oikeusministeriössä.
- Jos olisi Perustuslakituomioistuin, se lakkautettaisiin
Tartuntatautilain väliaikainen muuttaminen lähetekeskustelussa 12. joulukuuta 2020 (HE 245/2020 vp)
- Pakkokaranteeni -laki; pakko #CoronaVaccine, pakkoeristyslaitokset, lasten pakkosiirto karanteeniin ja -lääkitykseen.
Anna-Maja siirsi #kuntavaalit2021 hysteerisen @mapetti Excel -exponenttikäyrän perusteella, mutta vaatii jopa epidemilogista näyttöä liikkumisrajoituksien perusteeksi.
- Lääketieteellisiä perusteita ei ole saatu #rokote - ja #Maskipakko -hysteriallekaan.…
Read 9 tweets
Von der Leyen: "L'Europa si prepari all'era delle pandemie".
Non sanno come dircelo, che non finisce con il COVID né con i vaccini anti-COVID.…
Gates: "La prossima pandemia attirerà l'attenzione, stavolta" e se la ride di gusto.
#lockdown2021 #vaccino
Read 8 tweets
Ni semua kompilasi thread yang aku pernah share pasal apps review & productivity tips.

Kalau korang nak aku share pasal apps lain yang belum pernah aku cerita, boleh dm atau reply kt thread bawah ni eah 👇🏻

Enjoy. Moga bermanfaat.
7 apps yang pada aku, students kena try guna
Cara delete data WhatsApp yang makan storage dalam phone (android user).
Read 23 tweets
@PHE_uk: #Covid Cases

Testing is mandatory for hospital admission yet +ve tests appear to have risen in the community, not in hospitals where they seem fairly flatlined. You wouldn't expect that in a #NHS crisis.

But +ve P2 Cases (no hospitalisation needed) have risen hugely
The data seems to call into serious question the severity of the new SARS-CoV-2 strand & whether #COVID19 #lockdown2021 measures are justified

But Cases have risen hugely. Why?
Well, testing has risen substantially in the same period. As SARS-CoV-2 is endemic, the more testing you do, the more +ve cases you'll get
Read 6 tweets
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Garaysar Fear 116 Semi-Auto Tactical Shotgun. Sporting a 3" 12 gauge chamber, 20" barrel, adjustable cheek weld stock, 2 5 rnd mags & set of flip sights & more #Trump2020 #MAGA2020 #MondayMotivation #2A #KAG…
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the Smith and Wesson M&P Shield Compact Pistol. Chambered in 40 S&W with a 3.125" barrel, 3 Dot Sights, No Manual Safety and 2 mags. A great conceal carry option with excellent reliability #MAGA #Trump2020 #KAG #2A…
Today's Gun of the Day

Today we have the very popular IWI Masada. An Excellent made in Israel pistol, it's chambered in 9mm, 4.1" barrel, Optics ready with 4 plates, 3 Backstraps & 2x 17 rnd mags. A superb deal! #Trump2020 #ThursdayMorning #MAGA2020 #2A…
Read 120 tweets
#LockdownZim Diary 📔 To keep myself and the kids sane in these 21 days, we will be looking for Bugs, Pests and Beetle in the garden 🐜 🐛 🕷 #Covid19Zim
Day 1
Scary hairy caterpillars. Almost started WW3 with neighbor becoz they hatch in a large Strangler Tree in my yard! ImageImage
Day 2
She’s a beauty, isn’t she? But could turn out a pest when she molts 😬. There’re lots like that 🤣😜 Image
Read 109 tweets

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