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This weekend.

Monk mode.


Haters gonna hate, lovers gonna be in awe.

Any tips on getting monk mode and clearing a 10.000 tasks?

#help 😭😭
Step 1 monk mode: reduce entropy of workplace.

(Making a thread of my monk mode)

Follow to see what is happening 🧘🏻
Step 1.1: cleaning my desk and devices

P.S. will be validating the new learning about willpower down the way.

Normally I should have unlimited willpower when it comes to things I do effortlessly.

Things I like and do effortlessly:

- Code
- Connect
Read 62 tweets
¿Conoces la técnica de #Phising?, o como se pueden interceptar paquetes entre la comunicación de dos equipos, o incluso engañar a un Switch con su tabla de #ARP. Este tipo de técnicas se pueden realizar usando DSNIFF.
Te enseño a montar un escenario de pruebas sencillo Abro🧵👇
Lo primero. ¿Que es DSNIFF?
Es un conjunto de herramientas creadas para auditar redes y realizar tests de penetración creadas por Dug Song
Con esta herramienta te das cuenta de lo importante que puede llegar a ser la #encriptación en comunicación
Aunque la Suite tiene un conjunto de herramientas amplio, en este estudio únicamente nos vamos a centrar en 2 de ellas.

Arpspoof y dnsspoof las cuales facilitan la intercepción de tráfico en la red, normalmente no disponible para un atacante.
Read 12 tweets
Inside My MAC Image

Post Haste
Shutter Encoder
The Unarchiver
Read 8 tweets
Ülkece birlik olduğumuz bu günlerde kalbimiz ve bazı ekip arkadaşlarımızın sahada olmasından dolayı bir süre uzak kaldık.
Borsanın tekrar açılmasının ardından bugün son bir yılda benzer getirilere sahip üç adet hisse senedi yoğun fonun pozisyonları ile sizlerle beraberiz.
İlk fonumuz @HedefPortfoy'den @NNFHedefPortfoy #NNF. En büyük pozisyonlara baktığımızda #YKBNK, #AKBNK, #GARAN gibi banka hisseleri gözümüze çarpıyor. #ALARK ve #THYAO'da Fon'un yatırım yaptığı büyük pozisyonlardan.
Read 6 tweets
🍎 #Apple releases results after markets close today

☎️ A conference call is scheduled for 1400 PT (1700 ET)

Here is a 🧵 of what to expect from the world's most valuable publicly-listed company...
It was a tough quarter thanks to Covid-19 disruption in #China and softening demand

As a result, markets expect sales to drop for the 1st time in 3 years

That will be driven by lower #iPhone and #Mac sales 👇 Image
🛍️ That will mean it won't deliver growth over the Golden Quarter - the busiest period covering the holiday shopping season.

This raises the question of how many of these sales will be pushed into 2023 or lost entirely
Read 9 tweets
Herkese bu güzel Pazar gününden merhaba, bugün 2023 piyasalarından beklentimi (yurtiçi-yurtdışı) sizlerle paylaşmak istiyorum umarım fikir istişaresi sağlayabiliriz. Tüm saygı sınırları içerisinde yer alan fikirlere açığım.
Bu arada bazen borsa ile ilgili olumsuz konuşmaya çekiniyorum çünkü sadece olumlu konuşulanları duymak istiyoruz. Ancak olumsuz görüşlerden de istifade etmek bence en sağlıklısı.
2023 yılını ben de herkes gibi ikiye ayıracağım ancak bu tarihin doğrudan bir seçim tarihi olduğunu düşünmek bence mümkün değil. Çünkü insanlar bugünden önce stratejilerine göre pozisyonlarını almaya başlayacaklar.
Read 62 tweets
Yıl sonu yaklaşırken fonlarla ilgili genel eğilimi/ihtiyaçları anlamak adına 12 aylık Google aramalarını analiz ettim. Akademik çalışma değil tabii ki ama sonuçlar mesaj veriyor. Mesajlar dikkate alınmalı, sonuçta ne anlatıldığı değil yatırımcı tarafında ne anlaşıldığı önemli👇
Fon özelinde #YatırımFonu/#Fonlar/#Tefas aramalarının 12 aylık seyrine bakıldığında son dönem getiri arayışı ile fonlara yönelim açıkça görülüyor. Aramaların ağırlığı “TEFAS” kelimesinde görünüyor, bu da TEFAS’ın ne kadar değerli olduğunun göstergesi. İyi ki varsın TEFAS🙏🏻
#HisseSenedi aramaları ile karşılaştırınca maalesef fonlar henüz gereken ilgiyi ve ülke geneli yaygınlığı almış görünmüyor. Burada sektör paydaşlarına ve bizlere önemli rol düşüyor. Getiriler ve gelinen büyüklükler çok iyi ama daha çok bilgilendirmek ve anlatmak şart. 🚨🎯
Read 7 tweets
#ZooRacers more content and multichain blockchain battle blasts ZOON 👉 👈 @ZooEcosystem… Image
#pc and #mac for the beta #android #iOS planned for final releases. Countdown to #ZooRacers beta V3 is here!

👇🦔🎮👇 Image
Read 4 tweets
Fon içinden kendi sepetimize yıldız hisse seçmek:

İyi bir TAKAS ANALİSTİ olmak için fonların sepetlerini ve çalıştıkları aracı kurumları takip edebiliyor da olmalısınız.
Örnek çalışmamız #MAC fonumuz için yapılmıştır. Image
Fonların her ay bitince KAP gönderilerinden yeni aya hangi portföy ile girdiklerini ve son ay hangi aracı kurumlar üzerinden hisse alımı yaptıklarını defterime bu şekilde kaydederim. Gördüklerimi görebilmeniz için bu işi yapmanız şart.
1 Kasım günü 1.5 Milyar TL olan fonun portföy değeri bu gün 2.5 Milyar TL oldu. Fonun büyümesini de bu şekilde takip edebiliyor olmalısınız. Aynı süre içinde fonun ortak sayısı da 20 Bin kişiden 30 Bin kişiye ulaştı. Image
Read 7 tweets
🦉Wanna get started with DVC on your own machine? Here's how you can get started👇

🍎 MacOS
🪟 Windows
🖥️ Linux
🐍 Python Package
👨🏻‍💻 VS Code Extension

@Iterativeai @DVCorg
#mac #windows #linux #code

🧵 [1/7]
🍎 MacOS

The recommended way to install dvc on Mac is using @MacHomebrew with command “brew install dvc” ☕️

🧵 [2/7]
🪟 Windows

If you are on Windows, we recommend installing Chocolatey. Then using the command “choco install dvc” 🍫

🧵 [3/7]
Read 7 tweets
These people on here Saying “Anti-Christ” & whatever else—They refuse to listen to the one person who knows …

Frederick #CHRIST Trump
Mary Anne #MAC lead Trump

THEY ARE ALL ACTORS, Created names to preserve truth of who someone is!!!!

Did it !!!
1 “side” to show the world who some “nobody” outsider is & the other sides represents all the different paths that could be taken & what would happen on each of those paths !!!

I was raised by MARY MARGARET !!!
My mothers name, Patricia ANN !!

Of Moses in those photo’s & CONTA KAI, ALL IF IT CREATED #SHOWING THE WORLD A #weak PIECE OF SHIT NOBODY the world throws away for actors upon the world stage !
Good & bad Actors playing roles of ME !!!

Just by me being myself & SHOWING everyone All these things I’ve done
Read 10 tweets
Got a rejection for @YoinkApp for #Mac for mentioning Apple pre-release software, but I am not. They didn’t give an example or any info where I’m allegedly mentioning it, either. Asked for clarification. Can’t wait to see what they say.
And of course, this will waste time 🤦‍♂️
For a company that wants every single detail of your life when you submit a simple bug report, they’re very skimpy with details themselves when they would *actually matter*.

Mention of pre-release xyz: Maybe include a screenshot? Or any pointer where they think that is the case?
HAHAHA, I knew it. I just knew it.
Just received this answer from App Review to my “which parts of my app and/or its metadata do you consider pre-release” question.
This is insane. And infuriating.

I literally haven’t changed the text in my marketing description in many months. Image
Read 14 tweets
A tread to talk about MAC and IMEI addresses. Very useful in forensics and CTF investigations. 📱

These numbers are used to identify network devices and to identify related devices.


#IMEI #MAC #forensic #investigation #cyber #phone

They all do almost the same thing. The last one even allows you to see where the device was last seen, as I show you with this example. 😉

1/ Image… @GONZOs_int

Both tools allow the geolocation of MAC addresses according to public databases. The last tool combines several tools and is therefore very useful.

Read 4 tweets
Welcome public beta testers to #iOS16, #tvOS16, #macOS Ventura, & #watchOS9! If you want a refresher or want to see the best new features, here is a thread of all the in-depth coverage and videos I've done thus far! What does everything think so far?!
Here is how to use Stage Manger on #iPadOS16 on #iPad and with an external display!
This video is how to modify your lock screen! Apple also added the new clownfish wallpaper since I did this video! It's an awesome throwback!
Read 11 tweets

@Macara_Oficial vs @TecnicoUOficial

📍: Ambato
🏟: Estadio Bellavista
⏰: 16h:30
📻: 102.1 FM
💻: - @LaRedEcuador

Alineación @Macara_Oficial

1. Johan Padilla
28. Bryan Hernández
2. Álvaro Cazula
3. Jean Peña
15. José Hernández
70. Ronald Champang
8. Luis Arce
22. José Caicedo
6. Marcos Olmedo
16. Fernando Mora
80. Felipe Mejía

Alineación @TecnicoUOficial

1. Walter Chavez
17. Elvis Patta
89. Alex Rangel
31. Edison Carcelen
37. Carlos Arboleda
7. Luis Estupiñan
14. Stiven Tapiero
21. David Jiménez
23. Alejandro Villalva
10. Enson Rodríguez
22. Orlen Quintero

Read 36 tweets
Quelle est l'histoire du Manche à Couilles ?
Le manche à couilles (MàC) est composé de deux éléments : le manche et Les Bonnes Couillasses™.
Le manche en lui-même a toujours différé en fonction de la personne possédant le MàC, tantôt un sceptre, tantôt un simple bâton. Il n’a donc que peu d’importance.
Les historiens s’accordent à dire que les premières traces de celle-ci remontent à au moins 900 av J-C, dans l’Empire Celte. A cette époque, les Bonnes Couillasses™ étaient utilisée par les druides et placée au bout de leurs serpes.
Read 19 tweets
Dans Le Monde, on apprend que le programme de Macron a été écrit "gratuitement" par 20 salariés de Mac Kinsey !
Macron c'est Mac Kinsey…
Il y a quand même certaines compensations.
Macron nomme comme nouveau patron de polytechnique, l'intello en chef de Mac Kinsey Eric Labaye.
Sa nomination passe mal
#Mac Kinsey Gate
Mac Kinsey s'occupe de tout, même des sujets régaliens.
De la politique d'immigration à l'armée française !
#Mackinseygate *
Read 4 tweets
In Jan. 1997 I was 15 and obsessed with computers. My family happened to be in San Francisco and we drove by Moscone Center where I saw banners proclaiming that MacWorld Expo was happening. The pic is me around that time 🙂

A short thread ⬇️

#RetroComputing #Apple #Mac #macOS
I made a sign on a pizza box reading "SPARE MACWORLD PASS?" I only stood outside for ~10 minutes before a nice woman in a business suit gave me her pass and said "tell anyone who questions you that I'm your mom!" I went in and spent a joyful day exploring the exhibit hall.
1997 was a tumultuous time in @apple's history and for the #Mac / #macOS platform, as evidenced by San Francisco being blanketed in militaristic / revolutionary posters defending the small (but feisty!) ecosystem of Mac clones
Read 14 tweets
#Mac#iPad、Chromebook、Windows(Surface Pro 8)を比較しながら使ってきました。狭い机では #SurfacePro8 が使いやすいですが、

【神アプデ】ユニバーサルコントロールでMacとiPadが最強になりそう…! @yuta_hiraoka @YouTubeより
2台置くことができるならMac + iPad(Apple SideCar)が便利だと感じます(Surface Pro 8 + iPad via #DuetDisplayもできるのですが消費電力が少し大きいような?)。「ユニバーサルコントロール」で、このペアがさらに便利になりそうです。
iPadの最大の弱点はChromeブラウザ(と豊富な機能拡張)が使えないこと。2番目はMS Officeのレギュラー入りがまだ難しいこと。3番目はキーボードが使いにくいこと。なので、正直なところiPadはSideCarとしてしか使っていませんでした。たまにGoodNotes5を手書きで使うくらい。
Read 4 tweets
#Roam が月15ドルのサブスクであるのに対し、#obsdmd は基本的に無料である。#Obsidian部
While #Roam is a $15/month subscription, #obsdmd is essentially free.
This may seem at first glance to be "Roam support seems solid" and "Obsidian support is minimal", but there is more to it than that.

There are several Roam courses available, even after a short search. In contrast, Obsidian courses are few and far between.
Read 15 tweets
さっと何かしたい(今はスクリーンキャストを録りたい #cleanshotx)と思ったときに #Mac だと良いアプリがすぐ出てくる。
When I want to do something quickly (right now I want to record a screencast #cleanshotx), a good app comes up quickly on #Mac.
#Windows だといろいろ出てきて選別に時間がかかる。こういうときにWindowsは捨ててMac+ #iPad にしぼった方が良いだろうと思う。
But with #Windows, many things come up and it takes time to sort through them. I think it would be better to abandon Windows and focus on Mac + #iPad.
しかしiPadは #MagicKeyboard でもキーボードがひどいし私のMacは遅くてZoomでファンが回る。
But the iPad has a terrible keyboard even with #MagicKeyboard and my Mac is slow and fans out on Zoom.
Read 4 tweets
🔷Want to master Command Line but struggling to find where to start ? Then here is the mega thread 🧵for you to start
🔷This thread covers Windows Commands, Power shell Cmdlets, Linux shell commands along side Mac
🔷You will get to know Kernels & Shells

#Windows #Linux #macOS Image
What is KERNEL?
What is Shell ?
What is the Relation ?
Unlike many things, Every Operating System will have KERNEL not just Linux, it's a misconception
#kernel #Shell #DEVCommunity Image
Windows - Regular Command Prompt
Linux - Most of shells like SH, BASH and ZSH
Apple - ZSH shell
#Developer Image
Read 13 tweets
[Thread] 1.#CyrilRamaphosa: The nr of infections has begun to rise. We now have an average of 3745 daily new #COVID19 infections. This in an increase of 31% vs the previous week and 66% of week before that.
2. #CyrilRamaphosa: The proportion of #COVID19 tests that come out positive has doubled over the past month from 4% to 11%. A positivity rate of over 5% is a cause for concern. The Free State, Northern Cape and Gauteng have reached that threshold. They are in a third wave.
3. #CyrilRamaphosa: It is only matter of time before the entire country reaches a third wave. The increasing nr of social gatherings where people are not wearing masks or social distance or gather in large groups have contributed to this.
Read 7 tweets
Apple TV 4K cuenta con #A12, que te garantizará la mejor experiencia. Sonido Dolby Vision, HDR y mayor frame rate, perfecto para deportes ⚽️ ¿Les emocionan estos highlights? Disponible en la segunda mitad de Mayo #AppleEvent
¡Pueden pre ordenar este 30 de abril! 😍 #AppleTV4k #AppleEvent
¡Love looks better in color! La nueva #Mac está llena de colores y, con la integración de 0 del M1, promete el mejor rendimiento. Un diseño limpio que te ayudará a adaptarte al color que más te guste. ¿Hermosas, no? 🤩🤩 #AppleEvent
Read 24 tweets

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